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its actually quite scary!
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Registered: ‎08-19-2011

That designer should face criminal charges!

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010 a head is missing or something.😳😳😳.

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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It is a ridiculous design but she chose to wear it so I put the blame on her. Horrible choice.

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@cheriere wrote:

Kelly Rowland appearing on the Today Show wearing this denim.  Personally, I think this is RIDICULOUS!!!  Just wondering what you all think of it.


People will do, say, or wear anything to get on the air in some way.  Anything.  They are now immortal because their picture is seen.  That is their life.

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I'm laughing because there was a 2-headed character from one of the "Men in Black" movies.  This reminds me of that.


"There! Noise! KITCHEN!" | Two-Headed Johnny Knoxville | Men In Black II  (2002) | Now Comedy

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We are all talking about it, so I guess it served it's purpose, but that is horrifying!

I hope they all had a good laugh when they decided on that.

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@Witchy Woman    😂 I forgot about that character!  Great eye!!!  That's the perfect comparison!😂

Posts: 74
Registered: ‎12-27-2023

I wish I could unsee that!

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Registered: ‎08-01-2019

I've seen a few styles similar to this one. Not my taste and thankfully not in my budget