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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

The OP stated she was looking for baby shower pics. I don't consider that an obsession. I think it is so interesting to read about all the fascination with anything LR wears. Anytime a "follower" reads anything about her that is not high praise,they get all defensive. Funny.

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

On 4/12/2014 ROMARY said:

All of her co-workers seem to genuinely like her, and she seems like a very nice person.

You're right romary -- they really do. Truth be told, no one here knows her and the ones that follow her about when she's on and go to her FB page (for reasons other than to check out what she's up to of course) just to post something negative about her, are really just drawing more attention to her! But yet they say Lisa wants all the attention.

Sometimes we forget that attractive people are real too and just like the rest of us they have feelings. They have good days, bad days, they work hard at what they do, they love their homes and friends and family and the lives they choose. I really do think it boils down to jealousy. {#emotions_dlg.bored}

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

On 4/12/2014 sparklestar said:

I really do think it boils down to jealousy.

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

As usual....A lot about nothing

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

I would wear a tee like that, for a casual lunch out, running errands, etc...

Does everyone who has a job that's "fashion related" need to be overly glam all the time? I don't think so!

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

I am not a Lisa fan and would never browse her FB, but she does look cute and relaxed in the photo.
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎03-22-2013

Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

Lisa has the right to wear whatever she wants but personally if that Tee (as shown on other posts) cost $60, I'd have to think twice about buying it. It may be "in" but it looks faded and rather cheap for the price. Looks like something from a flea market. Just my opinion.

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

On 4/12/2014 birkin baby said:

The OP stated she was looking for baby shower pics. I don't consider that an obsession. I think it is so interesting to read about all the fascination with anything LR wears. Anytime a "follower" reads anything about her that is not high praise,they get all defensive. Funny.

Hi Birkin!

I think they were referring to the fact that more than half her posts refer to Lisa. Not in a good way. But, to each their own. Now if someone was blasting Bob Dylan I'd rip their eyeballs out!

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Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

Was this a baby show for Amy?

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: This literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

""Sun dance"" catalogue or stores sometimes has retro t-shirts