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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

I have an appointment near a free-standing Talbots next Thursday and will go in and try on some pants.  Since they changed the pants, I don't know the fits anymore.  I was wearing Signature.


It will be easier to order online and take advantage of flash sales once I know what sizes I should be ordering.


I also hope there is a better sale for next Thursday (although I do have my Birthday coupon to use).

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

@VaBelle35  I was just thinking that Talbots would be doing something great for Easter weekend, but I guess I'll have to hope there is a better sale later ihe month or a flash sale on pants.   Smart of you to try on things at the store and then get them online perhaps in a flash sale.


Happy birthday!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

Thank you @Pearlee 

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

I had to pay my bill, so I looked around at Talbot's yesterday.  The accessories were good prices at 40% off but not good enough. Experience has shown me that they will be reduced in price (most of the spring lines were still full prices in accessories) and so the scarves and jewelry and handbags and shoes etc. will later in the season be an additional percentage off that clearance price, after they get to be clearance priced, so I'll just wait.  There are several scraves I've liked that I'll just keep an eye on.


@gidgetgh  I will say that I was sorely tempted by a couple of the sterling silver pieces that were at the store I was in (usually the stores have only a couple of the silver pieces and you need to order them online instead).   And I do think that at the 40% off the sterling silver was a good price (not so good at T's full prices).  I liked a necklace and a braclet and the necklace esp. was a good price, esp. with the SS chain that could be removed and used on other things.  But I didn't buy anything - just paid my bill.

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

So when I saw the subject line of my email from T's last night that had 40% off in the title, I just about panicked thinking "oh no, I could have saved another 10% on my curvey white jeans, which are en route now."  Thankfully when I opened the email I saw the flast sale last night was just on sweaters and skirts.   I wouldn't want a skirt but I deliberately didn't look at any sweaters because I could have wanted one of those!   


Did anyone get anything on that flash sale last night?

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

I ordered the lace hemmed pencil skirt in blue.  😊

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Re: Talbot's New Spring Clothes

You Talbots ladies who like Boho Chic, which T's has had a lot of this spring,  LOGO just had on a cute Boho Chic top, in all cotton.  A290233