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I too have bad feet that need comfort shoes.  I would never think of wearing Isaac or any other designer type shoe as it would never be comfy and provide the support needed.


There are plenty of brands of good shoes to pick from.  Isaacs shoes are fashion items for people with feet that don't bother them.

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I think I heard them mention W and even WW on the Clark's show the other day.  Check them out. 

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Gemspirit  If your feet are indeed "ruined", Isaac's shoes are probably the last thing you should be wearing on your feet.  They offer no, that's zero, support and the ones I've seen and returned had very little cushioning.  You need to find a shoe store with a pedorthist, a professional, trained shoe fitter, and get yourself a pair of decent, supportive, well-fitting shoes.  It may change your life.

@Kachina624    @Gemspirit


Excellent point .....  ITA.   



Thank you for the interest on my post. However, I don't need to order shoes from a "pedorthist". As I wrote in my first post, the problems with my feet are profession related. Believe me I am estimating appx., 95% of people in service professions have issues of some sort with their feet. While nursing is a complicated profession requiring critical thinking (on the run); it's also, a very physical one. I've spoken with radiologists & X-Ray techs....similar problems, OR nurses,  IV therapists, physical therapists and more.......And that's just in health care professions. It's the nature of the beast. There're are many other proffesions have almost identical. Such as food servers, chefs, hairdressers, teachers, and many more. 

Saying our feet are "ruined" was the first term that came to mind. My podiatric surgeon, whom I've known over eight years both personally & professionally has gone over surgical options that require a 2-3 month recovery. And even if I insist for cosmetic reasons....I have other health issues that had to be considered Most nurses wear surgical shoes/clogs or, orthotic sneakers to begin with. As I did for my over 30 years in my beloved profession. 

I was simply venting my frustrations with the industry at large, thinking we all have Cinderella feet! Vendors & designers need to think of everyone when designing shoes as they do with clothing.  And especially Isaac Mizrahi as he is always talking about is wide feet and how aware he is to the subject as he presents shoes for his brand. 



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I served four years in the military and am also a retired nurse. My feet are ruined mostly from wearing combat boots with absolutely no support. A few years ago I bought a pair if Isaac's moccasins. Big mistake. Cute? Yes. Comfortable? No. I wear Clark's. 

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It's all vionic for me lately. I can't wait for that boot that is coming later in the month. Now to decide on a color. I'm tempted by the navy.

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Certainly nursing is a nobel profession,I applaud you, but I fail to see the relevance of 'professionally related' foot issues if the end result is you walk with a cane!

regardless if the cane is warranted by back, knees or feet, IM's fashion shoes would not seem a good choice for anyone in your position.


But it is your prerogative to wear whatever footwear you like....just hope you're not compounding the damage...

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Regardless of the reason, many of us need more support and/or cushioning as we get older.    Wearing those little flimsy "fashion shoes" is no longer an option.   It is what it is.

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@AndreatooYes, it is my perogative and I'm not asking for 4" heels to be made with orthotic foot beds or even in wide widths. Just sensible Mocs, clogs and a small wedge here or there. 

The reason I walk with a cane is not r/t my feet or my many years as a nurse. It is a degenerative neurological condition that is difficult to talk about 


It seems odd to me that the people with opinions are ones who've not lived a day in my body. I appreciate the post but please understand.we are all different and have had different experiences in life. 

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@loveschocolate wrote:

I served four years in the military and am also a retired nurse. My feet are ruined mostly from wearing combat boots with absolutely no support. A few years ago I bought a pair if Isaac's moccasins. Big mistake. Cute? Yes. Comfortable? No. I wear Clark's. 

@loveschocolate First of all thank you and God bless you for your military service. I can't even wear some Clarks unless you in wide widths. I have some Vionicss and Allegrias from Q. There is a catalog allied "Footsmart"; they also have a website. 

It is frustrating to have shoes become a major issue in life. I've got many health problems. Some days I would like to forget about my broken down  body and just be a woman. 

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We're not judging you; simply voicing concerns...