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Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone is having a nice day so far. I'm not planning to do any shopping today, but the TSV sandals do have my attention. Anyone try this brand and have an opinion? I love my Clark's so it is difficult for me to try another brand. Too many disappointments in the past, unfortunately. I do not wear thong sandals -- drive me crazy, so these are more what I like. However, I have a narrow foot, and I have read that these sandals tend to run wide. Not that I need sandals or anything.

Hope all goes well for you on Monday Jean. You must have quite a lot of towels. Mine seem to last for ages, so I was very surprised when this one had a hole. Also found a "star" in my car windshield yesterday. Not a great day for my things.

It is nice and sunny here, and we should get up into the 70's. Next week it is supposed to turn warmer/hot.

Waves to Jean, Kathleen, Arlene, Sonya, twinny, Rosa, Susan, Marijane, LindaR, Nancy, Karen, Val, Gayle, Kathy, and all of our posters and readers.

Have a good day everyone!



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I am with you on the thong sandals. Lots of ladies in this area "live in them" year around! I am also a Clarks fan---no break in--in my experience.

Windy and cloudy--chance of some weather tonight and tomorrow. I know we are in need of moisture.

Oh yes, it seems to run in "clumps" one thing and then another and another. Had one of those weeks too!!!

No shopping on my radar---need to do some laundry and household duties.

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Hi girls! It's another bright, sunny day - I'm meeting a friend at Red Lobster for dinner as I have a coupon for $10 off two entrees. The Lobster in Paradise sounds good - I think that's what I'm going to order.

I'm another Clark's fan; I find that they're always comfortable right out of the box, and they last a long time. Thongs don't bother me; everyone wears them in Hawaii so I guess I got used to them.

I had a reasonably productive day yesterday. I got a pot of stuffed cabbage made, and it was really, really good - I find that using 80% lean ground beef works best in something like that. In fact, I'm almost disappointed that I can't have more today since I'm eating out, but they'll be there tomorrow. I got my tops swapped out, and a few more bags filled for the mission closet (which is actually a large room). The First Presbyterian missionaries (at least those who are my size) are going to be the best-dressed around! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} I couldn't believe how much I have, even after giving so much away over the past few years - so many items I could have sworn I never saw before. {#emotions_dlg.crying} As I went through the boxes I tried to imagine myself looking at things as if they were still in the store...and if I didn't want to "buy" them, into a bag they went. I have one drawer in the chest filled with spring sweaters; they'll be swapped out when it gets warm to stay. As far as the other things go, as I wear and wash something, it'll either go back in the big closet or into the donations bag - seriously, I could probably go two years and not repeat a spring/summer outfit.

One thing that's driving me crazy is I can't find my summer nightwear - I can't imagine where I put it, unless it's under something in a box I didn't go through. I was too tired to keep looking last night; I still have to vacuum out the two room-sized closets, so I'll take another look then - probably tomorrow.

Anyway, I decided that for every new item I bring in, two older items have got to go...and I'm not buying anything unless I'm absolutely crazy about it. I found three purses to give away, so I'm OK after this week's purchase.

I took a leap of faith and shut the heat off last night; it hasn't run in days, so hopefully I won't have to turn it back on this season

Well, I need to get some cupcakes made. My friend's son's birthday is tomorrow, so I thought I'd give her some for him when I see her later.

Jean, I also have a lot of towels, although my favorites are some by Martha Stewart that I bought in Hawaii - they're Egyptian cotton, and even after 10 years they still look great and are very thick and plush. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Linda--Thank you for starting the thread. I have Orthoheels in a slide type sandal and also in an athletic walking shoe that looks very much like that Earth Shoe recent TSV. I like them but I am one who has had to use inserts in some shoes. If you have flat feet and have not been using a corrective insert, it might take time to get used to wearing them.

I used to bite at towel sales just like I did with shoes. I think each of us bought ten sets of towels at that close out, thinking one never knows when they could be used as a backup for a gift, etc.

LindaR--Your area really suffers from lack of rain. It seems Mother Nature isn't fair when it comes to distribution of the rain.

Arlene--I love stuffed cabbage and also stuffed peppers. I haven't turned the heat off yet. It was 42 degrees for us today. That is a great plan to let two things go for each item brought in.

I went to the city today to take in a movie and then pick up a few things at Walmart. I could have done it Monday when I go to see the orthopedic surgeon, but I wanted out today. I left Walmart only spending $55 which included some needed items for Midnight and me and none of the extras they tempt you in the aisle or by the food sampler people.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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I need some nice shoes for work and walking but the tsv isn't my style. I love my flip flops for around the house and running errands but even the blingy ones are not dressy enough to be comfortable in them at work, and they've next to no support.

I had a great day with Mom! Found Dad an outfit (he's lost so much weight) and Mom some tops. I bought a dress unexpectedly - it really caught my eye and so far everyone loves it. Mom's expression made me buy it I guess.

We are looking at RV's. I can't fathom leaving my life here but it's looking like that is what we will likely do. Kicking around all kinds of options and thoughts...

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Good idea of getting rid of two for every one you bring in Arlene. I would be delighted to do that, but I will try one for one for now -- baby steps.

What movie did you see Jean? You did well at Wal-Mart. In general, the more time I spend there, the more money I spend there -- just too many temptations of all sorts. And, unlike you, "my" Wal-Mart is very close to the house (probably less than five miles away).

Can't imagine having that many sets of towels, but they certainly would make nice gifts.

Glad you had a nice time with your Mom today Kathleen. The dress you found is very cute.

I don't think I'd ever get used to moving around from place to place in an RV, but I know several people who have done so. One was one of my work friends who did so with her husband after they retired. Their RV adventure lasted for about four years, but the last year or two were spent at the same place. They had the idea of moving around, but then decided to stick with one place and then decided to sell the RV and move to a condo. Several of our new neighbors here had been RV folks in the past -- mostly the warm areas in the winter and cool weather places in the summer. Is it possible for you to rent an RV for a while to see if this is something that would work for you? Just wondering.

DH and I took our walk early, and I am nearly finished with the laundry (except for ironing which will happen tomorrow.) After I read for a while, I'll tackle my weekly financial review and make/have dinner.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

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Linda how did you decide to move? Wasn't it awfully hard?

We don't want to sell our place here. An RV would mean we could keep our home. We would not be moving around. This is just a bit of what has been kicking around in my head and in our home lately. Renting a condo and stuff means we have to move all our stuff. I can't even fathom that right now, although it may be an option down the line.

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Glad you will still be able to keep your house Kathleen. I'm sure whatever happens will be the best for you.

Our move sort of came in stages, and it wasn't too difficult to leave the Maryland house. It was hard leaving my daughter and family and other friends and family. Also leaving an area that had been my home for the vast majority of my life.

Long story, but I purchased the Maryland house when my marriage to my first husband broke up after a very long time. I was proud of myself being able to support myself and buy a house, etc., but I didn't really "love" the house or the neighborhood. I didn't have any friends in the neighborhood, and found that I didn't get together with my friends often after I retired.

And, it was nice buying this house with my "new" husband -- good to have a place that is "ours" if that makes any sense. When we first purchased this house, it was just a second house, rather than being our "main" house. But, after a couple of years of the back and forth -- worrying about two houses (two roofs, two electrical systems, etc., etc.,) we were ready to move. I still miss my DD, etc., but I really like it here since there is a lot to do and the weather is more to my liking.

Much different than your stage in life, and I'm not sure if I would have been able to make the move when I was younger. Mainly because my job was in the DC area, and it would have been very difficult to find an equivalent job elsewhere. Probably impossible in this area. Being retired, I didn't have to worry about trying to find a new job, etc.