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Good morning, fashion friends. I use the term "fashion" loosely in honor of today's QVC day. I don't live where high end fashions are the norm so the items likely to be shown today are more typical of the mainstream in which I live.

Right now, I'm trying to determine what to do with some of my "fashions." I do have too many but also hate to part with them. I'm wearing around the house right now, a top I bought at JCP before it changed its focus. How long has that been? I wouldn't wear it out but it is great to keep to wear when working around the house.

I also uncovered my impatiens and it appears they survived the freeze last night. It has warmed up with the sunshine, so we now have a current 41 degrees which is definitely very low for this time of the year. I'm definitely not putting my jackets away at this point in time, although the winter coats did go into the winter closets.

I think the TSV is cute but I can't picture myself wearing it. I also thought the WIC crop and top set was cute but WIC doesn't work for me. If I bought the size needed for the bottom, the top would be too big. I'm not into the sardine or stuffed sausage look some favor.

I'm off to my second cup of coffee. The laundry is doing its thing and I'm looking at clothes trying to determine which should go. Would I miss some of them if I decided to part with them?

I went with a friend to a city in the north central part of the state yesterday as they wanted to shop and eat in a different location. I had lunch which was my only expenditure. I'll save that for Friday when I go to the orthopedic.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Jean, Yesterday I shut off the heat & today it was 67 degrees in the house when I got up. Tomorrow they are saying low 80's, so I am sure we survive one cool day. Right now it is 40's & raining. I am glad your impatiens survived your unusually cool weather too. I am hoping to plant my tomato plants this weekend. That is the only veg. that I plant. DH will plant a few flowers for me then we will be set for a while. I did like the look of the TSV. I am only 5' tall, but I think at 66 I might be too old for something like that. I remember wearing them when I was a teenager or even younger. Today for lunch I am preparing your taco casserole you posted last week. I will try using Fritos as we prefer them over the Doritos. (DH retired from Frito Lay). I am like you, I need to get rid of a few things in my closet. Nothing exciting around here today. DH can't walk with his friend as it is raining too hard.

Hugs to all of you.

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Twinny--That taco casserole is a winner! I used a grow box to plant tomatoes one time. A grow box is a self-contained watering system in which you put the water in the bottom and the plant draws up the water as needed. From one plant, I got 75 tomatoes. The other plants were eggplant, peppers, and cherry tomatoes. They just produced too much and the excitement of proving I could do it was over. I did it one more year and then quit. I have some flowers in the grow boxes now.

I'm making some progress in sorting out things, and I just downloaded a movie to my tablet to have available during long waits, etc. The washer has stopped, so I need to feed it some more laundry.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning ladies, hope all is well.

Jean - Thank you for starting us today. Like you I have been going thru the clothes to get rid of what I don't like or what doesn't fit. I have only missed an item for about 5 min. then I never think about it again. Once it is out of sight, it is out of mind. I still have some shirts to look over before I take my donations to the youth home. I am trying to get it all done this time, I am tired of decluttering the clothes.

Glad your flowers made it, we had cool temps this morning, but I think we missed a frost. I have a few things here to plant from the Q, DH and I will probably go Friday to the greenhouse around here to get our plants for the garden and a few hanging baskets. I will have to check the weather on Thursday to make sure it is still a go. A couple years ago we lost a bunch of plants to a freeze on Memorial day, don't want to make that mistake again.

Twinny2 - What area do you live in, if you said before I don't remember. We are having cool weather here (South Western PA), but it is a sunny day at least.

Well we went to both First Communions this weekend, GD and niece, they went well and the weather was nice for both of them. It was warmer in MD on Saturday and yesterday it was cool here but no rain.

Well I am off to get a few things done, I have wash to do that I didn't get done on Friday morning and ironing to do. I think the ironing will wait until Tuesday, don't want to get to excited around here.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Hello All,

Jean, I can relate to what you mention about too many clothes. I end up using the worn out items to work outside but even with that one only has so much space.

It is a nice day here but rather windy. I jogged with our dog this am and she has been taking one long nap. We have had this routine for a little bit and I guess the exercise is benefitting in more ways then one. I am now having a problem with jeans, capris etc. being too big but I don't mind having this problem. The weird thing is that when I go down a size they are on the fringe of too tight....kind in between sizes with a number of brands. I may just have some of my more favorite items altered.

Well back to housework.

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Susan--I rarely wear anything out and each year I buy a few additional items. This means that the collection can get out of hand if not donated. I have items 3 years old that look very good. You are so correct about "out of sight, out of mind." That applies to the closet collection or the items being donated.

I liked that water color Denim & Co. highly rated Henley top. The problem is that I have two water color Denim & Co. tops from last year. They will continue to work for me.

Off to have Progresso Light soup for lunch.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello friends! I think most women I know have what they think are "too many clothes". I was thinking earlier back to when I didn't have much money, and when I did buy clothes it was often things on sale or things I loved but they didn't work with the rest of my wardrobe. My DD rarely buys new clothes but she has a LOT. Little DD moved into the dorm leaving many things in her closet, and now that she is moving into an apt she says she will likely donate the stuff at the house since she didn't miss any of it.

I also have items that are several years old that still look good. I do need some capris, as I have none at my new home and am down to 2 pr at my "country house". That is not enough for me. I have a couple pairs in the giveaway bag but they are too big on me and get baggy.

My boss is gone for a couple days so everything is a little strange here. Very very quiet.

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Kathleen--DD's example of clothes kept at home is definitely "out of sight out of mind." It is times like that when we realize how we can do without certain items. I saw that you found some new shoes to brighten your day...and at no cost. Great deal! The boss is gone? You're not one to let things go, but it is a time to relax just a little bit.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good afternoon, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support, I was humbled and my heart was touched. I am doing OK. I will start working for State Farm {#emotions_dlg.scared} in June. I have a retirement but still want to work at this point. We have laughed that DH is in heaven thinking what has she done working for SF. He was a Nationwide agent for 21 years. I am looking forward to starting in different atmosphere with new people but still I am comfortable with the work once I learn their softwear. Closing our office has been difficult and sad for me, DH loved what he did and took great pride in his work. It has been very hard being here everyday without DH. I feel as though God has carried me in the palm of his hand these past weeks. This group has been in my thoughts often, but I am just now able to post. I truly could feel the prayers and support with me.

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Rosa: So happy to see you post. You have certainly been in my thoughts and prayers. I think it is a fabulous move for you to return to work---insurance is your experience and I know you have a lot to offer. Please know that we love you and continue to support you.

Fashion day again---between beauty, fashion and cooking days it seems that they are no longer "special" days---they seem to pop up so frequently.