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We're having a heat wave! 6 degrees I had to go pick up a prescription and I was across that parking lot in record time!

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hello ladies! cold here too and seems to have gotten windy! it's up to 9 degrees now. Hope you rib keeps improving Val.Amazon also has started tax here too but I don't think that will stop my buying especially with the quick delivery and no s/h. I spent the day taking down my Christmas decos and the tree put out for the town to pick up. I remember one year after we put it out we had a pile of snow for the next several weeks and in the spring when it all finally melted there was our tree.....the town finally did pick them up. Not much going on here,hopefully tomorrow will be a little warmer. Hope you get a good nights sleep Kathleen. Your family is in my prayers Karen. Keep warm everyone! Marijane
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I think right about now everyone here would like to go and visit LindaL for awhile!!!!LOL.
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or perhaps we could all just go vaca in Mexico.

Karen I've been meaning to tell you I have your family in my prayers.

I was eating lunch with my friend and DD called her truck wouldn't start so I fetched her and I am once again carless! lol

Nancy, I do know how you feel. I think it is the natural order of things. I had a good time with Kayla last night but it's all good, the way it is supposed to be.

I haven't gotten many steps in today and I'm going home to sleep tonight. I will take a pill.

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Brrr. Boy your sub zero temps!!! We are heading to a warming trend. Kathleen great that your DD could pick up her sister! I use for auto delivery pet food also. It is cheaper than local and the convenience is wonderful. I need to do a grocery run but I need to make a list. I have no clothing needs so I am trying to avoid the temptations! But I am an Amazon fan. Even paying taxes. I have to pay them if I shop local.
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Hi girls! Well, it's up to 21° from a low of 3° last night - I left Hawaii for this? {#emotions_dlg.scared} I have to go to the library and also to Aldi's to return some stuffed meatballs that are nasty, but those errands can wait for tomorrow when it's supposed to go back to the 50s...and the 60s by the weekend. It was so cold last night that Angel didn't whine to go back out after I brought him in, but a few of the kitties still preferred staying out. At least I know there are several places where they can find shelter. As for today, I'm snuggled up on the sofa with a fleece throw and a blanket of kitties. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} I put the last of the bird seed out; poor little guys must be freezing! I'll have to get some more later this week. I was sad to see that one of my fish was caught in the ice and froze to death; hopefully the others are hibernating safely at the bottom of the pond.

Angel's new purple leash was just delivered, but now that we're charged tax on Amazon purchases it'll make me think twice before I hit that "one click purchase" button - the tax here is ridiculously high, almost 10%. I do as much of my shopping as I can in Georgia, as it's "only" 6 1/2% there. And to think, the original Boston Tea Party was over 3% tax! {#emotions_dlg.mad} I'll stick with my subscribe & save Stevia sweetened soda that I get from Amazon, as long as the price stays the same; I can get it for the same price locally when it's on sale, but it's convenient to have a few cases delivered every few months and not have to carry them from the store to the car to the house...or keep looking for a sale.

I was happy to find an email from one of my chaplains; he was collecting school supplies for the local Afghani children, and my dentist donated a huge bag of pencils, plus I had some other things I thought they'd like - crayons, notebooks, etc. It's a great feeling to know you've made someone happy. Smile I have a package ready to go to my adopted soldier, but won't get it out until later this week; I also just got my baking assignment.

I was able to late register for the classes I wanted, so in a week or so I'll be very busy!

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Good Afternoon! You would like our temperatures here in Arizona. It is in the high 60's as I write. It is cool at night (last night it was in the high 30's), but warms up nicely. DD had all sorts of problems this morning. My SIL's truck wouldn't start among other things. Anyway, my SIL's boss was also trapped, so she didn't have a problem with him going to work late. But, DD had to drive him (almost an hour each way). She finally had the truck towed to the shop -- while she thinks it is the battery, the guy they sent couldn't get it started. The battery is only two years old, but the auto parts shop put all sorts of hoops on replacing it. So, I think it will be replaced by the guy at the shop. He replaced the starter in the fall, so if that is the problem he will replace it for free.

The insurance company took some time sending someone since they had 600 calls this morning, and some of the people were stuck in their cars on the side of the road (with no heat). Anyway, DD needs to go back to pick up my SIL this afternoon, and most likely will need to drive him again tomorrow.

I had my volunteer job today, and it went well. One of our friends called and invited us to lunch, and DH went by himself. Don't know when he will get back, but I'm planning to go to the gym when it reopens from cleaning whether he is here or not.

Sounds like a very rough night for you Kathleen -- sorry your DD had that flight delay. Glad you got so much work done Jean, and you are keeping warm. Those are such low temperatures. I think they said that some places are looking forward to warmer weather when the minus temperatures are "only" in the minus single digits -- yikes! Waves to Rosa, Val (do take care of yourself), Marijane (they charge tax on Amazon here as well, but they do that at retail, so it often doesn't make any difference in price), that is pretty funny about how you are looking forward to Kendall's departure, but I think that is pretty normal Nancy, Arlene, LindaR, Sonya, Karen (continuing to pray for your family), Susan, Kathy, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.

Hope everyone stays warm and safe!



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Hi Ladies...just wanted to thank you for the prayers, we truly appreciate them, and there is some improvement. If you don't mind, keep them coming.
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ksmitty you are in my prayers. Like KonaKat said, strike while the iron is hot. MY DH & I did that yesterday and today. It was a minus 49 degrees yesterday when we got up. Since it was too cold to go outside, we worked on getting pictures in their albums from the three trips we took in 2013. It was an all day project as we went to Mexico in March for 9 days to celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. Then in June we went to SD,WY & CO with friends for 11 days and visited our DS and DIL in Sept. for three weeks on the east coast. It was so good to reminisce about the fun time we had.

Today it was minus 35 degrees so we worked on cleaning out our file cabinet. We found stuff in there that was over 30 years old. The shredder got a good workout today. Tomorrow it is supposed to be about 10 degrees above zero. A heat wave starts Thursday when it will be in the 20's. I will be at the local most of that day. They are saying 30's all weekend. YEAH!

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Karen sending hugs your way!

Twinny, way to go!