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REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good Morning/Afternoon.  Hope Syd likes the more difficult dance class, Barbara.  Also hope you are feeling stronger/better today. and Syd enjoyed the pool.


Is it very cool again today, Claudia?  That is quite a contrast to our weather -- should make it into the 90's again today.  It is cooler in the mornings when I take my walk (60's).


I'm back from church and headed to the gym soon. 


DH's DD called last night, and we had a nice talk.  She asked me about my travel plans, and she even offered to pay for my proposed Italy trip next year.  I don't think I'll take her up on it, but that was certainly a nice gesture. Both of them appreciate my working on the estate business, which is nice. 


Very long story, but she and the younger girl are going to New York for a week starting tomorrow.  The older girl will be joining them on Thursday.  They had been invited to a wedding (husband's relative) in Massachusetts, but they said no children.  So, he will be going to the wedding, and she and the girls will be going to New York.  She has friends there (where she went to medical school and did her residency) as well as in New Jersey.  


Hope both of you have a nice Sunday!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

I did not start the thread because I took Sydnie to Ventura (about an hour away) to visit a beach and pier. We had lunch on the pier at a restaurant...and she played on the beach. The water is very cold ...


I am going to have to spend tomorrow know Syd wants me to be more active like her mom but I is pretty pathetic.😜


Linda that was nice of your dil to offer to pay for the trip to Italy. That is very kind...I would not consider her children to be kids at the ages they are at. I am prepared for hot weather I. Phoenix.


Claudia..hope your day is going well...


Sleep tight.😊😊

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

It's cool again today - in the 60's. R wasn't feeling well earlier today but is doing better now. I'm not sure if we'll need to contact the clinic. I'll wait and see how he feels tomorrow morning.


I think Syd will eventually adapt to your activity level. She's very fortunate you're able to be there, Barbara.


TT has been lying on my feet but has decided Griffyn needs to move from in front of the tv so is barking at him.


I hope your SD and family enjoy the NY trip, Linda. It's too bad older children are excluded from the wedding but they may have needed to limit the number of guests.


I put out a cat toy in the upstairs hall this afternoon. When I went downstairs 5 cats were gathered around examining it.


I need to start switching clothes in the closet since fall is here. Now to find an empty plastic bin to get started. The bed cannot be used as a work area due to curious cats.


I hope everyone has a good evening.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good morning..I have laundry is not too expensive..1.50 for a wash and the same to dry...


Sydnie is working on school work while I wait for the laundry. She wants to walk to get coffee and a few groceries...she really likes to be very active. 


V is on his way to Az...when I talked to him last night, he said Pepper was doing fine.i think not stopping except for naps is crazy...but he is very stubborn,


Linda...hope your day is going well.. r feeling better??? Your menagerie of cats sound like fun....good luck with rearranging clothes..I did not gat that done before I left.


Have a good one..🌺🌺🌺

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good Morning/Afternoon!  I do not consider DH's granddaughters to be children either -- one is 15 and the other turns 12 in November.  DH's DD was not happy that they were not invited to the reception since it would involve a trip to MA from CA and having to figure out what they could do during the reception.  She inquired, but I think Claudia is right -- it was an expense concern.  I have the impression this is not a poor family by any means, but they may have wanted to save on wedding expenses.


Hope V's trip goes okay, Barbara.  After taking the defensive driving class (and passing, thank goodness), I can say that it is definitely not recommended that he drive through, but I know how stubborn men can be.  They did recommend that you stop every 100 miles or two hours.


Glad Syd is doing her schoolwork, and you will be taking her out later.  Kids always seem to have a lot of energy at her age.  Later, I think they need more rest.


DD said it was raining again today -- are you having rain, Claudia?  She also said that it is supposed to get warmer again after a few chilly days.  Hope R is doing okay, and you accomplished your seasonal clothing change.  Not time for that here.


I called the broker first thing this morning, and I hope that things are straight now.  Again, they are predicting the transfer of funds to DH's children will happen late this week.  I gave them my cell number in case that something else happens to mess things up.  I contacted the lawyer, and her assistant told me that a draft of the papers is in the mail, and I should get them tomorrow or so.  I will need to check them to make sure they are okay and set up an appointment to sign the final drafts.  So, I'm hoping this can be done next week or so.  These are the two major pieces of DH's estate, so I'll be very happy if this comes off.


Social Security deposited the death benefit today ($255), which is good, and the bank in Maryland deposited the small pension check today.  So, things are starting to move along. 


I talked to DD about my possible trips (Italy and Utah), and she is quite enthusiastic. She definitely thinks I should accept money from DH"s DD or at least the estate.  I have to think about it some more, but maybe.  I know that I am saving them lots of time and worry, and it really is not that much money considering how much they will be receiving.  But, I need to think about it long and hard.


I had my "strong bones" class this morning, and I have my hospice grief group this afternoon.  


I called the landscaper about trimming the bushes, and he has already been here to set things up.  He and his son (the painter) will do the job on Wednesday.  Now, I just need to get to the bank to get out the cash.  And, I called the mason who repaired the wall around the house since part of it needs more repair.  He will call me back about it at some point.  I think I should have asked for money to keep up the house from DH's estate, but I did not do so.  Oh well....


Hope both of you have a nice evening!







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

R seems to be a bit better. Tomorrow we return to the VA for a meeting with their pt department.


The cats carried their new toy down the steps and started pushing it under the stairway door. Griff almost got it but I hastily grabbed it. Griff has been having a field day barking every time he goes out. Painters are scraping the exterior of the house two houses up from ours.


Men are stubborn, Barbara. When we traveled overseas I always picked tours. I knew R would just drive from point A to point B with no stopping in between.  I remember 12 hours to New England. 16 hours to New England andv12 hours to SC.


Too bad we don't have some of Syd's energy. I haven't started the clothes yet. The seasonal clothing change will take more than one day. I need to do a bit at a time since I'll be taking things from the attic. I mowed earlier after seeing the forecast. It's been windy and cool most of the day. No rain yet.


Linda, I'm glad you are considering accepting money from the estate. I do think it would  set DH's daughter and son's minds at ease. You certainly had a busy day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good morning...syd has a self tape this morning...she has to memorize a short script and then be taped to send in to a potential manager. We do not have to drive very far.


V got to Az safely last night...he was tired and Pepper was trying to figure out where she


M comes in on Friday and I fly to Phoenix on Saturday froma few weeks. She accepted her new job..with a huge pay raise so she will be able to pay me back.


Linda..I would definitely accept the offer to pay for Italy..and I would not be hesitant to go first class all the way..including the flight and tour. You deserve it and I would guess that would make his kids happy. 


Claudia. Hope r is a bit perkier.i can imagine Griff barking . Pepper is going to have a great time exploring her new area. Our community has a very nice dog park.


Enjoy your day..I am rather stiff and achy this morning, which is not fun.🤪🤪

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Sorry you are stiff and achy, Barbara.  Hope Syd's taping went well. Glad V made it safely to Arizona, and M got such a nice raise.


Hope things went well with R at the VA today, Claudia.  Your furbabies certainly keep you busy.


Not sure if I mentioned it, but I will be going to the lawyer tomorrow to sign some papers.  Really happy to be getting those started on their way, and there was some action on the broker/estate account. Still lots more involved, but....  Turns out the local broker was out last week, so I filled him in on what is happening.   


I did not sleep well last night, so I may end up taking a nap after I go to the gym.  The senior lunch program went well today.  My work buddy (six years younger than me) had cataract surgery last Wednesday, and is having her other eye done next week.  She is fortunate that her husband can drive her to the surgery center and around town since she could not drive for a week after the surgery..


Hope both of you sleep well. 






P.S. The grief group was very good yesterday.




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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good for M, Barbara. That is great news. Hope Syd's taping goes well.


We've had light rain most of the day and temperatures have been in the low 60's.

Griff was not pleased at getting wet.


15 miles into our trip I had R pull over so I could drive. He had not slept well and his driving was not great. At least he listened to me. Partway home I took an exit to stop at a diner I'd heard about. The only surprise was that they only accept cash or check. Good thing R had some cash. I also made a small detour to Wegmans and then to the vet for one of TT's medicines.


Linda, I hope a nap helps this afternoon. It's good there's  action with the papers and accounts.


Barbara, I'm glad V and Pepper got to AZ. Pepper probably was one surprised pup.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs -- Week of September 23

Good afternoon..


i ended spending a ing a lot of time yesterday afternoon to get syd to an audition at 5pm.  It only took us 20 minutes to get there but over an hour to get home...I am pretty used to driving in the heavy traffic here now that I am somewhat oriented to our area. 


I have to deep condition her her hair this afternoon..after wearing it down all day yesterday, it is a poofy mess. Yikes.


V said Pepper is doing fine in Az...and he is pretty well recovered from the trip.. on the other thread about your car window...what a pain..


Claudia...I hope r is feeling better today. Good that you took over the driving.  If we ever drive to la from Phoenix, I am going to drive out here.las time, v had a terrible time in all of the traffic.


Syd has an acting class tonight from 6-8. It is so close, I may just drop her off.


enjoy the rest of the day.😍😍