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In 2010, after eating a granny smith apple, I experimented and planted its seeds in a pot. One germinated a few weeks later. In 2013, I planted that seedling into the ground. Today, i just picked my first harvest!!!


It tastes similar to a granny smith, but as you can see, it looks nothing like one.


I almost lost the tree over its short life span due to extreme heat one year and cold, snow and ice another, but it's proved to be strong and hardy.


My cats Popeye (white/gray) and Frito (orange tabby) share the scene with my tree after I picked the apples. There's still a few up high that were out of reach. I'm going to see how well they do baked up in my favorite apple coffee cake soon.

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@KitTkat Took a long time to grow that tree from seed but interesting that the apples are different.I wonder why they aren’t green.Maybe Granny Smiths are modified and you are getting back to the original Apple.

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I just planted 3 apple trees this Fall. I hope they do as well as yours someday.

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The trees are probably grafted to another variety's root stock.  You got whatever the root stock was.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: My Apple Tree

[ Edited ]

From Wikipedia:


Apples are genetic hybrids that produce new genetic combinations in their seedlings. To preserve the exact genetic variation, grafting is the usual method of propagation (and cutting is sometimes used). All the Granny Smith apple trees grown today are clones from the original Smith tree in Sydney, Australia.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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these looks awesome. 

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@JustJazzmom thanks for looking up that information and sharing it. That makes a lot of sense! 

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to the op: How exciting! and congratulations on your crop! This is why I love gardening--it's so rewarding to plant something and have it actually GROW.


I have a Gala in my front yard and just had my very first harvest. They're delicious, especially when made into apple pie! I also have another variety, a Honeycrisp, but it'll probably be a few years before I have an actual crop.


Anyway, congratulations and mazel tov!

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@Kachina624 wrote:

The trees are probably grafted to another variety's root stock.  You got whatever the root stock was.





Posts: 45
Registered: ‎10-27-2018

Happy doggies! good on you!