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Posts: 513
Registered: ‎06-11-2014


On 4/2/2015 Bird mama said:
On 4/2/2015 fbm8282lsm said:

Just working, will stop after work at the grocery store. My least favorite shopping.

I hear you. I've always been the type of person who ate when she was hungry. That drove my parents batty and when I married and had a husband to cook for, they were thrilled that I actually ate meals. I didn't mind grocery shopping then because I had someone to cook for. Once he passed I went back to my old ways. I don't eat lots of junk food - I can eat two small containers of yoplait yogurt and a handful of dry roasted unsalted peanuts and call it supper.

I am also a widow and I agree about cooking for one, I mostly just open and warm. I am seeing someone and I really love cooking the occasional meal and he seems to enjoy the eatiing. My DH did the grocery shopping, he loved it and I loved to cook, so for us it was a win win.

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Posts: 760
Registered: ‎08-09-2013


Hi Ladies! Wow, the thread is hopping today! Yes, pun intended! :V) It's beautiful here, near 50 degrees, and the forecast looks pretty nice for the next few days. I don't mind the rain predicted, whenever it comes, as it's such a welcome change from snow. I did laundry, and went to town for a few things this morning. Thrilling, I know! Just wanted to stop and say hello. I have to go get a rest for awhile and stretch out my back and hips. Have a good afternoon! pinky

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Posts: 41,717
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


I'm sure by now that those here who receive the insiders and those like me who get a preview email a few days before the event know that there is a Philosophy TSV coming up. I ordered it, in the Unconditional Love option {#emotions_dlg.blushing}. My team lead receives the Insider and had the item number with 5 easy pays so I placed my first order with the Q in over 6 months.

I was almost out of my 4 ounce cologne (parfum, whatever - lol) and they had it on waitlist here (probably held off restocking so people like me would order the TSV {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}) plus they offered a super size whipped creme or whatever it's called in my favorite scent.

I don't use the 3 in 1 and the thought of a scented olive oil scrub just gags me. I will give those big bottles to my team lead.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,103
Registered: ‎07-28-2012


Thanks for the welcome, ladies. You all do seem (read) like very nice people. I will pop in occasionally to visit with you. Hope you all have a Happy, healthy Easter. Take care.

"To each their own, in all things".
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,256
Registered: ‎06-25-2011


Hi girls! Nice to see the thread so busy - it's like the "old days" when it first started. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

I just got here a few minutes ago and don't really look at anything much on the site apart from the fashion and food forums so I can't say I've noticed any changes, apart from the red banner that says, "Looking for Deals? Start here." across the top of the page. My first thought was if I was looking for a "deal," QVC is not the place to do so! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} The "value" hasn't been here in years.

My day did not get off to a good start; I heard one of the cats vomiting early this morning, and woke up to find that whoever it was had left several puddles on the floor and one atop my dresser, where the wood is now lighter under where it was. I put some of the dark Old English scratch remover on it and am hoping that fixes the problem. Normally I'd have gotten up and cleaned it right away, but I'm really stiff and sore today. Yesterday when I was getting Angelica ready to take on our outing she got really excited and knocked me down - she's very strong - and I narrowly missed getting badly hurt, as I fell between her crate, my desk, and the cabinet that has yet to be installed in the bathroom; fortunately I didn't hit my head or anything else on any sharp areas, but I had a hard time getting up, and am sure feeling it today. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

Well, our temps are hitting the 80s already, and today it's overcast - we're supposed to have thunderstorms all day. Well, it's April, after all, and not only do April showers bring May flowers, but you know what May flowers bring, don't you? Pilgrims! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Oh Bird, I loved your "rescue" story - thanks so much for looking after God's precious little creatures! {#emotions_dlg.wub} That table is lovely, and that bunny is adorable - he looks like he's smiling.

Hi snickster - please join us!

Well, yesterday's outing was a trip to Publix and Aldi, with a quick stop at Dollar Tree. The traffic was absolutely horrible, particularly on the highway, and the stores were crowded; I'm glad I got what I need for now and don't have to shop again until after the holidays. I got just a few things at Publix, but was really annoyed that they messed up a special order I had placed, then when I paid for my purchases and left the store, I had gone a couple of miles on the highway when I realized the cashier didn't give me the $25 that I was supposed to get back from the check that I had written, so I had to turn around and go all the way back. {#emotions_dlg.mad} The dogs were happy to ride a bit more; they're so spoiled, though - they expect a treat each time I come out of a store!

LindaL, like you I enjoy grocery shopping; I like to see what's new, although I try to avoid processed foods as much as I can. As much as I love to cook I rarely do so, because for me the pleasure is in seeing others enjoy what I make, and hearing their compliments. Even for the brief time I was married I didn't get to cook often, between my late husband having the culinary sophistication of an eight year old (he wouldn't even try anything new!) and his schedule. He never ate breakfast, would leave for work around 1 p.m., so I'd pack him a lunch and dinner, then got home at midnight, when he'd have a couple of sandwiches. On his days off on at least one day he just had to have pizza...he could live on we'd go to one pizza place or other. He most ate what kids do - burgers, hot dogs, spaghetti, meat loaf, etc. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

Twinny, after reading about all your own health problems I feel awful that you have to go through so much with your mom as well. Seeing all the troubles so many of you have, I'm grateful that my most serious problem, apart from the occasional flare-up when I really hurt, is my various aches and pains. I'm praying for you all.

Today I'm going to try and get some summer tops downstairs. I agree, Jean, if you have too much you lose track of what you have; every time I do my clothes swap I never fail to find a bunch of items (NTW) that I could swear I've never seen before! It makes me sad to put away clothing at the end of a season and see so much that I've never worn. {#emotions_dlg.crying} I also have to do some heavy vacuuming, and make some cupcakes. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with a friend (the reliable one), then we're watching a DVD at her place. She's never read the Bible, so I got her a One Year Bible that I'm going to surprise her with, along with some cupcakes, and I also want to stop at my mechanic's to see what has to be done about my car.

Oh joy...I hear vomiting again, and see it's my Jellybean, who just threw up on the rug. {#emotions_dlg.crying} That's what he gets for scarfing down Autumn's food! Guess I'll be shampooing the rugs again sooner rather than later. (sigh)

Have a blessed day, everyone!