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Yes, @SeaMaiden, I saw the same woman you described (but even worse!) at Walmart the other day. It was close to a lose my lunch kind of encounter for me.


But then again, it was Walmart. Ha!    

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I wouldn't wear clothing where undergarments show, but it doesn't bother me if others dress that way.  Who knows, they may not like that I don't have anything showing.

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This look, I'm sure, is not supposed to be a fashion statement!

So why on Earth are we rating it as if it was?!

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I agree with @Kitlynn. Proper undergarments for me!

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@pupwhipped wrote:

Yes, @SeaMaiden, I saw the same woman you described (but even worse!) at Walmart the other day. It was close to a lose my lunch kind of encounter for me.


But then again, it was Walmart. Ha!    

@pupwhipped  I wondered when someone would get the Walmart "dig" in.  Funny, I go there all the time and just see normal people wearing ordinary clothing.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Does anyone know just WHEN ... or WHY .... this became an acceptable "look" ???


Did some drunken celebrity get snapped wearing the wrong blouse  .... and suddenly it became all right to do so?



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THAT does not look nice!


Around these parts, the younger women especially wear tops that are cut in so that their bras are exposed in various ways.  I am not a fan of this at all.  HOWEVER ----- I would rather they wear a bra than NOT wear one!!!!  Sometimes, I have seen someone wear a top that was really cute and then the woman had on a coordinating bra or an attractive one underneath.  This does not look as bad.  Then, there are the ones who wear a bra of some really bright color for the sole purpose of getting attention.  Such as a white top with a red bra underneath!!!   No, not a good look at all.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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I just remembered a girl I went to high school with.  She loved to wear a black bra under a white shirt.   There was a lot of tongue clucking going on from the "regular" girls.


I guess she was just a fashion step ahead of her time!

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There are so many bra choices now and there actually are some that are meant to show but they do not have the bra look but in colors or sparkles etc.  I wear Lillyette bras that are convertible and I have a bra to fit under any type of top.  I've also worn Rhonda Shear's racerback bras under such tops in the various colors that look good even if a bit around the edges shows.