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Crazy expensive-pinstripe blazer is $2500 and jeans are $1400! But anyone could replicate the outfit much more affordably.



What do you think of these pieces combined? 





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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit

The striped shirt ruins the whole effect for me. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit

Too many patterns together. I can only do one at a time. Whenever I see more than one pattern worn at the same time, my mind goes directly to the Wringling Bros circus clown car and a dozen clowns coming out of a VW Beetle. They always wore mixed print outfits...


Some new styles I can adopt...this is not one of them.

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit

I like each piece...the it's a mess when all worn at the same time.

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit

The patterns aren't balanced enough to be pleasing to the eye, IMO.  I would make one more dominant and the other two much smaller and/or lighter.

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit



I like the outfit and would defnitely wear it.


Gives me an idea of what to do with my pinstripe denim pants.  

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit


Can't believe I don't like something from Ralph. Don't like the jeans.  Blazer and blouse I love but wouldn't wear them together.  

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit

RL uses such excellent fabrics and on a model-perfect figure.  I do like mixing prints when it is well done, but it takes a better eye than most people seem to have.  This might be one of those times when almost isn't good enough.   

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Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit


Love this outfit!  Love the jeans!  Love the colors!  But I am not tall enough or thin enough to look good in this.  I have worn / do wear jeans with designs on them, but there are too many flowers, too many large flowers for me to wear.  Maybe one of two flowers in the lower leg...

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Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: RL Blazer And Jeans Outfit



Thanks for such an inspiration!



I was looking onlne for a jacket or blazer to wear with my pinstripes.  I was roaming around Chco's and remembered that I had something in the closet!!


I have a white background / navy print ikat moto jacket from Chico's that I've had for lots of years.  I usually wear it a couple of times a year.  One of those things that never go out of style.


Not sure about the shirt yet - gotta think about it.