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@REE43 wrote:

Really ?  Because you don't like my opinion you can tell me to re phrase followers? I think not ,these boards are a knock off of Facebook ,  filled with people who can't stand opinion so they bring out the defense team, cm on  ladies it was a dang post about a style , lighten up!

@REE43I would say it's not that these boards are " filled with people who can't stand opinion " but rather it's filled with people that have their own opinion and many of them have a different opinion than yours. There's nothing wrong with that.

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@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

I was channel surfing last night before I went to bed and saw the model Jacqui in a Women With Control cold shoulder jumpsuit. Black, wide leg. She looked amazing in it, it was a real wow for me. 



That jumpsuit was amazing !!!!!!

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Yes there are many examples in the galleries of Europe and in Fashion week NY

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@REE43 wrote:

Really ?  Because you don't like my opinion you can tell me to re phrase followers? I think not ,these boards are a knock off of Facebook ,  filled with people who can't stand opinion so they bring out the defense team, cm on  ladies it was a dang post about a style , lighten up!




These boards existed before facebook was even a thought.


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Registered: ‎08-31-2015

I've lived long enough to have seen most of these so called new fashion styles come and go more than twice now. A lot of them were called "trashy " and not suitable to wear in public. Seems like today's so called designer has no originality and has relied on the fashion archives for inspiration. Unfortunately not a good idea to dress everyone in shoes and clothes from the style of the "girls who made their living on the street corner "!

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Image result for Shocked Meme

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@sheco wrote:

I've lived long enough to have seen most of these so called new fashion styles come and go more than twice now. A lot of them were called "trashy " and not suitable to wear in public. Seems like today's so called designer has no originality and has relied on the fashion archives for inspiration. Unfortunately not a good idea to dress everyone in shoes and clothes from the style of the "girls who made their living on the street corner "!


Who's that you're quoting one post wonder? I'm not familiar with what the girls are wearing on the street corner but if you say so then it must be true!

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If someone thinks cold-shoulder is trashy, they must positively pass out when they see someone in a bathing suit.  And a bikini must really have them clutching their pearls.

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What goes around eventually comes back around.  Fashion-wise.   .......... ( I like the cold-shoulder look, and I'm thinking that if and when it's fairly out of style, I can wear it underneath sweaters, lightweight jackets, etc. )

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

If someone thinks cold-shoulder is trashy, they must positively pass out when they see someone in a bathing suit.  And a bikini must really have them clutching their pearls.


She probably means the ones who wear it who maybe shouldn't.  I think most people try to accentuate their positive body areas and not flaunt the ones that aren't so attractive.