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Good afternoon, shopping friends. It is nippy but at least we are being blessed with sunshine on this last Sunday of January.


This month has passed so quickly, and many of my goals went unaccomplished but at least I know I tried. Before going to the city yesterday, I briefly saw AM Style. Denim & Co. prices are escalating so I have a feeling that I will be buying less of it especially when some of the items are priced almost the same as the designer lines. The last 2 items I bought from D&C went back because the top was too long and didn't fit right. Basically, it was a top that should have come in petite sizes.


I was curious to see how the tax law changes impacted me, so I did my taxes today. I had reduced my Federal estimated tax payments knowing that I might not need to pay as much. As it turned out, I'm getting a small amount back. Now, with the State, however, I'll be paying. Our state was the first to implement the income tax return and it does love to collect the taxes. There is a proposed law to modify the return to reduce the amount of taxes on Social Security payments. Time will tell.


Right now, I'm watching the Weather Channel. We are expecting below zero temps mid-week with the wind chill making it far below. I did go to the city yesterday to get my nails done and stock up on some groceries. I priced the Progresso Light and found it at $1.57 a can which was about a dollar less than here. This is why people stock up when in the city and use the local place for fill ins unless they are transportation limited and thus shop primarily at the sole supermarket.


I just turned to the Q to see Junior's mini cheesecakes being presented. These are very good but I haven't had them for a few years. David used to be a newscaster in our state before going to the Q. At that time, he was thinner but age and tasting foods can have its disadvantages as we all can testify.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello Jean @KonaKat  I'm so glad you were able to get your soup at a reasonable price.   Progresso is quickly replacing Campbells Healthy Request as a favorite in my house.  That's probably because I'm having a hard time finding the Campbells Healthy Request these days.


Ugh income taxes.


Given that the personal deduction increased so much for tax year 2018, I went online the other night and thought, hey, look into EZ file (or whatever they are calling it today).  I've been using turbo tax since tax year 2015 and I was excited about the prospect to getting fed and state free.


My excitement was short lived once I discovered that a 1099-R form (how my pension is captured/reported) is incompatible with EZ File.  


Since I worked during the first quarter of 2018, I still need that tax form.  I earned a little interest on my savings so I'm also waiting for that form, lol.


I think this time around will be interesting for me.  I think the federal and state parts of the taxes will be more clear cut.  The feds and state take what they take, whether it's from regular income or my pension.


Where it could get dicey is the city part.  After Detroit's bankruptcy, the state of MI took over income tax calculations and forms for the city. 


I'm a non resident of Detroit who worked in Detroit for one quarter of the year.  Detroit is entitled to non resident taxes for my regular income and not my pension.  Actually since I worked from home for most of the last 2 months of my employment, I could have been petty and filled out one of those forms the exempt me from tax on the days I never set foot in the city.


I didn't want to go there.  It's not like the city will be getting any more money out of me so let's just end it in 2018 in the least complicated way that is possible.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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I forgot to mention that sun is shining so brightly today it's almost blinding.  We got a little snow that was easy to shovel.  I had just a bit more than a 1/4 tank of gas in the car so I went to the gas station and filled up.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Bernie--I ran into the same thing you did with the 1099-R. Nothing is as simple as it should be with changes. I did see the sign on the lane collapse in the neighboring county on the way to the city that it is going to cost the state over $1 million to repair. I guess that is part of my taxes to help repair the slip caused by excessive rains and heavy trucks.


Good idea to have the tank filled before the weather gets bad. I have yet to use my shovel as what we have had has melted off or wasn't worth shoveling. Time will tell what the rest of Winter will bring.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Afternoon!  Glad it is sunny there, Jean.  It is sunny here, and warming up nicely.  It was cool in the morning, but above freezing. They are saying we may have temperatures in the high 60's or low 70's for the next several days, which I love.  Sorry it will be so cold there.


Glad you got to the city to buy the things you need at a reduced price compared to local stores.  I noticed that Denim & Co. prices are very similar to those of IM, Susan Graver, etc.  I guess it is a good thing that I am not too tempted to buy since I am trying to cut back purchasing clothing that I don't need.  


On the taxes front, this will be the last year I can file "jointly" with my late husband.  I am curious about how much I will need to pay, but filing is a long time off.  DH had several investments that are not required to send out forms until the end of March.  Hopefully, things will be easier in the future, and I will be able to use Turbo Tax rather than a CPA.  


Interesting about your taxes, Bernie.  My oldest DGS had to pay DC taxes as well as Maryland taxes the past couple of years.  HIs new job is in Maryland, and I know he is happy not to need to pay extra taxes.


I'm back from church and headed to the gym soon.  Not my "regular" gym since they are having an activity there.  Just too crowded.  Although I knew there would be additional people at church since the winter visitors are back, it was very full today.


After reading about Marijane (I think it was her) making chicken parmesan, I decided to try it myself.  I make the eggplant variety often, but not the chicken.  Anyway, I tried it last night, and it was delicious.  I'll be having it again tonight, but put the rest in the freezer.  Hopefully, it will taste okay after being frozen.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!





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Linda--I'm sure that you will be relieved when this year's tax filing is over. I'm with you on the rising prices providing an incentive to reinforce reduced spending unless it is a need or a reduced price...and then if really justified. Good luck on the chicken parmesan. I'm sure it will turn out now.


My niece just contacted me to see if we were going to stay in Columbus the night we return from Australia.  After a 28 hour total flight time, and getting into Columbus around 4pm and then waiting for baggage, I really don't think I want to drive 3 hours after not sleeping on plane.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 7,543
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Happy Birthday, twinny!

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Hi everybody - Jean, thanks for starting our thread today.  We will continue to work with a tax preparer this year, though it'll be interesting to see how much things change for us.  Our appointment is for the 2nd week in March, as it takes us a long time to get certain statements we need, such as those from our brokerage accounts.  twinny - sorry to hear about your DH's fall, I hope there are no lasting bad side-effects.  Barbara - am praying for your DH's health!  Bernie - I like the shoes you posted yesterday, they seem like a nice neutral.  I hear that neutral-colored shoes make our legs look longer, so maybe I should get a pair, lol!  Linda - keep up the good work exercising, and glad to hear that the last hospice experience went better.


Yesterday was such a beautiful warm, sunny day, my DH and I spent much of it doing yard work.  It was enjoyable to be outside.  This morning we went to church and then grocery shopping.  Tonight's dinner is corn chowder.


I've been slowly getting our utility bills to where I pay them online.  I was resistant to the idea at first, but I don't feel like paying 50 cents a stamp, lol.  Anyway, this past month I've tried several times to get our electric bill set up online, but they keep having "technical problems with their website."  Hmm...not that reassuring.  But at least we have our gas, water, and internet set up.  I'll keep working on it.


I did give in to a purchase on California Gold Rush Day.  I purchased an Adi Paz rhodolite garnet pendant that had been on my wish list for a year.  Original price was about $222, then it went up to about $249.  On gold rush day it's sale price was $149.  So I splurged.  I've been very picky about recent purchases, and have sent back more returns than usual, so we'll see how much I like it.  I am aware it sounds strange to want to avoid paying with a 50 cent stamp, but then buy a $149+ piece of jewelry.  What can I say - part of me is frugal, and part of me likes to spend.  I'm a work in progress.


Waves to all  ~ Charlene

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Charlene @cerb  I do web bill pay for practically everything via my bank.  The only account that I allow to 'automatically withdraw' from my checking account is the car payment.  The only reason I did it that way was NISSAN  would charge me a fee the 'regular' way.  I like to log into my bank and pay any bill I get within 24 hours and it peeved me that NISSAN generates a statement early in the month (due date is the 26th each month) and the earliest they will 'pull' a payment in the 19th.  I guess it's better than snail mail.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise