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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/3/2014 magicmoodz said:
On 4/2/2014 JJ said:
On 4/2/2014 lolakimono said:

I would do a white jacket. The only white on the bottom I expect to see before Memorial Day is more snow. {#emotions_dlg.glare}

Minnesota, by any chance???

Batten down the hatches--it's coming again tonight! {#emotions_dlg.mad}

Stop it! Are you kidding? {#emotions_dlg.sad}

We got hammered Saturday. They were predicting rain changing to snow but we never got the rain. It started as snow and kept on. It was very heavy and wet. It snowed from about 1:30 p.m. until around 10:00 p.m. We ended up with about 5" which was a little less than they predicted but by Sunday, it all melted.

Today is cold and ugly but tomorrow we are supposed to hit 68!!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: White before Memorial Day

There are still some of the old school rules around, but seems to me that in the South we have had to throw out a lot of them. Most places I've lived, folks tend to dress for the weather. Yesterday it was 90 here in the shade. Just plain hot!! The shorts and the faux tan came out right away - the color wasn't important.

It will be in the high 70's today and begin warming up generally after this next front comes thru tonight. So white or bright or whatever, cool clothing is the rule, not the color.

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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/2/2014 bonnielu said:

I think you should wear what you want to wear. I cannot imagine those old rules making any sense for todays world.

But she might get locked up in fashion jail!!!!!!!!!!!

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/3/2014 LipstickDiva said:
On 4/3/2014 magicmoodz said:
On 4/2/2014 JJ said:
On 4/2/2014 lolakimono said:

I would do a white jacket. The only white on the bottom I expect to see before Memorial Day is more snow. {#emotions_dlg.glare}

Minnesota, by any chance???

Batten down the hatches--it's coming again tonight! {#emotions_dlg.mad}

Stop it! Are you kidding? {#emotions_dlg.sad}

We got hammered Saturday. They were predicting rain changing to snow but we never got the rain. It started as snow and kept on. It was very heavy and wet. It snowed from about 1:30 p.m. until around 10:00 p.m. We ended up with about 5" which was a little less than they predicted but by Sunday, it all melted.

Today is cold and ugly but tomorrow we are supposed to hit 68!!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

No, I am not kidding! Emoticon

Winter storm warning with rain this morning, followed by wintery mix this afternoon with predictions of 6-12 inches to follow.

If I ever see 68 degrees again, I am wearing white!

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Re: White before Memorial Day

I thought it was white after Easter? I don't wear white shoes or carry a white purse. I don't wear white tops because I look better in ivory & I start wearing light colored bottoms when the weather in the Chicago area warms up & stops being nasty (muddy,slushy etc.)

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Re: White before Memorial Day

Yes, wear your white jacket. I live in a region that has distinct seasons, and I wear white beginning in April and through September. If it is a cold April day then I usually don't wear white. I know some people say it is ok to wear white all year, but wearing white in cold weather just looks a bit "off" to me.

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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/3/2014 wilma said:

Yes, wear your white jacket. I live in a region that has distinct seasons, and I wear white beginning in April and through September. If it is a cold April day then I usually don't wear white. I know some people say it is ok to wear white all year, but wearing white in cold weather just looks a bit "off" to me.

I always get compliments on my white, down coat...I guess it breaks up the dreary, NYC landscape of endless black coats lol!!! I always feel brighter and happier with it on crazy as that may sound lol!!
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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/2/2014 PKB said:
On 4/2/2014 mslaura said:

White on the top - of course! If it gets warmer maybe bottoms too.

What am I missing here? You can't wear white pants until it gets warmer? Seriously?

Seriously. You look silly in white pants in the winter. Like you look silly in a wool coat in summer. I can't help it. You just do. . . and BOOTS, big ole black boots look silly in warm weather.

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Re: White before Memorial Day

I don't follow this rule at all.
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Re: White before Memorial Day

On 4/2/2014 santorini said:

There are some of us who still believe in traditions and who don't buy in to today's "what the heck -- anything goes" type of living. I don't plan on changing, no matter how many insults are thrown my way.


As for the weather dictating, we have had 70 & 80 degree weather in Dec., but we don't wear white for goodness sake!!!

I like "my southern rules" and I will continue with them!