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Re: How does your garden grow?

Yes, @rrpell, I've exercised with Margaret Richards on PBS for over 20 years.  "Body Electric" is still in re-runs here, plus I have some of the episodes on DVR (just in case).   Do you still exercise with her?

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Re: How does your garden grow?



Me too!  From the very beginning!  I am a big fan.


I exercise from episodes I have taped on my DVR ..sorry, I typed DVD Smiley Happy  Her reruns are not shown in my area.


She just started her kickstarter launch for her new programs!


Sorry @qualitygal for hijacking your thread. 

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Re: How does your garden grow?

I love gardening and I have plants all around the edge of the fence. I have oleanders, hibiscus and rose bushes. I also have lots of plants in pots on the patio. And I have citrus trees and a crepe myrtle in the back yard, front yard I have an oak tree, a bottle brush tree and a gardenia tree. I have oleanders dividing the neighbors yard and mine, they have everything dry and just weeds. Everything is blooming right now. 

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Re: How does your garden grow?

[ Edited ]

@qualitygal  I grow perennials only, lavender, lilacs, hydrangeas, salvias, over fifty varieties, roses, very many varieties of hardy geraniums and heuchera, geraniums,  gaura, centranthus, gardenias, lenten rose, crocosmia, lilies, ajuga. daffodils, ceanothus, cotoneasters and toyons, native, on the hills and slopes, ground fuchias, fig trees, phlox, dianthus, grape hyacinth, asters, all colors and heights, daylilies, irises, redbeckias, coreopsis, tree peonies, and hostas.  Several types of ornamental trees and shrubs, clematis, honeysuckle, many colors of alstromeria, agastache many colors and varieties, butterfly bushes, dahlias,  candytuft, sedum, agapanthus, sweet peas, various bulbs, and jasmine.  I grow annuals that reseed in the cottage garden, and this is the only type of annual I will grow.


The property is surrounded by trees, redwoods, cedars, pine, and other trees, oak, tenefolium shrubs, very tall, a flowering pear tree, and others I don't know or have forgotten the name of, so those are the bones of the property.  Also, various ground covers intertwining among plants and edging beds.  Oh yes, and tons of weeds, have been weeding for months and still more due to the weekly rain.


I grow about eleven types of tomatoes and almost as many mild-hot small peppers, yukon gold potatoes, cucumber, eggplant, large yellow peppers, lettuce, zucchini, three types of pole beans and yellow bush beans, tons of basil to be frozen at the end of the season to carry us over until next season, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, rosemary, thyme, oregano, this year will try marjoram, parsley, and cilantro, the last three are annuals here.


I will try to grow winter crops this year if I can get organized.

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Re: How does your garden grow?

I deck garden, so everything has to be in pots. I also found that what grew at my old house (3 years ago) doesn't grow the same here (my new house); same did MUCH better and some did awful. I'm finding that Tropical Hibiscus does VERY well as does  dracaema spikes (didn't know they can stay out year round and can become HUGE!), viola's, Dahlia's, Lobelia, Petunia's, however, did not do well here at all so I won't grow them this year; shame, as they added so much color. I also have found that at my old place, I had to water the plants 2-3 times a day due to how much sun my deck received and that few plants that are "all day sun loving" can handle ALL day sun in reality. My deck now has more dappled sun due to large, older trees and these same plants do MUCH better; I also am watering FAR less (try every 2-3 DAYS) with gorgeous blooms.


My front and side gardens are essentially "do nothing" plants/shrubs; the garden blooms from early spring (crocus) to the first frost- there is ALWAYS something blooming and it was designed that way. Beyond weeding and watering, I do NOTHING to them....oh, the occasional cutting back to they don't get too big (Holly and boxwoods). The shrubs blossom and the flowers are all bulbs. I just leave them along, lol.


Miracle Grow is added each year to the deck plants and I only use that when re-planting.. I swear by it.