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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Good Afternoon!  Yet more complications for R, Claudia.  I am sorry that he needs to be isolated, etc.  Hope that he is in less pain today, and things are going a bit better for him. 


DD was telling me that her new dog looks much smaller after grooming for the first time.  Before she had lots of hair, but after grooming, you can really tell she is only 4-5 pounds.  Less than your new cat.  Without a chip, I imagine it will be difficult to find the owner.  Good thing you are an animal lover. 


I didn't get a headache, but I really didn't sleep much at all after watching the "debate" last night, Barbara.  Finally got to sleep only to wake up a couple of hours later.  I hope to take a nap today, and I don't plan to watch any more debates.  That was rough.


Thanks for the suggestion.  I have not been to those caverns, and I guess it is a possibility.  Really hoping for an overnight trip -- at least one night, but....  The other thing I remembered was that between OLLI and hospice volunteering, my schedule is very full until my birthday in December.  I am taking classes each day Monday - Thursday, and doing my hospice volunteering on Friday.  By December, the weather will probably be cooler, and I might want to reconsider my destination.  I used to add a day or two on to work trips as well, and I enjoyed my solo time.  But, being alone all the time has made solo travel without a group much less interesting/fun to me, especially with social distancing.  .


Sorry about V's leg issues.  I hope he will be okay.  Also hope M will not need surgery.  I am interested in your new water system.  I didn't realize you were using bottled water.  I just use a Brita pitcher.


Bev's oncologist didn't have good news for her.  She needs some more testing, but even the lesser treatment doesn't sound great.  The cancer cells are floating all over, so it isn't easy to treat.


My Fall decorations are up, which pleases me.  Yoga class was pretty good, although I have trouble trying to do the poses and watch the instructor on the screen.  I have a book to pick up at the library this afternoon.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.









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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Fingers crossed M will not need surgery, Barbara. Poor V. R's legs have been very swollen post surgery but he says they're getting better. I hadn't realized you'd been using bottled water either. I keep a supply handy for R because it encourages him to drink more. I tried a glass or mug but those didn't work. I hope you can find some day trips.


Around here cats are seldom chipped so I think she'll probably stay here, Linda. No one seems to be looking for her and given her condition I think she's been out on her own for quite some time. She definitely had a home at some point. I almost had Oliver this morning but he got away and took off. I have the scratches to prove it. I don't think I'll ever be able to get him for all he winds around my feet. I'll concentrate on the younger ones and hope to get one or both Friday or Monday.


I took the larger clothes and dropped them off at the nursing home this afternoon along with a book R requested. Earlier with no warning R called and I was on speaker with social services, occupational therapy, physical therapy and dietary. I forgot several things I had questions on. After lunch I called social services back to inquire about an appointment with the surgeon to get the stitches out plus other upcoming appointments. I also let them know he didn't use his c-pap last night because he couldn't reach it.


Once R's test comes back negative he'll be in a different unit and not so isolated.


I'm so sorry Bev's cancer isn't easy to treat. Hoping for the best outcome for her. The caverns do sound interesting.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Good afternoon..currently about 106. I am highly unmotivated I did go to the bank and picked up a coffee. Plus I di more organization in the den. The shelves are looking much less cluttered.


Syd has been driving m nuts with questions about her school work. I suggested that she call us which she is going to start doing.


Linda..sorry to hear that your friends cancer is so pervasive. She is in my prayers.  Yiur veggie soup sounds good but it to hot for me to think about soup,


The water in our area is horrible..lots of iron and it is very alkaline. V uses a Britain's filter but I refer spring water. Our new filtration system is working well. 

Claudia..that phone call was a surprise.i hope he is feeling are the dgs doing ?

i could not get my email to required a new sign in and then would not allow me to do it.i finally remembered how to bypass it..yikes.


enjoy the rest of the day.🍁🍁🌵



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

I got a surprise call from Adam last night. His back is feeling better. His grocery store had a big sale on meat so he stocked up for the freezer. He'll try to call his dad this weekend.


R should be moving to his new room tomorrow. He was able to use his c-pap last night which is good. He did more walking today in PT but also has used a wheelchair. Griffyn was outside barking when he called. R suggested I put him on speaker so he could use his "sergeant voice" and call him in. Griffyn was a bit bewildered but went up the steps.


I worked on the 2 chests of drawers in Rs room. I have another bin ready for the attic.  Now has a mix of short and long sleeved shirts. Wonder how long the drawers will stay organized.


Next up is the dining room table.


It sounds like you're making progress, Barbara. Good idea having Sydnie call with questions.


It warmed up to around 60° today.


My Wal-Mart order arrived today. The soup cans were in perfect shape. No dents like some people reported.  I'll order again when I need items not stocked in the local store.


I think today is one of your busier days, Linda.


Miss Tippy has finally decided to eat her supper. She always pins her hopes on people food thanks to R spoiling her or stealing Griffyn's food even though it's the exact same food.


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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Good Evening!  As you may have seen on the other thread, it was indeed a very busy day for me.  I am happy to have two hearing aids again.  I made it to the grocery stores, attended OLLI class, and delivered hospice supplies.  One person didn't answer the door, so I will try again tomorrow morning.  I think I will try to assemble the mailings tonight, so that I will just need to take them to the Post Office and drop off the extras at the hospice office tomorrow.  


Maybe the water is good in some parts of Arizona, but not here either, Barbara.  Glad the new system works.  I don't think I can take on another house project this year, but I may look into it in the future. I have no idea about the cost -- are we talking $100's or $1,000 or more?


Sounds like R is making some progress, and I am glad he is getting out of isolation, etc., Claudia.  That is funny with him talking to the dog on the phone.  Is the new cat all black or black with a little white?  I forget what you said about the color.  


Happy to hear that Adam's back is better.  Hope he can talk to his Dad.


It is hotter in your area than ours, Barbara.  But, 101 degrees for October 1st?  No rain for weeks?  Not the best weather this summer.  Glad you can answer Syd's calls and give M a little break.


DH's DD called last night, and we had a nice talk.  She is very happy not to be head of the department any longer, particularly since they are about to have a nurses strike there.  She said both of the girls are doing okay despite having to do on-line classes.  I feel bad for the older one since she is a senior, but she is enjoying driving.  And, I think both she and her sister (Freshman in the same High School) have seen some of their friends in a socially distant way.  And, the older one has a part-time job in an ice cream shop.


DD isn't thrilled about it, but oldest DGS and his wife are coming down for a visit next Monday.  I have no clue how they got time off after only being on their new jobs for a short time.  They will be sleeping on an air bed in the basement, and the rest of the family have many other things to do while they are there.  My SIL works in the basement (lots of conference calls), and DD and DGD both have medical appointments on Monday, etc., etc.  


Bev has lab work tomorrow, but they told her that the only thing they can try is Keytruda treatments.   I think they will start next week.  Of course, there are possible serious side effects, but they told her without treatment, her life expectancy is 5-6 months.  She is trying to be brave, but I know it is hard to stay positive under the circumstances.


Hope both of you sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

This morning I awoke to cold and light rain. I'm surprised the ferals turned up. Even more surprised I was able to get 2 of the 3 kittens. Off we went to the vet. I got home to a phone message to call them. What a shock. The one whose eyes didn't appear fully opened had NO EYES!. I did not expect that. They both had their surgery and I will pick them up tomorrow morning. The tabby with no eyes will stay with me and I will foster the white and black one.


I frantically moved things about upstairs to accommodate the kittens (where else but in R's workroom. Black cat (black with a few white hairs on the lower back) has been relocated to the spare room until she goes back to the vet or is claimed by an owner(sorry Maggie Mae).more bins came down from the attic and went back up with summer clothes.


R has moved to his new room and sees the surgeon Thursday. I plan to meet him there. The care plan telephone conference is set for the 13th.


Linda, I'm surprised too that your eldest gs and wife could get the time off. I'm glad things are better for your DH's daughter. Prayers for Beg.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Good afternoon..yes it is hot..still in the triple digits. I just saw where the president is being moved to the hospital. As much as I dislike him, I pray for his recovery.


i decided that I am having a flare...I quit prednisone a few days ago but want to stay off until I see the new doc down here.i am trying to not use my heavy duty pain pills, so I bought some 8 hour Tylenol. It is helping a bit.


our bid for the Az room came in..we forgot to figure in We are going to go ahead and have it done.


Linda..glad you found all of your drop off spots yesterday. Interesting that oldest dgs is coming home for the weekend. Perhaps they are homesick. Bev remains in my prayers..hopefully the drugs will extend her life. finally got the feral kittens. How many cats do you have ?. It sounds as if r is settling in .i remain in summer clothes because it is so hotl 🥵


Have a good rest of your day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

Good Afternoon/Evening!  That is one lucky kitten, Claudia.  One of my neighbors has a one-eyed dog, but no eyes at all is really something. Good luck with all your cats.  Glad R seems to be settling in -- hope things look up for him.


DGS' wife posted a picture of their tiny dog with the background of trees with changing colors -- looks beautiful in New Hampshire, but cold.  DD said it was rainy and quite cool in Maryland this morning, but the sun had come out, and it was pleasant.  Her big news was the new dog slept most of the night.  She got up once, but didn't do anything.  DD said she was shivering, so DD covered her up with blankets, and she slept later than DD (of course DD gets up very early).   And, DD was thrilled because she could do her school work before anyone else got up.  


Sorry about the flare, Barbara.  I hope the new doctor can help.  Thank goodness it is cool at night and in the morning these days.  This heat is ridiculous.


I was shocked to see that the President is being taken to Walter Reed.  Hope that he and his wife will recover completely. 


Glad you are going ahead with the Arizona room flooring.  I think usually the labor is a major part of the cost of those sorts of jobs, but I guess there are exceptions.


I got the bill for my mobile alert device (you pay for the year), and it was higher than I thought that it would be.  I talked to the billing office, and hopefully the yearly bill will be reduced $30 or so.  Supposedly, the first year amount was a "discount", but I was told that it probably would be the same this year.  They didn't fight the idea when I suggested the reduction.  I figured I had nothing to lose since there are other services that I could use.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

I'm glad you got a reduction for your mobile alert, Linda. I bet your DD was delighted the new dog slept in. Hopefully she'll continue to adjust well.


Barbara, I'm glad you went ahead with the flooring. Best to get it done now. I hope the ofc medicine helps.


R has an appointment Thursday with the surgeon to remove the stitches. The nursing home will transport him and I plan to meet them at the office.


My friend in FL who is in the hospital with covid is improving. Hopefully she'll be out of the hospital soon.


I worked upstairs moving things to make room for the kittens. They will be in R's workroom and the black cat in the spare room. Maggie Mae will be spending time with the big cats. I also did a lot of packing up summer clothes and bringing down fall/winter clothes.

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of September 27

[ Edited ]

Claudia, have you read the book HOMER'S ODYSSEY by Gwen Cooper?  It is a true story about the kitten that she adopted that had to have its eyes removed due to a serious infection.  It is an amazing story about a truly amazing cat.  I am sure that you would be able to get ideas from it for dealing with your new kitty!