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Valued Contributor
Posts: 619
Registered: ‎07-08-2010
Is this one the Everlasting Amethyst? I planted one in my garden early last October, and it looked totally blackened and dead after this nasty winter we had (in NYC) with no sign of life. I almost pulled it out but changed my mind and gave it a chance to see what would happen. To my surprise, it came back beautifully, and it's just now starting to bud. One bloom is actually starting to open, and I can't wait to see the pink and green bicolor flowers. I hope it looks as gorgeous as yours! Thanks for posting your photos. Your hydrangeas are beautiful!
Valued Contributor
Posts: 619
Registered: ‎07-08-2010
Oops...the hoot didn't copy over to my reply. I was referring to the hydrangea with the pink and green bicolor flowers.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 619
Registered: ‎07-08-2010
Oops...the photo (correction...darn auto-edit) didn't copy over to my reply. I was referring to the hydrangea with the pink and green bicolor flowers.