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REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Good morning...I did not make it to church...everything is an effort this morning, but I am feeling perkier as the dat wears on. I may go get a coffee from Starbucks.


i am making split pea soup for dinner..the ham had a bone in it so it was a perfect time to make it’ll..hope it will appeal to me. I do not understand why I have no appetite. Yikes.


i ordered a pair of the bd pants...they are very warm..Will be perfect to wear back and forth to the cold country. I have also gotten a few lularoe pieces...I like long, flowy lightweight things..the material is very soft. And I saw no flaws in the clothing. 


Nothing on on the agenda for will be very nice here. 


Claudia, hope r continues to improve.


Linda. Enjoy your visit with Dh.



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Good Morning/Afternoon!  Hope you made it home okay today, Claudia.  Also hope R continues to improve.


Sorry you are not feeling that great, Barbara.  Hope you are able to make it to Starbucks, and your appetite returns.  Glad the pants and the luluroe pieces worked out so well.  It is nice here, and it was fairly warm on my walk this morning.


I'm back from church, and I'll go to the gym soon.  I'll visit DH later and feed him dinner.  


Have a nice evening everyone!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

I am home where my kindle fire works all the time!


Picked up more cat food, put the garbage out, fed and watered the cats and did the car litter before shoveling. I discovered the water pipes to the sink in the half bath froze despite the heater under that section.


I woke at 4 am to an alarm going off. One of the water pipes at the hotel broke.

R said 4 doctors came in to see him about 4 pm. 3 said he could go home tomorrow. The 4th wanted to give him sometime after the catheter is removed. That's the doctor I agree with. I don't want another trip to the local er. If course one option would be to stay in Erie overnight to be near the hospital.


Glad your clothing choices worked out so well, Barbara. Hope Sydnie is doing ok.


Linda, hope DH has had a good day.


I think I will repack my bag just in case I go back tomorrow and stay the night. Dogs are still at the kennel.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Claudia...good to hear he may be coming home soon...I Agee that you want to make sure everything is functioning so you do not have to make a tripback



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Not heading back today. Snow on top of ice. I shoveled then went to pick up the held mail and stop at the bank. I almost didn't get out of the driveway. Errands that should have taken 15 minutes took 45.


I imagine he'll be discharged sometime this week. Catheter is still in and this morning the laxative worked with no warning so he said. 

If I can I will try to leave the dogs at kennel till I pick R up.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Good snow or ice here..but we may have rain on weds. It has not rained here in months. 


Good idea deal to stay put, Claudia with bad roads. I hate driving on ice...will take snow any day. Hopefully, the roads will be decent when you have to pick him up.


i have a massage this afternoon and then want to run some split pea soup to my friend. 


M did not get the job she had hoped, but there are 2 openings under a different manager and she was recommended for one of those.  She is disappointed. But thinks one factor may be that she has not worked there for a year yet,


Sydnie has a photo shoot for modeling next weekend...she needs 2 active wear outfits, 2 casual and 2 dressy. I ordered a couple of belts and some cheap bangles for her. M picked up a cheap pair of tall booots....syd is really not into clothes so this could be interesting.


i have 4 bags of clothes to donate..I send them to a reservation about an hour away from here. I have lost enough weight to go down a full size and many of my tops do not look good. Arghhhh


Linda, hope your day goes well.



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Good idea to avoid going out in that ice, Claudia.  The college got out early, and DD had to pick up youngest DGS who was at work there.  She said that it was icy, and she saw lots of accidents. My SIL came home early, and fortunately made it okay.  Army DGS had purchased tickets to a concert in DC, and he and youngest DGS went there tonight, despite the ice.  Fortunately, he purchased a parking permit for the garage, so they are safe there now.  But, DD and I are concerned about the trip home.  I am sure it is at least an hour drive even in the best conditions.


My SIL got his rental car, and his car is in the body shop.  Not at all sure when he will get it back.  Meanwhile, DD's car was repaired, and she will pick it up tomorrow (assuming the weather isn't too bad.)  Some sort of sensor froze -- not too expensive to fix, thank goodness.


Hope that R continues to feel better, and the weather is okay when he is released, Claudia.  What bad timing for him to be in a distant hospital. 


I found out that oldest DGS needs to stay at a hotel when the weather is bad, and I'm sure that is quite expensive.  But, better than driving home late at night and/or in icy conditions.


Glad you were able to get a massage, Barbara.  Sorry about M and the job, but maybe one of the others will work out.  Nice of you to take the soup to your friend.  Too bad so many of your tops no longer fit well.  While I'm sure the ladies receiving your donation will be thrilled, that is a lot of money given away.  Did the weight loss came from your lack of appetite, or did you deliberately lose weight?  I am always hesitant to compliment someone about their weight loss unless I'm sure it is not due to illness.


DH was in pretty good shape today -- talked a bit more.  But, he only ate about half of his lunch.  He did eat all of his ice cream (dessert).


Strong bones class went well.  Tomorrow, I'll be in charge of the salad bar again since my work buddy is in CA with her Mom (her Mom's husband just passed away).  Hope things go as well this week as last.


Sleep well everyone!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Good Afternoon!  Hope all is okay there, Claudia, and you are feeling okay, Barbara.


Fortunately, my grandsons enjoyed the concert and made it home okay.  They went to a club that DD had gone to years ago, and I believe I went there once myself.  They were quite late, but.....  


The senior lunch program went well today, and I'm leaving for the gym soon.


Hope everyone has a nice evening.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Tuesday is always a busy day for and choir. It is supposed to rain and cool down but it is very nice out currently. M is preparing for a winter storm.


did I tell you that one of vs brothers and wife are close by for a couple of weeks. They are on thier way to la to visit their daughters. So we will get to spend some time with them over the next few days. Fun.


m said that pepper squirrel led away a couple of packages of treats and has been happily eating them. She could not figure out why p was not eating her food and now she knows why. Pepper hid them under her blankets in her kennel. Yikes.


Linda, glad the dgs got back safely from the concert. Good your day is going well.



my weight loss is unplanned...but not a bad dr thinks it is due to my ra meds..will do more investigating if it does not stop.  


Claidia. Wonder if r is home yet...


sleep well.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHoLiCs week of January 7

Much of the ice has melted today. I cleared the end of the driveway where the plow left great chunks of ice. I didn't want it to freeze overnight.


R said he had an mri this morning. He is amazed at the energy it takes just now to go 10' from bed or recliner to the bathroom. I called the nurse's station a bit ado. There is still a bit of fluid in the lung. A chest Cray will be done tomorrow. She didn't think he would be discharged tomorrow.


I would like to stay here till he's discharged and save on a hotel. Planning for the dogs to stay at the kennel because the weather is uncertain this time of year.  I could go to get R and have to stay overnight. Hopefully he'll be discharged in the next few days. Meanwhile I have tried to catch up on laundry.


Linda, I'm glad your grandsons got home safely. Hope your DH is doing ok.


Barbara, is it this week or next you head back to the frozen north?