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Good afternoon, shopping friends. I've been doing odds and ends around the house and plan to rest a few hours this afternoon. I have a distinct feeling that I won't sleep tonight worrying about freezing pipes, etc. The house is super well insulated but there is always the possibility of it happening.

I did refill the bird feeder as I didn't want to do it in sub zero temperatures with a wind chill of a possible 30 below.

Right now, I'm having some Progresso Light soup which I prepared in that Sistema soup mug that was presented yesterday. I got mine from Amazon and it is a winner.

I did make a purchase. I made the mistake of going to Amazon to check on my "subscribe and save" when I saw they had five years of the Boston Legal program as a Daily Deal. I did like the program but didn't see the beginning episodes and I thought for $59, five years of entertainment would be provided when stuck at home.

The moral is that if you risk looking, you risk buying...and I did!

Rosa--The pictures were great. What a happy couple!

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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I bought today too Jean. I bought some Laura Geller baked eyeshadow (Moonstone) color a long time ago - not sure if it was here or Sephora, and it took a while but I got so many compliments with that shade! I've been out for a while, trying to find something that will come close and noticed on another board they have a 50% off sale. I ordered 2 of them and a blush too. Yay! I'm trying to keep track of my new stuff.

I couldn't bear to leave my dog at home all day so I brought her to work. I brought a big fuzzy blanket that I folded in half and laid on the floor - you guessed it she is laying across the room on the bare floor.

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Thank you Kona. I will let you know when all of the pictures are ready. I read on another thread that you have lost 50 pounds, congraulations. That is a major accomplishment, you must be so proud of yourself. In the past if we are concerned about a pipe freezing we would leave the water dripping a little so the water would be moving and not freeze.

Back to reality and work! We have been fairly busy today and have had several people come in to pay despite being very cold and windy.

ETA The best man {#emotions_dlg.wub} in the pictures, the "bald guy" is my DH that many of you have been praying for. Her engagement ring that is pictured was my Mothers that he had restyled to what the Bride liked.

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Rosa I leave my water dripping when it freezes - the pipes down here are never buried very deep and frozen pipes is always a possibility when there is a freeze. I am busy at work too and can you believe I did not wear my fur coat today but a little sweater! Not sure what I was thinking but luckily I work in the office (unlike a lot of our guys).

ETA: That is so sweet he did the ring!! I'm trying to figure out what picture you are looking at. Oh!!!! Yes, that picture was taken quite a while back but that is me and my girls.

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On 1/6/2014 Rock_chick said:

Rosa I leave my water dripping when it freezes - the pipes down here are never buried very deep and frozen pipes is always a possibility when there is a freeze. I am busy at work too and can you believe I did not wear my fur coat today but a little sweater! Not sure what I was thinking but luckily I work in the office (unlike a lot of our guys).

Rock Chick, I just realized that is you. Loved the picture are htose you daughters?

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yes, that pic was taken a while back but those are my girls! I change out my FB pics regularly. Feel free to "friend' me!! I would have sent you a Christmas card but I didn't have your address. I tried to send to everyone I had an address for but I know I probably missed a couple.

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Rosa--That 50 pounds lost was about five years ago. Since then I've been more or less maintaining. I can lose but it likes to come back to the point I was when I lost the 50 pounds. I have the hot water dripping but I'm always concerned.

Kathleen--I have a shade of LG shadow which I love. I recently found it on Amazon at a great price and bought it. It is working well. Today would have been a great day for that fur coat!

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
Posts: 66
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Hi's a pretty yucky day here but the temps are ok. It's supposed to get really really cold here over the next two days.

I had today off and have been enjoying it....dropped Sydney off at school, went by Walmart to get a few things (they have a great selection of Keurig coffees), and then came home and made chilli in the crockpot for dinner, did some ironing and walked on the treadmill. I programmed my Fitbit last night and today is the first day wearing says I've done over 7,000 steps already, I find that quite high, so I'm not sure it's working correctly. I did do over 2.25 miles on the treamill in 35 minutes.

I have done well with my shopping, nothing except groceries and household items. My goal is to continue this at least for this month. I usually do well in January, since I'm still recouping from Christmas spending. I am determined not to see the UPS man for awhile.

Hope everyone has a great day...stay warm. I need to go and pick up Sydney now!!

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Nancy 5 miles = 10,000 steps so 2.5 miles would be 5000 steps.

I ran around the breakroom while waiting for my food to heat up. lol

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Hi girls!

It's freezing cold out there; I have no intention of going anywhere today! In fact, it was really, really cold and snowing last night and I didn't even bother to take the trash container to the curb - it's only about 1/3 full and I didn't want to go out in the cold. I brought my crazy Angel in, and after an hour or so he was crying to go back out again; I can't figure that dog out! At least he has his insulated dog house... I just looked at the forecast, and it's supposed to get warmer starting on Wednesday, thank goodness. My cousin from Michigan is snowed in, my cousin from Florida said it's in the 20s, and I see Chicago is actually colder than the South Pole! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

The kitties are still totally ignoring their cat tree. (sigh) I've yelled at Cherish at least a half dozen times in the last half hour for starting to scratch on one of the recliners; in addition to the cat tree there's a decorative tree with scratching post bottom in the living room, a large scratching post in the dining room, and two of those special bowl-type bed/scratchers, as well as a few smaller scratchers around the house...and she's refusing to use any of them.

Hope you're feeling better, Rosa - take lots of Vitamin D3. I started to feel a cold coming on a few days ago, took some extra, and felt better by evening. The wedding pictures are beautiful - I love the back of your DIL's gown! BTW, as of the last time I looked, 222 people have prayed for your husband. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

I got one of those mugs for Christmas from a friend, who said it was fabulous. Funny thing, Jean - she mentioned it'll fit an entire can of Progresso soup! Only thing is, I try to avoid using the microwave unless absolutely necessary (like if I forget to defrost something), so I doubt it will get much use. I appreciate the thought, though.

Yesterday I just stayed in after church and read a new cozy mystery that was totally delightful called "Murder, She Barked." If you love cozies and love animals, I'd definitely recommend it.

I haven't bought anything non-essential thus far this year; I try to not look at the suggestions from Amazon, or the "Get yourself a little something" from the pictures they pull up from your wish list to tempt you. I haven't even bought food I don't need, just perishables; I did get Angel a new leash, since he broke his last one, but that was a need, not a want.

Guess I'd better see what's going on as far as my registration goes; I missed the deadline for the first part of the semester by one day, and they said I could still get in if there are places in the class.

Have a blessed day, everyone!