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Re: Why complain about prices?

I'll tell you why I complain, you have a Joan Rivers plaid top on-air tonight that is awful, the plaids aren't even lined up at all, for 60 dollars. Really?

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Re: Why complain about prices?

Just don't buy!

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Re: Why complain about prices?

I find that prices, in general, are rising. I do see the difference in prices with Susan's clothing but they are no different from the other brands. I find that I can get amazing deals when there are offers like today's Lunchtime and Primetime specials.


There were a lot of pretty tops and pants (over 100 items) at discounted prices. All you have to do is wait and be patient the prices will go on clearance or be featured as a lunchtime or primetime specials. 

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Re: Why complain about prices?

unless the site forbids discussion on pricing viewers have the right to post how they feel about them.



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Re: Why complain about prices?

If I want to complain about prices or anything else concerning the Q, I will. We really do not get a bargain at the Q anymore, even on a TSV. If they wouln't add insult to injury by charging for S&H and returns maybe Joanna Average would not feel so taken advantage of.Yes, you can shop anywhere, but the Q wants everyone to shop with them. As far as the clothing lines, IMO they are all pretty much the same in quality and now they are all just about the same in price. I think shoppers complain more about SG and her line because of her behavior, her clothes are well made IMO.

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Re: Why complain about prices?

I believe personal style and personal taste comes into play when price is discussed.  I see some brands and say (to myself) why would someone pay that price for something that looks like that monstrosity but you may say the samething about an item I love.  If I see something I really like, I will gladly pay the price if it's within my means.  Sure I may splurge once in awhile and tend to shy away from "on trend" that will last a year or so or try to duplicate it with a similar item from say Kohls since I know its not something I will wear long term.  


Value is in the eyes of the buyer no matter what the product.  I tend to stay away from price discussion threads, no point in arguing back and forth.  We are all different, that's what makes us all great with our own valuable opinions.  

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Re: Why complain about prices?

@chrystaltree wrote:

@Snicks1 wrote:
Perhaps it's to let QVC know that if they want to charge these prices, their quality should be better, sizing accurate and return policy more fair.



You don't do that by clogging up the board with yet another post on this board.  This board is probably less than 1% of QVC customers and QVC doesn't care what is said here as long as we don't violate board rules.  If you want to address QVC, you send a letter or email to the corporate offices of QVC.  If they get enough letters saying the same things, that gets their attention.  It doesn't mean anything will change but at least they hear you.  However, the thing that speaks the loudest and really gets their attention and really leads to changes.....sales.....$$$$$$.  Not that I agree with you at all.  I have no problems in any of those areas.  I shop here because the quality is excellent, the sizing is easy and accurate and the prices work for my budget.  It puzzles me that the people who complain the most.....keep right right on buying...LOL  Why is that?


@chrystaltree, If you're satisfied with the quality of the items here, with few exceptions (Linea being an exception), then that is on you. Most people want value for their money, no matter the price point. We are not all poor as church mice as you like to imply.


Personally, I made my first clothing purchase from QVC this past week, in over 2 years, for the reasons I noted, pricing is too high for the actual quality of the garments, sizing is all over the place (even going by their "click here" measurement guide, and S&H is over the top.


Perhaps when you know a post is a complaint post, you should just move on past and not even read it since it bothers you so much that you then post your own complaint about a complaint post. 





"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Why complain about prices?

I find the prices climbing.  I don't really need any of these clothes.  And If I do "fancy"something I can get what I want cheaper and someplace else. 

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Re: Why complain about prices?

@mspatmac   I'd like to read your posts, but the teeny tiny font you are using makes me not even try to do so.  Would you mind increasing your font size so I can see what you are posting?  (Not just on this thread....I've thought that a few times recently about your posts).  Thanks!

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Registered: ‎02-01-2015

Re: Why complain about prices?


i buy what i want. what works for me.


i don't buy what does not work for me.


it would not occur to me to announce what does not work for me.  and want to dictate pricing to be only within my tolerance.   


we are all different and cost of item is subjective.  there is no right or wrong.


so the price complaining is very odd to me.


the funniest thing about the complaints is they don't like the item why would they care what it costs.  cracks me up everytime.







~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~