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I just don't' get' all the Lisa threads. She's gone now.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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On 1/20/2015 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 1/20/2015 Ptaz said:

Hosts come and hosts go. The only QVC hosts that have ever done well on the air after QVC are Mike Rowe and Clinton Kelly.

When was Clinton Kelly a QVC host ???

I remember Clinton Kelly as a vendor not a host.

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Clinton Kelly was a host on Q2.

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Wasn't it years ago when LR was stalked, when she was much younger? I can't believe she would let people know where she hangs out if stalking is an issue.

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On 1/20/2015 Perkup said:
On 1/20/2015 twopeas said:
On 1/20/2015 Heart of Spade said:

Lisa is a young woman. I find it hard to believe she would choose to give up a high-paying job with tons of perks without another lined up. It doesn't take long to blow through savings when nothing is coming in, and Lisa doesn't remind me of the type of person who would live frugally. And then there's health insurance, etc., to consider. Also, she really seemed to enjoy her job.

I still say there was a "dispute." I think she wanted a cut of the GILI line or it was something related to "her" line. I think she loved bringing the GILI items to the Q and wouldn't have up and left without a very good reason. "Designing" this line gave her job at the Q new life and a break from the mundane.

I don't think Lisa has a plan. I think the Q called her bluff and she was left with no choice but to explore other options. I don't think it will be easy for her as her popularity/notoriety pretty much ends with the Q. No offense to her, but I don't think anyone who doesn't watch the Q knows who she is. Her stint on Project Runway and the other fashion segments she's done are a result of her affiliation with the Q. I doubt we'll see her on more shows like this.

This is what I am thinking, too. I watched her Christmas shows and when showing the adorable snowman (which I bought) she looked directly into the camera when talking about his nose being bent out of shape, and said something like "and it's not my nose". The look on her face said it all to me. I love and miss Lisa.

I never got to be a big fan of Lisa's because her shows just weren't on at times when I could watch television. But IMHO she is a gorgeous woman with superb skills at television as well as in fashion. When I did see her, I was always favorably impressed. But I agree that some type of dispute happened.

Like the strange departure of Dave James, for which I have always felt PJD played a part, I think something happened, either to Lisa directly, (including the CEO leaving,) or she felt her "position" had been given over to one or two of the male hosts who seemed to be getting an undue amount of attention and publicity, when she was clearly the queen of the station. Maybe it was the GILI line where she felt entitled to share in the profits thereof, or perhaps she just got fed up one day. I think the station was wise enough to let her set her own time for departure, so as not to be so obvious in "letting her go".

I do think I saw a little frustration in her Christmas shows, although they were lovely. I'm sorry she isn't on anymore, but I wish her every possible success in the future. Perhaps, rather than taking a full time gig, she is going to just wing it by taking up a few offers for a while, and then latching onto something more full time. She's making too much of her daily do's on the internet to believe she is "retired". Regardless, God speed, Lisa.

What did PJD do to Dave King? I can't imagine Pat doing anything mean spirited to anyone....I never heard about that if it did happen!!!!!{#emotions_dlg.scared}

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On 1/20/2015 LipstickDiva said:
On 1/20/2015 Lotus~ said:

Although some of the speculation makes sense, I highly doubt if there were bad feeling between Lisa and QVC, they would never have given her the send-off they did.

What I find even more interesting is that for someone who was stalked and even went to court for it, would post pictures of herself including the names of restaurants and places she goes to. (sorry, I know that was a run-on sentence)

I posted this same thing last week Lotus. It strikes me as odd as well. Yesterday I went to her page and she posted a photo of herself having tea and named the place and said it's becoming her hangout. {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

I live within minutes of the Q and often recognize the places the hosts frequent from their Facebook photos. The Italian restaurant Lisa just touted is right down the road. I have also seen hosts at the grocery store and Susan Graver at a local nursery. I don't buy for a minute that Lisa is afraid of stalkers. It would be so easy to follow her. If she is truly afraid of stalkers, she isn't nearly as smart as some think.

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Posting one's whereabouts (for a person who was a victim of stalking) on their Facebook seems like asking for trouble….especially if you admit that it's become your hangout. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

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On 1/20/2015 Krimpette said:

Posting one's whereabouts (for a person who was a victim of stalking) on their Facebook seems like asking for trouble….especially if you admit that it's become your hangout. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

I don't get that at all. I think it's crazy for anyone to post pictures of where you go on Facebook, whether you've had stalking issues or not.

That's just me...

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On 1/20/2015 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 1/20/2015 Heart of Spade said:

Lisa is a young woman. I find it hard to believe she would choose to give up a high-paying job with tons of perks without another lined up. It doesn't take long to blow through savings when nothing is coming in, and Lisa doesn't remind me of the type of person who would live frugally. And then there's health insurance, etc., to consider. Also, she really seemed to enjoy her job.

I still say there was a "dispute." I think she wanted a cut of the GILI line or it was something related to "her" line. I think she loved bringing the GILI items to the Q and wouldn't have up and left without a very good reason. "Designing" this line gave her job at the Q new life and a break from the mundane.

I don't think Lisa has a plan. I think the Q called her bluff and she was left with no choice but to explore other options. I don't think it will be easy for her as her popularity/notoriety pretty much ends with the Q. No offense to her, but I don't think anyone who doesn't watch the Q knows who she is. Her stint on Project Runway and the other fashion segments she's done are a result of her affiliation with the Q. I doubt we'll see her on more shows like this.

You don't think Lisa has a plan? ......... You think she left to do nothing? LOL !! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Oops. I'm sorry. You're right. She has a plan.

Who you looking at?! It's Go Cart Girl!!!! I tried riding go carts yesterday and it was a lot of fun, but who knew it involved a hair net?! Hope you're having a good Monday :)

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
On 1/20/2015 Heart of Spade said:
On 1/20/2015 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 1/20/2015 Heart of Spade said:

Lisa is a young woman. I find it hard to believe she would choose to give up a high-paying job with tons of perks without another lined up. It doesn't take long to blow through savings when nothing is coming in, and Lisa doesn't remind me of the type of person who would live frugally. And then there's health insurance, etc., to consider. Also, she really seemed to enjoy her job.

I still say there was a "dispute." I think she wanted a cut of the GILI line or it was something related to "her" line. I think she loved bringing the GILI items to the Q and wouldn't have up and left without a very good reason. "Designing" this line gave her job at the Q new life and a break from the mundane.

I don't think Lisa has a plan. I think the Q called her bluff and she was left with no choice but to explore other options. I don't think it will be easy for her as her popularity/notoriety pretty much ends with the Q. No offense to her, but I don't think anyone who doesn't watch the Q knows who she is. Her stint on Project Runway and the other fashion segments she's done are a result of her affiliation with the Q. I doubt we'll see her on more shows like this.

You don't think Lisa has a plan? ......... You think she left to do nothing? LOL !! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Oops. I'm sorry. You're right. She has a plan.

Who you looking at?! It's Go Cart Girl!!!! I tried riding go carts yesterday and it was a lot of fun, but who knew it involved a hair net?! Hope you're having a good Monday :)

Oh, wow; she's going the super-hero route.{#emotions_dlg.blink}