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Want to search clothes by measurements!

I truly wish Q would add the ability to search clothing by measurements.  Right now, I have a printout of the measurement chart from the pants that fit me the best and I compare those numbers to the information listed on potential purchases.  It would be SO helpful if we could just plug those numbers into a search screen, indicate a plus/minus margin acceptable, and hit "Search".  Every item already has the information, I just wish it was searchable.

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

Q's search engine is really poor!


If you type in a specific brand in a specific fabric, you get all kinds of brands in that fabric, not just the brand name you typed in.


I wish they had a search engine like ebay's, where you can restrict your searches to exactly what you're looking for, and 'minus' any terms you're not looking for.


Many times I try to do a specific search here and end up with pages and pages of irrelevant items to my search, that I don't even bother trying to wade through them, I just go elsewhere where they have a better search engine. 

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

I wish they would sell shoes by the you could get each one in a different size...................

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

[ Edited ]

@KingstonsMom wrote:

Q's search engine is really poor!


If you type in a specific brand in a specific fabric, you get all kinds of brands in that fabric, not just the brand name you typed in.


I wish they had a search engine like ebay's, where you can restrict your searches to exactly what you're looking for, and 'minus' any terms you're not looking for.


Many times I try to do a specific search here and end up with pages and pages of irrelevant items to my search, that I don't even bother trying to wade through them, I just go elsewhere where they have a better search engine. 


That's because the default setting is an OR search. The space between words is used as an OR. For example:


Enter:    Susan Gaver Liquid Knit

Means:  Susan OR Graver OR Liquid OR Knit

Result: The engine searches for any entry with any of those terms and does not link the terms together so that the results must have all of the words. It will pull up anything with the word Knit in it, whether it's made by Susann Graver or not.

That's common in search engines. You need to do a AND search, so that it searches for the first term AND the second term and only displays results with both. You do that with a Plus (+) symbol.


Enter:     Graver +Liquid
Means:   Graver AND Liquid

Result: The engine finds lists that have both the Graver AND Liquid in them.


Note the plus sign has no space between the plus and the search term. Adding a space turns it back into an OR. You can also do this with the word New to get any new items from a brand. I do it both with new and "as is" items. 

Enter:     Dooney +"as is" 
Means:   Dooney AND "as is" must be in results


Result: Dooney items that also contain the term "as is."

Enter:    Philosophy +New
Means:  Items listed as both Philosophy AND New

Result:   All new Philosophy items.

It's all about knowing how to do a strong search. You can't usually do it with colors the way the site has the colors listed, but you can use the filter panel at the right (top in the mobile browser) to narrow down the by color. Unfortunately, you can't do it with measurements because they're hidden away in the "click here" area.


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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

@ChynnaBlue, thank you! That's very helpful!

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!



You must have different sized feet like my middle sister :-)

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@KingstonsMom wrote:

Q's search engine is really poor!


If you type in a specific brand in a specific fabric, you get all kinds of brands in that fabric, not just the brand name you typed in.


I wish they had a search engine like ebay's, where you can restrict your searches to exactly what you're looking for, and 'minus' any terms you're not looking for.


Many times I try to do a specific search here and end up with pages and pages of irrelevant items to my search, that I don't even bother trying to wade through them, I just go elsewhere where they have a better search engine. 


That's because the default setting is an OR search. The space between words is used as an OR. For example:


Enter:    Susan Gaver Liquid Knit

Means:  Susan OR Graver OR Liquid OR knit

Result: The engine searches for any entry with any of those terms and does not link the terms together so that the results must have all of the words. It will pull up anything with the word Knit in it, whether it's made by Susann Graver or not.

That's common in search engines. You need to do a AND search, so that it searches for the first term AND the second term and only displays results with both. You do that with a Plus (+) symbol.


Enter:     Graver +Liquid
Means:   Graver AND Liquid

Result: The engine finds lists that have both the Graver AND Liquid in them.


Note the plus sign has no space between the plus and the search term. Adding a space turns it back into an OR. You can also do this with the word New to get any new items from a brand. I do it both with new and "as is" items. 

Enter:     Dooney +"as is" 
Means:   Dooney AND "as is" must be in results


Result: Dooney items that also contain the term "as is."

Enter:    Philosophy +New
Means:  Items listed as both Philosophy AND New

Result:   All new WEN items.

It's all about knowing how to do a strong search. You can't usually do it with colors the way the site has the colors listed, but you can use the filter panel at the right (top in the mobile browser) to narrow down the by color. Unfortunately, you can't do it with measurements because they're hidden away in the "click here" area.




As usual, Chynna to the rescue, LOL!


You are one smart lady when it comes to Q's IT and I SO appreciate it!


Since I've never had to use the + sign for 'Dooney As Is' (which I do a lot, LOL!), it didn't occur to me that I needed it to refine my searches. 


Thanks again! 


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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

You're welcome, @KingstonsMom. I used to teach a class on how to run searches in tools like LexisNexis, which let people build all kinds of crazy searches. People brought me the stuff they couldn't find and had me look. It was a fun challenge for me.

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Re: Want to search clothes by measurements!

The or/and search info is very helpful, @ChynnaBlue  Thank you.


I regret I have to fault QVC for not providing explanations about this.  Even Google has explanations about using a + or - in searches.

 (I'm not surprised at QVC's lack.  This is identical to QVC's lack of explanations or providing any sort guide prior to when the forums were overhauled.  Sorry, QVC, the 'Welcome, Get Started" is much too piecemeal.  Note, I am not blaming the Social Team.  I'm sure they got stuck with all this just like we did.)


It's one thing for knowledgeable posters to supplement a company's guide, but a completely different thing for posters to take on the complete task of writing instructions.

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