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Re: Very short tops out right now

@Love to Run wrote:

When pant waists rise, shirt hems rise. It's about proportion. Most people wearing high waisted trousers don't want a lot of bulk to tuck. A shorter top is easier to style and looks more proportionate.

@Love to Run 


Good points.  What I never liked was when the very low cut pants and jeans or hiphuggers were in style and then everyone was wearing the midriff tops with them.  Not a good look for most people. 

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Re: Very short tops out right now

@ALRATIBA wrote:
I have a long torso and fortunately have plenty of tops.

For casual wear, I buy men’s medium size t-shirts. For sweaters, I can make my own.



Same here --- I have a long torso as well! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Very short tops out right now

@Squirrels Are Trash wrote:

You can wear a fitted tank underneath the shorter length sweater....

@Squirrels Are Trash 


I didn't see your post before I posted the same thing.  However, my stomach is not that good looking any more.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Very short tops out right now

@Sooner wrote:

I think these styles are great on some young girls, appalling on older ladies.  It just points up the fact that they are not young ladies.



I know that a lot of those styles are very cute but as you said, I know they are no longer good for me -- not at my age or my body type!  That ship sailed.... 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Very short tops out right now

@chrystaltree wrote:

I assume you we are talking about about midriff baring tops.. Yes that's the style.  Wide leg pants and midriff tops.  It's not for me even though my midriff is actually in great shape and one of the better parts of my body.  I think I have aged out of that particular look.  I think the brick and mortar stores cater to the young who follow fads.  It's why I shop almost exclusively online or with shopping channels.  






You are lucky in that you have a good looking midriff.  Mine used to be one of my features but several years ago, it just decided to turn to mush and nothing I am able to do has helped!  Yes, agreed -- stores pretty much cater to the younger.  I get that the young love to indulge in the new things and good for them.  However, we older set still like to buy new things, too!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Very short tops out right now

@ROMARY wrote:

I wouldn't mind having a few tops that skim the waist/tummy area in the front, and slightly dip down in the back.  


Not too much of a high-low style.  


Just a gradual dip along the sides and back side.



I guess as I have gotten old(er) I know pretty much what I can wear and what I can't and what type of tops I look best in.  Even though I may like and admire other styles, I just know that I can't go there!  

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Re: Very short tops out right now

I like wearing tops that are just below my waist. Few pickings around here. Most styles are the big, roomy, baggy, long unattractive tops. I used to wear those back before I lost weight. It's quite a challance to find cute little tops to fit my smaller figure. 

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Re: Very short tops out right now

[ Edited ]

@AngelPuppy1  A benefit of my being 4'11" is the slightly longer crop tops are a perfect t-shirt length on me Smiley Very Happy! Crop tops are fun with high waited skinny jeans and some keds or cute sandals- a tiny sliver of abs/midriff showing is fine to me.   Oh the micro shorts are a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen- I saw a lady at the mall wearing micro shorts and she dropped something and picked it up and I kid you not, her cheeks fell out of her shorts!  Smiley SurprisedSmiley Very Happy.  I think that 5 to 7 inch shorts are the perfect length- they show off some thigh, but they're not too short or too long. Smiley Happy

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Re: Very short tops out right now

For the younger generation.

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Re: Very short tops out right now

Love it!!!  Being terminal short, all the tunics just look like short nightgowns on me.  Nice to see something falling about the waist, or a little below.