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Registered: ‎05-27-2016

I have trouble with the I Love Dooney website so they have lost a couple of sales lately from me.  They have products you see when scrolling through, then when you go back to take another look the product is gone.....kaput (like it was never there).  Don't like that.....

*Call Tyrone*
Super Contributor
Posts: 384
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good to know this site is legit! I ordered a small bag for my daughter with her college logo last week and was beginning to have doubts. They said they would email when they ship but I'm still waiting. 

Super Contributor
Posts: 335
Registered: ‎03-12-2017

@itiswhatitis wrote:

I have trouble with the I Love Dooney website so they have lost a couple of sales lately from me.  They have products you see when scrolling through, then when you go back to take another look the product is gone.....kaput (like it was never there).  Don't like that.....


Since it's a sale site, maybe there were only a few remaining, and they sold quickly.  I had that happen once. The price was so good, I knew I should snare it, if I wanted it, but, I don't like to impulse buy. When I went to take another look, maybe 15 minutes later-gone! I suspected, they were sold out, when I first saw them, but, the site hadn't updated yet. 


What I have bought from them, I've been very pleased with.