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Good morning, shopping friends. It is a beautiful and much cooler day after all the storms


I slept like the proverbial log last night, so this morning I began the overwhelming job of decluttering and going through boxes, jewlery cases, etc. I had news clippings of personal value which I spent time reading. I took a picture so the clippings that still mean something will still be saved in some format.


I watched the SG show and did like the cargo pants but I have too many clothes. Right now, I have a great selection piled on the sofa topped by a cat that thought I did that just for him. The price point for the cargo pants was also just a little too high for me right now. Yes, I see new pants in the store for that price but there is often a sale if one waits. My problem is that I have a popular size so the colors and styles I like quickly disappear. Being an hour or more drive from fashions doesn't permit me to do frequent checks on pricing changes.


I'm off to fix lunch followed by some time spent reading. Then I might convince myself that I need to make more decisions: keep, donate or toss


Have a great day, If you shop, shop wisely.



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  So glad you slept well last night.  I slept pretty well, but my energy level is a bit less than normal (Energizer bunny) so far.  I was so hot yesterday evening that I took a rare second shower before bed.  Of course, it might be a psychological reaction to predictions of very hot weather starting on Saturday. 


Our weather was nice on my early morning walk today, and I'll be going to the gym later this morning.  After a quick lunch, I'll be going to my caregivers meeting.  The hospice nurse said she will visit DH this afternoon, and I'll be there.  His caregivers is out for 10 days or so due to a back injury, but they are sending a substitute.


I know you will make a good choice on what to keep or toss, Jean.  I read and believe the hardest things to part with are sentimental items like those clippings, etc.  Good for you to make those tough calls.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers, and have a good day!





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Good morning.  Jean - what a relief to get a good night's sleep.  Cracks me up how much cats will lay on top of whatever you've set down.  Midnight thinks you're so thoughtful!  That's a good idea about taking photographs of things as you dispose of some.  Digital photos don't take up space!  I'm not getting the cargo pants either.  In fact, when I was in the store the other day I had to talk myself out of purchasing more capris.  I own 4 that fit well right now, and that's really all I need for the 2 times a week that I venture out of the house.  (That's not including the knit capris I wear around the house).  The rational part of my brain needs to win out over the "wanties".  I think my DD has been a good influence on me.  Linda - I've heard about your upcoming heat wave.  Take good care of yourself!


I'm about to go outside and do some weeding in my succulent garden.  I think I'll keep it to one hour, and I'll keep one of those cooling towels around my neck.  


Waves to everyone who visits! ~ Charlene

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Hello all,


We got some rain last night (no big storms) so the robins don't have to wait for me to get home from work and pull out the sprinkler.  I've been watering nightly for them and it's been fun watching a group of robins running around the backyard poking for bugs and worms :-)


Hi ho, hi ho - back to work I go.





There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good morning all --  We have had wonderful weather all week.  Had a beautiful Flag Day golf tournament yesterday, it was packed all day.  Summers are very busy in a golfcourse community.


I'm always happy to see nice weather for the golfers.  It's a hot spot for sure.  My DH and I don't golf much, at least while he is still working everyday.  I haven't golfed in 30 years.


@KonaKat  It sounds like you are on your way to a very productive day, good for you.  I have dedicated the bottom drawer of my dresser for things I don't want to keep; so I put something on, don't like it and it gets tossed in that drawer.  Gather things for a time, bag them and drop them in a charity bin on my way to the grocery store.  It's a good feeling.


@LindaLatte  I sure hope your DH gets all the assistance he needs for his back, poor thing.  Some days we just don't have the energy we usually have, it may be a way of our bodies telling us we need to slow down.


@cerb  I am not a cargo pant person, so no restraint needed.  I've been seeing wide leg capris lately, I don't like those on me either, so my restrictive spending mode is still on track.


@Bird mama  We've had some late night rain lately, last night the robins were having a hey hoe-time looking for worms.  Everyone needs to eat.Woman Happy


Have a fabulous summer day all.  God bless.


My CCs are under wraps.



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Hello  Ladies, we did not have any rain last night but we could use it.  IT has been hot,heat wave,most of the week but today it's back to the 70's and sunny today, tomorrow we're expecting the rain on off this weekend.    We have been busy running back forth to Bklyn for different end of school for DGS ,band,concerts etc..his school closes next week,ours ended yesterday for the kids here.


Toaday I am just hanging around catching up on things.   NOt sure who will be coming up for Father's Day this weekend .   next week we are having a "handy man" come in,he was here last week to do some stuff.....and will be back next week.   We have never had one and he is doing a good job,there are a few odds and ends to do and even though my DH is home all day I know he will never do them..or even worse make a mess on what he is suppose to be fixing ..this way I know it will get done...and right.


That's about all that's going on here.  Have a nice day everyone......Marijane

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Hi everyone,

Beautiful weather in New Jersey,

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean,  I am glad that you had a good night's sleep.  Me too.  Makes me feel like a new woman.  I recently found a lot of newspaper clippings in my cedar chest. One as old as I am.  It was a picture of my sister & I in the homemade double stroller that our dad made.  He was a welder & wood worker.  Unique for sure.  I need to do a little decluttering real soon.


Bird Mama, we got two nice showers yesterday & might get some more on Friday & Saturday.  Haven't seen robins looking for worms, but we have had fun watching squirrels laying on their bellies on the grass & our front porch trying to cool off.


Linda, my energy level has been low but I contribute it to the hot weather.  I haven't walked since last Saturday, but ventured out for a modified walk this morning.  It was pleasantly cool.  Expecting upper 80's today again.  It is supposed to be in the 70's by Sunday & all next week.  


3 suwm5, I am glad that you have had wonderful weather.  Hot here.  We aren't golfers either, but we have some nice courses around here.


Marijane. We have had Handy men for 47 years.  Saves me from lots of frustration.  Your schools get out late.  Ours got out last Friday.  Have fun doing end of the school year things with your dgs.  It sounds like you had a few good float days.


CERB,  it sounds like you are having another busy day doing outdoor things.  I have been hibernating most of the week.  I wondered how those cooling towels worked.


I am finally being productive.  I made strawberry rhubarb muffins for breakfast.


Yesterday we had lunch out & enjoyed our fun little polka band.  There is an Amish farm/store just down the road & the band leader told us that they picked 80 quarts of strawberries & were selling them for $3 a quart.  They have 10 kids & they all help out.  The eldest one packed the quarts very carefully while we were standing there.  


Our niece & great niece are coming for supper tonight.  I am making strawberry shortcake & a rhubarb cake.  I made meatballs/sauce & put it in my crock pot.  Just have to cook the spaghetti & fix the garlic bread at the last minute.


Hugs to all of you.