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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

LOL, Lilysmom!  You'll get there!  I try to have everything in the ground by the end of May.  This year I did pretty well.


I'm hoping to put in some lettuce for fall/winter.  I did that a couple of years ago and it did very well (covered with a frost blanket) until near the end when the wind kicked up, blew up the blanket and some snow got in.  That's where that lonely lettuce plant I mentioned came from.  S/he's a real survivor!


Of course I plan to put the lettuce where I have the garden (tomatoes, cukes, peppers) now, which means I'll have to pull it up, probably before it's completely done, which is always hard for me to do. We'll see what happens.  LOL!

Keepin' it real.
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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

Nataliesmom, I have the same problem....rain, rain, and more rain with not enough time for drying out in between. Not a good year for veggies OR flowers.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

[ Edited ]
Lots of big fat tomatoes but so far no sign of any red on them yet, my sunflowers were taller than the roof...I was so sad when I woke up to find the wind had blown one over and broke it ): I told DH I felt like I should have a funeral for it.....but I bungee corded the rest and that's working so far. My first time growing them (the giants) can't wait to see them get their flowers....I feel like a proud mamma (;
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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

We have been eating cucumbers for nearly 2 weeks. My husband plants a few tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in a kiddie pool in our backyard, and was able to get everything out in May this year.
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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?



Any tips for green peppers?  I got ONE.  That's it.  No blooms.   I am in Delaware, but have irrigation.  This happened last year too.

Zuchinni is doing fine and tomatoes have yet to turn red.


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Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

@DEnatsfan wrote:



Any tips for green peppers?  I got ONE.  That's it.  No blooms.   I am in Delaware, but have irrigation.  This happened last year too.

Zuchinni is doing fine and tomatoes have yet to turn red.


Novice gardener

@DEnatsfan wrote:



Any tips for green peppers?  I got ONE.  That's it.  No blooms.   I am in Delaware, but have irrigation.  This happened last year too.

Zuchinni is doing fine and tomatoes have yet to turn red.


Novice gardener

Are you feeding them?  Veges need food.

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Posts: 18,024
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How are your veggies doing this year?

[ Edited ]

I read that when your pepper plants form peppers to add more compost or fertilizer to the soil as they need it for growing.


ETA: with one or two blooms then no fruit its because of temperature changes and nothing that you are doing wrong.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼