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So is freedom.

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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

@vsm wrote:

Wow.  They've finally done something right.


Umm no. Nothing they do is "right". 

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@vsm wrote:

Wow.  They've finally done something right.

@vsm Smiley Very Happy I was going to say, other than skinny jeans, which I like, if all the rest disappeared from the entire universe, there'd be no great loss... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

@stevieb wrote:

@vsm wrote:

Wow.  They've finally done something right.

@vsm Smiley Very Happy I was going to say, other than skinny jeans, which I like, if all the rest disappeared from the entire universe, there'd be no great loss... 

@stevieb   So glad I turned in my tickets to fly to NK. Not giving up my skinny jeans for anyone at any time.

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Skinny Jeans Banned!

[ Edited ]

@ALRATIBA wrote:

I just saw that skinny jeans and mullets have been banned in N. Korea!


Also ripped jeans, slogan t-shirts and nose and lip piercing.

 I hate all of that anyway GOOD FOR THEM.