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Registered: ‎04-04-2014

Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

If you're not watching shopping channels PARTLY for the entertainment then you may as well be shopping a catalog. If they didn't have distinct personalities I wouldn't be watching and certainly there are those I can't take (or only in small doses) but conversely there are those that I can watch even if I'm not particularly interested in the items...

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

It doesn't matter to me what the content of the personal story is, as long as it is kept short, and the focus is on the product being presented.  If Jane wants to put in a plug for spots she visits, that's fine if it's quick and not distracting.  She is all about selling, even when she is putting a personal spin on it, but if I'm tuned into QVC I only want to know about what they sell.

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Registered: ‎11-23-2015

Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

@millieshops wrote:

Sad because it's only the stories that make watching worthwhile -  al the rest you can find on line.  Or by buying from paper catalogs.  There's no reason to watch any of the shopping channels if you really want to buy something.


In fact, watching is geared toward making viewers into impulse buyers -  the rest of us know to check the Internet.



I disagree.    The colors are distorted online, and it's difficult to judge measurements based solely on the numbers given, which are often times off.