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Greetings, shopping friends. I'm home from work early so I thought I would take the opportunity to start the thread. I guess everyone has been busy like me and hasn't had the time to start the thread.

I've been working every day for two weeks and during the prior three weeks, I worked four days a week. To say that I am tired is an understatement. It has been so easy to come home and collapse and rest instead of getting involved with the internet in any capacity.

Since I was able to come home early because of a teacher's meeting, I took the opportunity to schedule my follow-up appointment with the cardiologist. It seems like I was just there but time flies. I have the appointment in mid-December at which time I will have another EKG run, a requirement of the medicine I am taking. Like many meds, it can be of great benefit but for some after a period of time, it can cause problems so it has to be monitored. I also need to have lab work done before the appointment to make sure my mineral levels, including magnesium are acceptable.

I have no desire to buy the TSV. It just doesn't call out to me but I'm sure it is great for some. I just can't deal with spending that much on a pajama set when a Kohls discount coupon can get me a great set for far less.

I got the L'Occitane set of hand creams. I had used these once and liked them but I think these are not measuring up to my memory of them. Time will tell.

I will be working tomorrow, and plan to make my run to the city on Saturday to pick up groceries and perhaps see a movie since I was unable to do that last Saturday when I was there.

Have a great evening. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Afternoon! Thanks for getting us started Jean. You certainly have been working a lot so far this year. While I know you enjoy it, I'm sure you are also very tired. Hope you have fun on Saturday. The TSV isn't calling out to me either, and I checked with DD who isn't interested. Both of us normally wear nightgowns or nightshirts rather than PJ's, and neither of us spends much time "lounging". But, I hope any who order the set really enjoy it.

DH decided he wants to go to the urologist, and we found that his urologist has left the local practice. I called the local place, and they couldn't see him until the end of December, so he will be going to the doctor he saw before. Not a convenient location, but he has an appointment for next Wednesday. Fingers crossed he can get some help.

I've been to Curves already, and I'll be going to class later this afternoon. DD still hasn't heard back from the doctor, but hopes to hear today.

Waves to all of our posters and readers. Have a good day!



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Linda--I do hope that the appointment with the urologist for DH will have a positive outcome. Sometimes, we have to trade convenience for more timely appointment dates. I usually have to schedule two months in advance of the planned month in which I see the cardiologist.

I see according to the forecast that we should be expecting more rain in an hour. We certainly have been having our share of rain. It makes it feel cooler than usual.

I had forgotten that Bridge Day is scheduled for this weekend. It is the event which attracts people from across the nation to jump from the highest bridge east of the Mississippi.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi girls! I'm having trouble getting moving today; it's cloudy and overcast out, and rather cool - only around 60°. It's supposed to go back into the 70s starting tomorrow, but I think I'll at least get started on my clothes swap - I'll do the bedroom closet which has my most frequently worn pants and my shirts/blouses. I don't think I'll be wearing capris anymore this year, and usually wear knit tops; I also have a shoe organizer on the back of the door that holds 26 pair, so I'll do them as well, and just keep out one or two pair of clog-type sandals.

Jean, I agree with you - I don't see the point of spending so much on PJs, not when for that price I can get 3 pair at TJM, Marshall's, or even Walmart. To be honest, some of my best PJs and nightgowns have come from Walmart; it's like they're impossible to wear out! OTOH, I bought a Karen Neuberger nightgown in TJM and it's looking pretty bad after just one season of wear - and that's wearing it maybe once every two weeks.

Hope things work out well for DH, LindaL. Seems like a lot of doctors are giving up their practice, and more and more are going to follow, due to changes in the health care laws. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

I guess I should get moving; now that my vacuum cleaner has been unclogged I need to give these rugs a good going over; I also have piles of books that need to be put away, now that school is over. I did get my credit for the books I sold to Amazon, and I see they have a new promotion: if you choose slower shipping rather than the free Prime two day, they give you a $1 credit for each item to use towards a book or ebook, so I went with that. I also had an addition $10 promotion credit of some sort, so I got myself a new "toy" - a pie maker that got very good reviews and was just under $10. I still have a few dollars' credit left, even after getting that and things that I had planned on! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Hi ladies!! I wear my "lounge wear" all the time around the house, unlike y'all, and not to sleep in! However, I have several tops and several pairs of "sweats" from Sam's, the capri style brand that I love and they fit me well. Sets just never work for my shape. I am always looking for new ones but the ones I have serve me well and last year I even bought up several extra pairs of bottoms thinking I would need them someday and recently I have started to wear them and let go of the thinner older pairs.

Linda, sorry your DH has to make other Dr plans - I know how that goes and it's quite irritating (literally AND figuratively). I've got my fingers crossed for good news for DD.

Jean what a beautiful picture! I wouldn't be jumping though. Smiley Happy I will be attending the Texas State Fair this weekend. DH nor I have ever been and he's been wanting to go. That will take up most of Saturday.

One lady in our workout class "won" a free stretching session and somehow it got extended to all of us. So at 5:15 she and I are the only ones who showed up (plus the instructor). It was nice and low key. I'm glad I went.

My ladies group last night did meet and it was wonderful, just what I have been missing. I plan to make that a regular thing. I missed my "Survivor" TV show, hope to catch up tonight if it is on the "On Demand" channel.

I will be making food to take up with me. Banana bread and I'm not sure what all else. Need to clean the car and pack the car tonight.

I did get 10,000 steps again last night, which was really nice. Hugs to all!

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Arlene--I agree with you about the cost of pjs, etc. I also sometimes will wear sweats when it is very cold for night wear. As far as organizing clothes, I still haven't put away the crops, etc. but should. Other than the crops, most of my clothes can be worn year round minus heavier jackets in the summer.

Kathleen--I don't like driving across that bridge so I won't be jumping either. It is amazing that there have been few accidents with chutes not opening, etc. or landing on rocks which caused injuries. I haven't seen "Survivor" in a long time. Continue to enjoy your ladies group. Banana bread sounds great.

I rested some this evening and then discovered I had energy to do some things around the house. It was badly needed. Those extra two hours off from work really were a blessing today.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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I had a follow up medical apt. in the city today. One that had been rescheduled.

LindaL: Hope your DD and DH both find some relief. Finding a specialist is difficult and often there is a wait on an appointment time.

Kathleen: Oh what fun---I went to the fair one time--years ago. I remember LOTS of people around---and walking a mile from the parking.

Count me as one NOT jumping off a bridge--lovely picture though.

I had heard last week a rumor of Hobby Lobby--well I see today it is confirmed. I really haven't bought a great deal there---but I do enjoy looking from time to time. Last year I was looking at Christmas decorations and I saw a swag---pretty but not breathtaking. Out of couriousity I checked the price. More than $100!

Our local steakhouse restaurant has now converted to another Mexican restaurant. I know the prices of beef are skyrocketing.

I needed a very grocery items and decided to stop in the grocery being remodeled. They had rows upon rows of wine and such---and other things I was looking for weren't readily available. I bought very little and walked out---should have gone to Wally's instead--which I will need to do to pick up the needed items.

Tomorrow night is a fish fry at church---I will work on the take out line. Last event the line never let us--even when it was pouring rain for about 20 minutes when a storm blew through. I am hoping for a slower night.

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I have been working on an Amazon list for a while. I have been adding and deleting. A few things are needs---will take a look and see what I can come up with.

Jean: You have certainly been working a lot this year. I know there are days you come home and ""crash"". I know your medical tests are necessary and I wish you well. We have the blessing of so many medical breakthroughs but often the medications have side effects to be monitored also. Hope you continue to do well.