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Re: Sad thing happened today

We live in the woods so it's a constant battle to preserve our living space and wild life. As fast as the birds build nests some where on our log house, inside nooks, crannies and ledges we have to remove them and they start all over again.I was fortunate enough to only knock down one nest in the shed one year and killed 3 newly born birds. It wasn't a very good feeling and it haunted me for quite awhile, I was surprised my cats did not notice the nest. As we age, between the birds, squirrels, skunk, bear, deer, well you get it, it's getting to be a bit much.

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Re: Sad thing happened today

@SeaMaiden Do you know, or anyone here???


My mourning doves.....I told u about them nesting right outside my door....inside the light fixture.... and the sad ending, of their babies...WELL, I now see them flying back and forth to both the light fixures....and walking around.... I was hoping they'd rebuild their nest and have more babies....but did I mess it up now ??????


I had taken the babies and buried them... while both parents sat and watched me.... I could not look at them/or what was left....


NOW, I see the parents again...... BUT I removed the nest about a week ago or so......I sat it on the ground.....


Today, as I see both parents flying to both fixtures, I went out and set the nest back up on the light fixture.........I talked to both parents, and then they flew away..........Now I do not see them again.....good grief........I am in a panic......


Now do I just let it be ? Or what ? I am feeling so bad....


I want them back. Did I mess it all up ? 

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Re: Sad thing happened today

@cbrite wrote:

@SeaMaiden Do you know, or anyone here???


My mourning doves.....I told u about them nesting right outside my door....inside the light fixture.... and the sad ending, of their babies...WELL, I now see them flying back and forth to both the light fixures....and walking around.... I was hoping they'd rebuild their nest and have more babies....but did I mess it up now ??????


I had taken the babies and buried them... while both parents sat and watched me.... I could not look at them/or what was left....


NOW, I see the parents again...... BUT I removed the nest about a week ago or so......I sat it on the ground.....


Today, as I see both parents flying to both fixtures, I went out and set the nest back up on the light fixture.........I talked to both parents, and then they flew away..........Now I do not see them again.....good grief........I am in a panic......


Now do I just let it be ? Or what ? I am feeling so bad....


I want them back. Did I mess it all up ? 

@cbrite   I hope someone else can help you. Wish I could❤️

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Re: Sad thing happened today

Here's hoping they have time to make more babies.

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Sad thing happened today

[ Edited ]

So, ANOTHER sad thing happened May13th


a crow flew into  a robins nest in a tree in my yard....and stole the babies( probably to eat them or feed it’s babies with....the robin parents were going crazy but could nothing.   The crow came back later and destroyed the nest completely.  It was all  over my deck in pieces....


I hate crows  anyway...always have.  Ruined my day😪

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sad thing happened today

I was outside yesterday & saw with all the rain we had,  had blown what was left of a robin’s nest which was in the Kwanzan cherry tree on the lawn. I saw that the birds had used many things found in my garden to make it — dried daylily leaves from last fall, chives I had cut off that were growing between my picket fence & neighbor’s yard & some random twigs. 


Fortunately, the birds hadn’t laid eggs yet. Last year a pair had made a nest on the tree & I got to see one fledgling peeking out of the nest in May. With the cool wet weather, I haven’t seen any further nest building.



☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼