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Snicks, I have to go back on the 21st to get the new crown.  Then it's on to the next one.  The lower tooth under the one that got worked on today is also a crown that I think needs to be replaced.  My dentist mentioned something about being able to 'fix' that one.  Hmmm, I don't want her to patch something that needs replacement.  Then the next crown is Monster Tooth - the lower left side molar with almost 80% almalgam filling that has to be 25 years old.  Then it's on to the partial.  Then I think I will be done - whew.

I saw something in the insider (my team lead has since taken her copy home) about a TSV I think on 8-11 for a sunjoe blower with bag accessories.  I think the thing is a blower, vaccum and mulcher.  I don't have a leaf blower and I am thinking of treating myself.  I have a few large trees that dump alot of leaves in the fall.


I slept on the recliner for months before I finally broke down and got the cortisone shot in my right shoulder.  I couldn't lay flat because of the shoulder pain and the recliner seemed to do it for me (at least for a couple of hours per night).  I'm typically a side sleeper and found myself sleeping on my side in the recliner.  When I would wake up on my side I would tell myself, easy Bernie or you are gonna break your back.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good Afternoon/Morning!  Thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Sorry the rain changed your plans for today.  I know you are correct about depression/life events causing changes in behavior.  My worst shopping period was when I was going through the separation/divorce period after my first marriage.  I never got into debt, but I bought so, so much stuff.  The majority of that stuff is long gone -- money wasted for sure.


Hope that is it for your tooth, Bernie.  I would have been dying for caffeine myself, really dislike those headaches when I miss my morning caffeine.  At one point, I thought that I could do without caffeine, but no longer.  


Sorry your Susan Graver purchase didn't work out.  I have lots of her clothes, but most are not recent purchases.  I think my last purchase from her line was two pairs of pants -- I had them in navy and then bought the black and brown.  I have found a couple of her items on eBay more recently, and they worked out fine. 


Unlike some of you, I ddin't do that much spending in my 20's and 30's due to lack of money, but I sort of made up for that later.  Now, I'm much better at not buying, but I still love clothes and shoes.  Just have more than my fair share.


Hope your infusion went well, twinny, and your Mom's eye appointment went okay.  You certainly have a busy time ahead.  I think the wheelchairs in the airport are probably a pretty good idea.  Do you tip the helper and how much do you tip?  I ask because a few years back DH used a wheelchair, and I didn't know how much to tip.


Glad it is calm at work, Rosa, and I hope you have a wonderful time with the Saints.  

I'm not a Saints fan either, but I do enjoy football, so I think I would enjoy that event.  Your beach trip sounds wonderful.


Sorry you have needed to sleep in the recliner for three nights, snicks.  I hope you feel better soon.  I used to enjoy shopping in the stores much more when I was younger - I always could find something to buy, but now that I don't need much of anything, it isn't as much fun.  Of course, the fact that I don't have a Mall or shopping center close to home is another reason I don't shop in the stores too much.  I can only take so much Wal-Mart shopping.  


Waves to Kathleen, Arlene (thinking of you), Marijane, Charlene, Susan, pinky ann, Barbara, Karen, LindaR, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


After much ado, I made it to DD's house, and I have already had hugs from the whole family.  They already had lunch before I came, so DGD fixed my lunch.  My SIL is working, but needs to go to the doctor soon.  So, a couple of the kids will be finishing up dinner (main course in the crockpot already).  Oldest DGS is taking a training class for volunteer football coaches and coaching after that, so he will not be joining us for dinner.


Hopefully, DH will do okay with his son.  I can't tell you how sad it makes me that he keeps forgetting things and asks the same questions over and over.  But, that is the way it goes.  He is still a very sweet man.  


DD showed me how to use my phone to listen to music, so I guess I won't bother buying an MP3 player.  I was worried about using up my data time, but apparently, listening to music doesn't use that much data, and none if you are connected to Wi-Fi.    That probably sounds like I know what I'm talking about, but not really.  LOL


Have a nice evening everyone!







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Hi ladies! I was a true shopaholic about the time i joined this thread i had gone from sahm to working full time and i went a little crazy. I remember fighting to pay my credit card down because it got used so much. Thankfully i am a lot better and don't consider myself a shopaholic at all anymore. Grateful i didn't get in any worse than what it was.

We put my car in the shop and it will cost a pretty penny to fix the ac. It's our own fault as it started acting funny a year ago and i didn't take it in then. The whole system has to be replaced. I confess i am wanting aJeep now and wanting one item badly tends to curb wanty quite a bit. Ha ha! Yes he still does give me fits at times . But not today. I have all of our friends here to thank, former posters and new, for loving me not judging me and helping to give me tools to use when he was rattling his cage and mine.
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Just a quick check in. It is rainy and cloudy.,I had a cortisone injection for my painful shoulder and am going to pt this afternoon. I do not have a rotator cuff issue, thank goodness.

i need to start getting ready for Hawaii. We own a beatiful time share so we go for almost 2 weeks. And syd goes with, since we are caring for her this summer.,


i was was never a shopaholic but did a good job of spending my disposable income. We paid for all 3 of our children's college so they had no debt. I found the q a great way to shop back in the day when their offerings were nicer than I have mich more than I would ever need.


snicks..I worry about your cough.  


((())hugs)))to all

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LL, I always give the wheelchair pusher $5.00. They are so thrilled with a $2 dollar bill, but for me it is worth $5.00 coming & going. We go nonstop so I am only in a wheelchair two times. When we went to Mexico in March, my BF's DH used a wheelchair & I told her to give them $5.00. The service was incredible. He was so much against being in a wheelchair, but soon found out what a wonderful convenience it was for him & his wife. I am sorry to hear about your DH asking the same thing over & over again. I am electronic illiterate too. It sounds like you will be busy with your family. SNICKS, I agree that wants are fun sometimes too. Shopping hurts my back, so I don't mind paying for shipping. I still tell my DH when we are going into a store or two that I can't wait to get home & order from the TV. I don't like sleeping in a recliner, but I have done it a few times. I am sorry about your allergies. I used to et them but not so much anymore. Maybe all of the meds that I take help that situation out. FHG, Prayers that you are having an easier time right now. Off just in case I lose my post again.
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Hopefully, DH will do okay with his son.  I can't tell you how sad it makes me that he keeps forgetting things and asks the same questions over and over. But, that is the way it goes.  He is still a very sweet man.  


LindaL - I'm glad that you made it to your destination safely.  What you wrote (quoted above) makes me want to hug you and your DH.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Just got off the phone to my local clinic. When I got my port flushed two weeks ago, they told me that they had a new numbing spray. I have been using Lidocaine for many years. I didn't ask them how it works. The nurse said to just tell them that I want the new numbing spray. Well I will find out tomorrow how I like it. Then while I was on the phone, of course the door bill rang. I ordered some eye drops that I use each night so that I don't get glaucoma. They come packed in ice as it is warm outside. My BIL is an optometrist so he ordered them for me on Tuesday. I just needed to be sure that we were home when they came so that they didn't sit on the porch for a few days. RC, Being a sahm mom can make anybody go nuts when they get their first pay check. It is so much fun to be independent again. It's too bad about the expensive A/C needing to be completely replaced. You have certainly had quite the year. Like the song goes "Moments To Remember." LINDA L, I need to clarify about tipping the wheelchair pusher. We fly from a small airport, so I don't use a wheelchair until we get to Mexico. Then it is very important as I don't speak Spanish & we also have to go through customs. There is a special line that they push wheelchairs through so we don't have to stand in the long lines getting cleared. I hope that this makes sense to you. I always have wheelchair put on my itinerary so there is no confusion when I get to the other end & need it. Your case is different as you change planes & maybe you don't have a very long wheelchair push. Then a couple of bucks would be very appropriate. Lots of people give nothing, but I am happy for the convenience. Hope this helps out.
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"snicks..I worry about your cough."

That is so sweet of you, but it's just the way it is whenever I catch a cold, the cough hangs on so long till I think I will go crazy. Lol, been that way my whole life. I still hate it though. I actually am feeling better except for the cough.
"To each their own, in all things".
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@Bird mama,
Thanks, I already have a leaf blower/vacuum so I guess I won't "need" another. Good luck on all that dental work.
"To each their own, in all things".