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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

My spring closet switch consists of moving winter clothes to the back and stowing boots under a bed.  I think I did it back in March. 

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

I mostly just rotate and keep my closets well organized and pieces I no longer want moved out on a regular basis.  I have a box in back of my car and when I see something I no longer want in it goes to the donation box.   


I have one bigger closet to myself and share another one with my husband.  All my coats go into a downstairs closet.


If it doesn't fit in these closets then something has to go.  It is a lot of work in keeping our closets a pleasure to look at. 









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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

Ahhhh... yes.   I remember from back in the days when I worked.  Hauling clothes from the basement to the upstairs, and others from upstairs to the basement.  And then moved some from the bedroom closet to the spare room closet, and vice versa.  It would take me allll day, early morning to evening, to make the change and wash the items that had been packed away.  And then, filling the donation bags along the way.  It was good exercise!   I can relate @ALRATIBA !


Now that I've retired, I can keep all 4 seasons in one walk-in closet (that I share with hubby).  I just move some from the front to the back.  The walk-in closet in my 'she den' is for my dressy clothes, so it's almost empty and I rarely open the door.

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

I don't have a lot of clothes, summer or winter, but I have a very large walk in closet that accomodates a lot.  I went thru some things a couple of months ago and donated to local charity store which proceeds benefit animal rescue.  

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!



I retired 11 years ago - but still have a lot of clothes .... just "different" kinds of clothes (and shoes).  And, I tend to buy multiples of my basics.


And, I live in a one-bedroom apartment with two small bedroom closets and one coat closet near the entry.  


Not counting the recent past - I lead a fairly active life style so I do have a "need" for the clothes (and shoes).   




@tototwo wrote:

Ahhhh... yes.   I remember from back in the days when I worked.  Hauling clothes from the basement to the upstairs, and others from upstairs to the basement.  And then moved some from the bedroom closet to the spare room closet, and vice versa.  It would take me allll day, early morning to evening, to make the change and wash the items that had been packed away.  And then, filling the donation bags along the way.  It was good exercise!   I can relate @ALRATIBA !


Now that I've retired, I can keep all 4 seasons in one walk-in closet (that I share with hubby).  I just move some from the front to the back.  The walk-in closet in my 'she den' is for my dressy clothes, so it's almost empty and I rarely open the door.


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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

I am starting the seasonal switch for the first time. My husband commented that no one else does that and I have too many clothes. Well ha, I found this forum and laughed!  It had gotten to the point that I really didn't know what I had in my closet as it was packed so I think a seasonal switch will be so nice. I especially bought a lot of Linea clothes the past several years. 

I am wondering if I should put anything in the totes with my winter clothes, like cedar balls?  I only have one 100% wool sweater. I am waiting to get all my flowers planted and the garden in so hopefully this will happen next week!

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

[ Edited ]

Very little for me to do with regards to seasonal clothing. All my clothes are in my bedroom closet (not walk-in) and 2 dressers. Everything I need is there except for coats. 


All I do is move the cold weather items to the back of the rod so the spring/summer items are closer to the door opening. I also move my winter shoeboxes to the back of the closet floor & slide the warm weather shoes to the front. I have separate drawers for short sleeve tees, long sleeve tees, sweaters, etc. so there's nothing to do there. 


I downsized my wardrobe several years ago. I just decided I had way too much. I could never wear it all. I still love to buy new things; I just don't buy as much as I used to. At one time I had 3 of those portable assemble yourself closets and multiple bins in my basement. Moving seasonal clothes upstairs from the basement was a real chore. Glad I don't have to do that anymore. 


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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

@tucsongal wrote:

My spring closet switch consists of moving winter clothes to the back and stowing boots under a bed.  I think I did it back in March. 

That's how mine goes too. 

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

[ Edited ]

No switching out for me either @wilma .  All my clothing - other than coats - are hanging in my walk-in closet.  Sweaters folded on shelves in the closet.  


I donated many shoes a few years ago to Goodwill.  I'm not one to keep hundreds of shoes.  

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Re: Semi-annual Closet Switch Has Begun!

I love the closet switch.  I live where we have four distinct seasons and I have lots of clothes, so the switch is a great time to purge and donate.  It is a kind of cleansing and renewal.