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Who still loves animal prints?

I don't too many now. I love them! Especially cheetah print!

I also love giraffe print!

All of my pajamas either are leopard or with scottie dogs on them.

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I love animal print and wore a subdued jacket with the black/grey metal gromets on the shoulders today. I also have an animal print sweater, and two different scarves (one of them Joan's which I have also given as gifts.

I won't buy animal prints where it's mixed with flowers or some other print.

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

Started buying them because of an upcoming theme dance. Fell in love with how they looked. I guess now I have quite a collection.

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I don't wear too many animal prints but I do think some are very pretty.

My husband doesn't like them at all and says they look like old ladies clothes. He would never tell me how old he was talking about.

I have a snake-skin print blouse that I like.

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I love animal print tops & jackets, but would not wear it on the bottom.
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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I think I have way too much animal print now.....but I do like it only if it's done well.
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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I like them for accessories. Smile Mostly the animal print I have is in shoes and scarves, but I do have a turtleneck with a mixed animal print.

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I'm a huge fan of animal prints. In fact, I had to reign myself in this year because I bought too much leopard print!

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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

Love animal prints have bags, tops a pair of Softt leopard shoes and scarves,also jewelry.looking for a pair of leopard boots, have not found a comfortable pair.
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Re: Who still loves animal prints?

I have a few tops that I love to wear. Even have a dress that DH calls my ""Sheena Queen of the Jungle"" dress.