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Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

@Nonametoday You are absolutely right!  I had such a time getting that skirt to even show!  When I had my own department at Dillards, I had mannequins.Smiley Happy

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Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

@ECBG   I really like the second outfit.

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎10-06-2011

Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

Sorry, but I don't like to see anything with a big scarf.  When I look at those outfits, they remind me of an old lady who lived in my town and always wore some kind of a big scarf around her neck to hide a goiter.

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Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

Hard to choose from the second and the last as my favorite.  The rest not too thrilled with.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

Hate the scarfs. All look bad and a little dated. I know,I know everyone else loves them.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Which Design Do You Like Better?

[ Edited ]

I am not a "professional stylist" but this is the way I prefer clothes to be matched. And that is exactly the way I was taught to dress also.  My Mother was the best dressed lady in town and she taught me how to coordinate my clothing. shoes, and jewelry.  I also used ot help my husband with his suit jackets, shirts, pants and ties when he was working.  He always got compliments on how he was dressed. I  bought all his clothes.

