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Good morning, shopping friends. We are now in the last day of the month, a month which has passed quickly. They say it takes 3 weeks for a new habit to become more permanent, so how did your goals for this month work out?

I did 45 minutes of house stuff this morning. An emergency lantern I have had for 15 years apparently has given up the ghost. I did replace the batteries but it still didn't work. Obviously, it is going bye-bye. Not to worry! I already had a backup just in case and it is less than a year old.

While watching AM Style, I heard Leah say that next Saturday would focus upon Spring accessories. Groundhog or no groundhog, the thought of warmer temperatures is very appealing.

When I saw the TSV, I thought of Linda who is without a Clarisonic right now. I have the Mia 2 but I have no desire to spend this amount of money to upgrade right now. I did see that the Clarisonic website was pushing the Mia1 for less than $100 according to an email I received.

I am out of my calorie free, caffeine free soda but I refuse to buy more this month. Instead, I am guzzling water with some juice added for taste. I like the carbonation of the soda and its taste. Time will tell if I convert totally over to water. I still drink my coffee. So much for beverage habits!

I did like the IT item that was promoted in AM Beauty as well as the First Aid special om the cream. I am holding fast to not making a want purchase this month regardless of how good the deal might be as in the First Aid supersize set of two jars.

It is sunny which makes the 13 degrees bearable, but I have no urge to go outside. After this hour's break, I'll be getting back to seeing what needs to be organized differently or find a new home.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Alert: Kohl's Big One Bath Towels drop from $9.99 to $2.67 when you buy 3 or $2.16 if you buy more! Sale ends today! Unfortunately or fortunately depending upon view point, I am well stocked with towels. This tidbit came from Brad's Deals.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning! Thanks for getting us started Jean. Thanks also for thinking of me, but I will not be ordering the TSV. While all the extra bells and whistles might be nice to have, I cannot justify spending that much money on a beauty item. I will consider the lower price model at some point, but it is still January, and I my bank account is crying. Thank goodness I get my pension money tomorrow (or Monday given that the bank isn't open.)

You did a remarkable job of shopping restraint this month. I used to drink diet cola (with caffeine) at lunch, but I rarely do so these days. At first, just drinking water seemed weird, but I'm pretty used to it now. Of course, I still have my coffee and/or tea in the morning. In the winter/cooler weather, I often have a cup of tea after lunch or dinner -- often herb flavored. And, I usually have a glass of wine once or twice a week with dinner.

Those towels sound like a good deal, but not a need for me. I saw the folding table promoted here, and I was very interested since I have a white one that I love. That is the table I use when I do my weekly financial accounting and periodic writing. Definitely a good "cost per use" item. The advantage of the one promoted today is that it comes in colors with easy pay and lower shipping, but given the state of my finances, I will probably pass.

We had a lot of rain yesterday, and we are expecting more rain today. And, it only reached 60 degrees or so yesterday, but I know our weather is so much warmer than elsewhere. I know that LoriM loves the winter weather, but I am the opposite.

DH and I have a community meeting with catered lunch today which will take a bunch of time. Hope that there are some fun/informative moments. I really, really liked "Jersey Boys". Of course, I grew up with and like the music, and the story was very interesting. DH really didn't know the music, but I think he enjoyed the movie as well.

I saw on FB that Karen's Mom passed away, and I want to send her my condolences. I know how close you were to your Mom, and I know you will really miss her.

Other than the meeting, laundry, and financial accounting, nothing much planned for today. I don't know if DH will want to take a walk due to the rain, so I may just do a Leslie Sansone DVD or something.

Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Rosa, Marijane, Susan, LindaR, Karen, and all of our posters and readers.

Hope those in the cold zone keep warm and safe, and everyone has a good afternoon.



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Linda--I agree with you about the cost of the TSV and whether the extra bells and whistles is worth the cost. I also have that Tablemate table in white and have had it for several years. It is a very handy item.

I also just saw the FB post regarding Karen's mother. I extend my sympathies to her and family. This is a difficult time so prayers for peace and comfort as time brings acceptance.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi ladies, I think it's great KonaKat, that you're not drinking soda. I did the reverse, unfortunately. After not drinking sodas for a couple of months, I just bought myself some root beer. Well, I will limit myself to one a day. Good for getting rid of the non-working lantern too. 13 degrees??? Brrrrrr!!!!!! Linda - I felt the same way about the Clarisonic. Years ago I bought the small sized version which was much less expensive. I like it, but I can't use it very often because it aggravates my rosacea (which usually isn't that bad.) I have also found that over time the Clarisonic doesn't hold a charge for as long as it used to. I can only use it 2-3 times before it needs to be charged again. So I'm guess I'm giving that product a mixed review, LOL.

I don't remember if I mentioned this last time, but I went through clothes again and removed another 27 items to be donated to the charity thrift store. Also had some more books to give away. My husband was helping me that day, and he suggested we stop by a small book exchange on our way there. It might be hard for me to describe, but about 1 mile from our house, a homeowner built a beautiful wood structure, about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide, on a post, with a glass door. It's filled with books for people to take or leave. I always wanted to stop by there. I was happy to find a few books that I wanted, and even more happy to leave more books than I took.

When we were at the thrift store making our donation, I was perusing books (I only bought one, so I'm doing okay), but I also saw several books that I had donated a few weeks ago. Okay - is it only me? I know that books are inanimate objects that have no thoughts or feelings. But it seemed to me that those books were looking at me with hurt feelings, wondering why I gave them away. Don't worry - I left them there. The rational part of my brain is still functional. I'm curious if anyone else ever feels that way?

Well, I'm almost done drinking my tea (still morning here in California), and I need to go clean out the goat pens. Later today I think I'll watch some recorded T.V. programs and do some mending. Hope you all have a nice Saturday!

~ Charlene

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Jean, I didn't realize that you were in the teens right now. We have been in the 20's at night & upper 30's by day. We are supposed to get between 4"-7" of snow starting tonight & snowing most of tomorrow. We need it. I like cold weather but not when it hits -40. My fleece coats/jackets are all I need all winter long. No shopping for me either. I can't believe how fast January went. Great deal on the Kohl's bath towels. I don't need any & I am not near Kohl's. They are between 45-60 minutes away.

LL, I know that your area needs rain like we need snow. Hopefully we both get some. Have fun at your lunch with your DH. I also like the Jersey boys music.

Karen, sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. Prayers for you & your family.

Cerb, You did very good job at getting rid of some more books & clothes. My DH walks each day & he told me about a book thing like you mention just a few blocks from our house. I am not able to take a daily walk like he does, but I told him when the weather gets warmer & I am back on my moped, I will stop to check it out. I have no idea who put it there. It looks exactly how your describe the one by you. I never drank soda until our DS graduated from HS in 1989 & got a 4 year Pepsi scholarship through my DH's work. I made a vow then that I would drink Pepsi until the day I died. I only drink about 3 cans a week though.

It is sunny but I am waiting for the snow storm so start tonight. Last night at dinner time we did drop off the pizza, chips & cookies to the couple with the new baby. She has a 2 y/o proud sister. Two cuties for sure. DH & I did go to a local cafe but were not impressed with the food or the prices. We had only been there once before for lunch so thought we would try it again.

I did 3 loads of laundry this morning as I didn't do any last week. We did too many fun things last week. DH wants chili for supper so that will be my afternoon project after we get out of the hot tub. Yesterday I was feeling sluggish so I hope to take it easy all weekend. I did get an email from our pastor saying if they get as much snow as predicted there will be no church tomorrow. They only live about 20 minutes from us but they are supposed to get between 7"-10".

Hugs to all of you.

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Hello Ladies, so sorry to hear about your Mom Karen, my thought and prayers go out to you and your family.

You were a little 'warmer' than me this morning Jean and with the windchill it was about -10 below. We are having another storm Sunday into Monday morning with about a foot coming.....the weatherman said we are in a storm track and they are lining up like planes waiting to land at JFK. Since the snow started late in the season I was hoping for it to be a short one...guess not.

Twin sorry the place you ate at last night wasn't that great but I bet the young couple did appreciate the pizza. I don't drink soda just a lot of water. Have fun in the hot tub.chili sounds good.

Those towels sound like a good deal Jean but I have a lot of towels too. Your community meeting sounds interesting LindaL. What is it that is being discussed? I have a clarsonic Mia that I like, have it for several years now....I don,t think I'd like a big one.

We have tons of book in our basement too whole wall is filled with bookcases. each shelf 2-3 deep in books..I could start my own library down there. My kids and DH are readers but never give anything away! Had to laugh at your 'hurt feelings; about the books. I feel th same way when I don't put up all my Christmas decos up.....and leave some in bins ..they are aren't putting me up this year! WHY! LOL.

Have a nice day everyone.......Marijane

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Charlene--My experience with soda has really changed. I was addicted to Mountain Dew Diet because of its caffeine level. The biggest selling soda in our state is Mountain Dew, which says something about what is in it. When I developed the heart issue, I still decided to drink my regular coffee but reduce the number of cups. I then switched to a caffeine free, calorie free soda which worked fine despite my missing the Mountain Dew for a period of time. Time will tell if I indulged again once my need to go to the super market surfaces. You have done a super job with de-cluttering. I used to have a huge collection of books but let them go. I think the emotional aspect of donating for me is the process leading to the decision. Once the decision is made, the emotional ties are cut which is easier with an inanimate object than with a living person or animal. Keep up the fabulous work!

Twinny--it is now 1:21pm and it has warmed up to 26 degrees. The word is to expect zero tonight and tomorrow night. I do hope you don't get the big snow. The latest says that the front is moving north of us, so we are expected not to be hit big. It makes sense to cancel services with a big snowfall. Hot chili sounds perfect for a chilly day. I have often been disappointed in first visit to a specific restaurant but am willing to give it a second chance, but the future of visits to it depends upon the outcome of the second visit.

I just had my afternoon protein drink. I'll watch an hour of TV and then head for the Kindle and bed, where Midnight likes to cuddle with me as I read. In the meantime, I need to drink more water which is on orders of the doctor.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.