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This is a rose bush that I bought over twenty years ago at a garden center, and have no clue as to the name.  We planted it in a particular spot, heavy clay, what was I thinking. This spring, I had DH dig it up as it looked near death, just two sticks, canes, miserable looking.  I put it in a large pot, and within a month, it exploded in leaves and blooms, tons of pent up energy.  I have no clue as to how big it can get, so in a pot it remains until I have a better idea, but it is raring to get out of the pot and into a larger areaDSCF8303.JPG

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The Garden Web forum (now affiliated with Houzz) has a forum on Roses -- you can upload a photo to that forum and ask if anyone knows the name of that rose. People constantly ask for ID's on their roses there and there are very knowledgeable people there to figure out what rose you do have.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@mousiegirl wrote:

Ambridge RoseDSCF8287.JPG

I tend to prefer yellow, white or lavender roses, but THIS is one of the prettiest ever.

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@lulu2 wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

Ambridge RoseDSCF8287.JPG

I tend to prefer yellow, white or lavender roses, but THIS is one of the prettiest ever.

My theme at one end of the yard is lavender, fuschia, white, purple, deep pinks, etc.   I have a small reds area located where these roses and plants won't clash with the rest.  At the other end, my cottage garden,  I have whites, soft pinks, pale lavender, more soothing colors and moving further down, yellows and peachy/apricot colors,  and this is the garden that I see from my kitchen and den, where my computer is.

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Creme de la CremeDSCF8428.JPG

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'Gruss an Aachen' floribunda rose

'Gruss an Aachen' rose2.JPG



'Molineux' English rose

'Molineux' English rose.JPG


'Quietness' Buck shrub rose

'Quietness' rose.JPG


'Easy Does It' floribunda rose

'Easy Does It' floribunda rose.JPG


'Blanc Double de Coubert' a Rugosa rose that is fragrant

'Blanc Double de Coubert' Rugosa rose.JPG


'Grande Amore' Kordes hybrid tea rose-- its redder than shown here

'Grande Amore' hybrid tea rose.JPG


'Alnwick Castle' English rose now called 'The Alnwick Rose'

people involved with the castle didn't want it called that so there was a name change.

'Alnwick Castle' English rose.JPG

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Posts: 38,530
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Reine des ViolettesDSCF8409.JPG