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Her shoulder looks like a bald head about to pop out.


Yeah.....this is a stupid look!!!!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Rita is terrific.   A natural in this gig.


(Noticed that they didn't put her and JLo together!  Ha!)

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I burst out laughing when I saw that photo.  What in the world made her think this was a good look?  And what "designer" came up with it?


It just goes to show how ridiculous some things are.  Does she think she looks avant garde?  Did the designer (I use the term loosely) think s(he) was brilliant and cutting-edge?


And then I thought, maybe they're doing a remake of "Harry Potter" and she's carrying Lord Voldemort on her shoulder?

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Not my taste but I am not her.  She seemed to be able to pull it off.  She can wear whatever she wants.

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🤦‍♀️ Nuf said.

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@cheriere  Wondering if one of the buttons spins and it plays "pop goes the weasel"  and something pops up.  Smiley LOL

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@eadu4 wrote:

@cheriere  Wondering if one of the buttons spins and it plays "pop goes the weasel"  and something pops up.  Smiley LOL

😂 that's hilarious!  I'm sure this jumpsuit cost a fortune by some fancy designer...I just can't imagine why someone on her "team" didn't tell her it looked so silly!

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Just plain stupid!

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@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

And someone went to fashion design school for this? But, she also chose to wear it which is scary in and of itself. Perhaps there was no mirror in her dressing room, LOL.  Waiting for that second head to pop out.

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@cheriere wrote:

Kelly Rowland appearing on the Today Show wearing this denim.  Personally, I think this is RIDICULOUS!!!  Just wondering what you all think of it.


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