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Does anybody know of something I can use to keep the deer away from my flowerpots? 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

An 8 foot fence? My SIL back north has a deer problem and can't grow anything. Good luck. 

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A row of hanging tin pie plates near the flower pots, human hair, and shavings from a bar of strong soap, such as Irish Spring or Coast. Both the hair and soap have to be replaced often or it becomes an ordinary scent that the deer accept as normal. We no longer have the deer issue we used to, thanks to outside dogs and a pellet rifle.
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How about only planting things deer did not like to eat?    I would be careful about spreading items around that would hurt or attract other animals.    


If you use pellet guns, please fire them above the deer, not hit them.

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moth balls placed in flower beds used to work for me.   also, it's been said that marigolds can be a deterrant.  good luck!

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We tried a few of the cures which worked somewhat.....but finally just planned plants they don't care for.........the last three years our front garden has Salvia and Vinca....and the deer haven't touched has been great

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Get some hair from the local salon and sprinkle it into the pots.  The hair smells like humans and keeps deer, rabbits, and things away.  It is simple and free!  It also breaks down into the soil and is used by birds for building material for their nests.  It is very eco friendly!

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Posts: 706
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

As some of your answers show, I figured it was a hopeless cause.  We've been battling this for several summers now.


I guess I'll try the moth balls and the human hair.  What bothers me is that the deer in our yard act like dogs.  They have absolutely no fear of us, and no, we do not feed them.  Smiley Sad

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010
I live in southern WV, and we are overrun with deer. Even with bow and gun seasons yearly, not enough deer are killed yearly to keep them from being nuisance animals. Once deer establish their territory, they stay in that area as long as their food source holds out, and if that food source is in your yard, they will strip leaves and bark from young trees, shrubs and bushes, eat your flowers roots and all, and eat birdseed from a feeder. Deer are bold enough to eat flowers off your patio or deck, and will eat pretty much anything if they are hungry enough, even if it is something marketed as "deer resistant". Does with little ones to feed are voracious eaters, they are very destructive, and all deer are viewed as true pests in my area. Between our dogs, and the pellet rifle, we keep them out of our yard. Deer hides are very tough, and while pellets do not penetrate their skin, they feel the sting, remember that experience, and avoid your yard. My flowers and shrubs have not been touched for about 7 years.
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Posts: 626
Registered: ‎04-27-2010
We live right next to the park, loads of deer there, but they like the delicious plants in our yards. Will eat hostas in an evening. They ate all of my Asiatic lilies, phlox, I could go on. I tried the store bought sprays and they are expensive when you have to spray often. I checked the ingredients and found that garlic is one ingredient in the spray, so I took my watering can added some liquid soap and garlic powder, bought at the Dollar store. Just sprinkled the favorite plants, so far, they have left these things alone. They have been in my yard, but have not eaten the plants that have the garlic mixture on them. Keeping my fingers crossed. Can also add cloves or cinnamon to the mixture, the Dollar store again.