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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

v interrupted me..he is working on ms taxes.


Has dgd thought of weight watchers of my friends thought noom was not as good.  Best of luck to her. is great that Adam is doing so well. Isn't it a good feeling when that happens.


Have a good evening..😍😍

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

Linda, my nephew and his fiancee have an Australian Shepherd with one blue eye and one brown. Somewhat larger than your DGS and wife's dog.


It's too bad about your former co-worker. One of my former co-workers would doze off during breaks and sometimes have to pull over for a nap driving home (an hour or so rural  drive). Unfortunately his son had that problem too and driving back from a youth retreat fell asleep. Terrible fatal accident.


The 3rd contractor is scheduled for the 15th.


After R's acupuncture we dropped off a trunk load of scrap metal. Once home I remembered 2 tall plant holder stakes I should have loaded up too. Oh well. I'll do that another time.


It's great you are pleased with your therapist, Barbara plus are familiar with the exercises. R's left hip is bothering him - the one from his first hip replacement.


Today was cold but tomorrow will be warmer. Last night was a 3 cat night.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

itis going to be another hot day..98 or so. I turned the ac on last night because the house interior temp was 89. Yikes.  I set tgecac at 78 or a bit higher when it is this hot. 

if I go to,the pool it will be after 4...I only sit out to dry off a bit. 

I am doing odds and ends today..v is hanging the 16x20; canvases of the kids., I am putting blankets and throws away etc. it I not very exciting. 

because it is so hot, I am going to slice the ham and warm itin the crockpot because I do not want to run the oven. I have 2 crockpots so will,use the other for the scalloped potatoes.


Claudia, sorry rs hip is hurting,


Linda..hope your day is going well.



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

Good Afternoon!  That is a very sad story about your coworker's son, Claudia.  Sorry R's hip is hurting.  Hope both of you are feeling okay today.  Good luck with the contractor.


Glad you like your new therapist and know the exercises, Barbara.  I think the problem is that DGD is in denial that she needs to lose weight.  And, she thinks the doctors are using her weight as an excuse for all of her health issues "fat shaming".  DD has made several suggestions, but DGD is not at all receptive so far.  By the way, DD used to use Weight Watchers, which she liked.  But, she found the combination of going to a RD and Noom was better for her.


Wow, it is really hot in your area.  It is supposed to make it to 91 degrees today, but the indoor temperature is still not bad.  I think the indoor high yesterday was 77 degrees.  Nevertheless, I did switch over the AC since I have a lot of trouble sleeping when it is hot.


I forgot -- are you having friends over for dinner tomorrow?  I think putting the ham and potatoes in the crockpot is a great idea.  I have been putting away blankets, etc. as well as moving cold weather clothes.  Hope that I can find some to donate, but none so far.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.











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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

I think I may have mentioned that my Walmart was requiring masks, but didn't make an issue if someone didn't wear one.  Anyway, there was an announcement today that the store was closing completely (even for grocery pick-up) starting at 2:00 p.m. and not re-opening until Monday due to COVID.  They are bringing in a crew to sanitize, etc.  Shaking my head.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of March 28

89° inside. It's good you turned on the AC, Barbara. I bet those pictures will look great once they are hung.


Linda, it's too bad your DGD is not receptive to the suggestions. I'm sure your DD feels frustrated. Unfortunately your DGD has to be the one to decide to do something about her weight. R has finally started eating smaller meals and snacks and has lost a bit of weight. I hope he continues to limit his food intake.


I worked on moving some things around upstairs so I can store some of the fall/winter clothes without hauling them up to the attic. I still have lots to do but it's a start. I found a couple magazines in a drawer. One was Early American Life from 1975 and one was a 1993 Country Home. R enjoyed looking through the Early American Life.


I'm not looking forward to the summer. One house down from us they are setting up a large trampoline. Griffyn will be having fits. He notices anything different and of course with kids using it he will be barking his displeasure. We only have him out 15 minutes max each time so he and Tip can play. They definitely get their exercise. Even if we had a solid  fence he would still see it from the back porch and steps.


Adam is planning what he wants in a house. If it's 2 story he wants a bedroom/bathroom on the first floor and laundry room. Wish we had thought the way he's thinking 35 years ago instead of being thrilled with a walk up attic.


Sleep well.