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Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

The majority of the flowers we put out this year have done just terrible!  They are all about dead!  This is the worst year we have ever had.  DH and I can't figure it out.  We bought our flowers from the same place.  Used the same things, etc.  DH tends to them lovingly.


The only things we can figure out are:  the spring started out so badly with intermittent very cold spells and then very hot spells.  


After that, we have had rain, rain, and more rain.


The flowers we put in our little pots are really bad - almost dead.  We are about ready to remove them and toss them!  The ones in the ground are very spindly and did not grow that much at all.  


Very sad and very disheartening!


Anyone else suffer with bad plantings this year?  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

We live in Nebraska and ours are bad too.  Like you, we had rain, rain, rain, then rabbits.  Our flowers need warmth and sunshine. 

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

It has rained almost every day in the NE - I think the flowers are suffering from lack of sunshine.

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

Yes. Here in PA we had so much rain in June that my pots and beds look terrible. Come to think of it... I haven't seen a lot of beautuful  flowers anywhere around here this summer. Oh well, there's always next year.......

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

Mine here in Chicago look just like they did when I planted them over a month ago, similar weather here, only the begonia in pots are doing well

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

[ Edited ]

Not sure where you live, but we are in South Louisiana.  There was an article in the paper this morning abou a fungus found in the soil recently that is killing many plants, namely Vinca, Sun Patiens, etc.  We are losing things that have flourished for years - especially our Hibiscus planats.

There's a visible fungus also - it appears as white bumps on leaves, and this is killing outside plants as well as all the things we hve in our foyer planter.


Actually, the sun is destroying all our veggie plants - the tomato leaves are actuallly buned black. We have had very few tomatoes - not much more than enough for a salad. One bell pepper.  What a waste of nice plants.  And a shame for all the work we put in to build the garden.


I don't know if the same thing is affecting you, but it's very possible. 


I came back to add that our Crepe Myrtles are losing their leaves from the heat and had very few blooms - they are usually gorgeous.   And our Magnolia trees are shedding leaves that have a black fungus (dots) on the bottom of the leaves.  A real messy summer!!!

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

I planted what is considered early here in Ohio....middle of was in the 80's and I only had to cover them twice. Everything was blooming.... looking like it does in July....then cold and rain came for most of June and now they look pretty pittiful. We are getting a few sunny days right I am hoping they take off for me again....

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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

If you live where it's been very hot, that will do in your flowers. Those of us who live where it's very hot struggle with that every summer. There are some plants that just won't survive past June...petunias and lobelia come to mind. So we grow things like salvia and day lilies which don't seem to mind the heat.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

Thanks, everyone!


Sorry for those who are having problems, too.


We have examined all of our different flowers and see no evidence of diseases or bugs.  So, we are just assmuming that it is the lousy weather and too much rain and not enough sunshine!


We have not ever had such a rotten year for our flowers.  Most disappointing as you spend a lot of money and invest a lot of time, effort and -- also--- put a lot of love into --- growing them!!!



"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Flowers have done terrible this year --- Can anyone else commiserate??

[ Edited ]
Our Flowers are suffering too, and for the opposite reason....record breaking heat and drought. The hanging baskets were the first to bite the dust, then the rest. That along with my killing the lawn with Scotts weed and feed, it's now pretty sad looking outside ): eta; Michael's has some very real looking faux flowers on clearance for 80% off! I'm tempted to fill some pots with those !