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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

A definite plus- Having DH in the system, Linda.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22 sil, in memory care is in hospice for her Alzheimer's. Of course, she has had it for longer than your dh.  Like claudia said..if anything, he will be in the the if you did not know, the article this morning said that caring full time for an Alzheimer's patient is the most stressful.  That is why I worry so much about you..



sorry the nyquil was so negative....



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Good Morning!  Thanks for your words of encouragement Claudia and Barbara.  One of the new "strong bones" ladies is a big advocate for hospice care, so we have been in touch about this as well.  I talked to his DD about this yesterday evening, and she was interested.  She has dealt with hospice nurses who have cancer patients, and thinks they can be very good judges of a patient's condition.  I am sort of happy he is having the evaluation, regardless of what happens.


I'm feeling better today -- not 100 percent or anything, but I think I may be turning the corner.  DH has a cold, but his doesn't seem as bad as mine was, thank goodness.  


We have the senior lunch program today, and I may go to the gym or just wait until tomorrow when he is at the day services place.  


DD said she will take middle DGS to see if he can register for spring classes at the community college.  Hopefully, he can get started on this, and we can find some used books this time.  Books can be ridiculously expensive.


When do your Thanksgiving guests arrive, Barbara?  I don't think Syd will have much use for the warm weather clothing, unfortunately.  We are supposed to have cooler weather (highs in the 60's) on Thursday and the weekend.  It is nice having the warmer weather now, but.....


I do hope your refrigerator is okay Claudia, and that R and your furbabies are behaving.  You certainly have your hands full.


Have a nice day!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Good morning...I have to get some hair stuff for syd at Ulta...m forgot that she was out of her conditioner.  They arrive about 430...v will pick them up so I can make dinner. I am not in the mood to go out.


my cleaning ladies were a little pricey but they did a fantastic job...including washing the blinds, wiping baseboards and windowsills etc.  I was impressed..will have them come once a month.


linda..good that you are feeling better.  I think hospice did provide the 3 day a week respite care that our friend had for his wife.  Will be interested to hear how that turns out.


and I think it may be too cold for syd to go swimming. But she is a tough Minnesota kid so you never know.


v is having knee pain...he is going to start exercising again. 


Claudia..hope the fridge is chugging along.  Is Adam just going to visit whit?


amis is enjoying Scotland.  Have a good day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Adam plans to relocate in that area, staying at first with Whit and family. The 2 kittens will be his. Whit already has 3 cats plus the 2 dogs.


The fridge is still 44 degrees. R plans to go to hunting camp if he can get a hunting license. The game commission web site is currently down per the treasurer's office at the courthouse. His VA primary care doctor is doing a referral on the neck problem.


How much fun it will be to have Syd and her mother there. If the cleaning people did a great job it's definitely worth the price.


Griff is sprawled on his back by the door to the sunporch while TT is snoozing on the loveseat.


Glad you're feeling better, Linda. Good idea to go to the gym when yourDH is at day services. Text books are so pricey.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Mollie and sydnie arrived safely.  Syd is having a very good time. We will go to a ghost town gold mine later.


the turkey has not thawed...v put it in the back of the fridge and I should have moved it further to the front.mso it is in the sink in col water. I have cooked mant turkeys in my life and have never had one not thaw. Arghh


i almost quit choir yesterday....the woman's behind me told me that she could not hear my little solo in one song....and maybe someone else should do it. did not matter that she is hard of hearing.  I am sure if the director had a problem, he would tell me. it a good thing Adam its moving???? I would think so.


linda, hope your day is going ok.


found out that my sil with Alzheimer's had a small stroke. My bil, said she can no longer eat so has lost a lot of weight. It is very sad.


i will check back later

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

I hope your refrigerator is holding at a reasonable temperature, Claudia.  I'm surprised to hear about Adam's plan to re-locate.  I did wonder how Whit could take on more animals.  Hope the move works out as do the kitten placements, and all is okay with you today.


At least you found out about the turkey today rather than tomorrow, Barbara.  I remember my BIL's first wife always seemed to be floating frozen turkeys in the bathtub on Thanksgiving.  Dinner was always late in their house.  Glad Syd and M made it okay, and that Syd is having fun.  Hope you had a good day trip to the gold mine, etc.  That is bad about the lady in the choir -- what nerve.


Very sorry to hear about your SIL having a stroke.


I've been busy today -- got DH to the day services place -- he wasn't thrilled to be left there, but no big complaints.  I bought some biscotti at COSTCO and give them to the staff and volunteers.  I found that is how you handle gifts (they cannot accept money).  I really appreciate the care they give DH, especially the manicure.


I'm sort of in a dilemma -- he had such a difficult time eating yesterday at lunch -- I served him a salad, but he couldn't figure out how to use the utensils.  And, a bunch of the food ended up on the floor or left on his plate.  I find he is having more and more trouble at home as well.  Anyway, I'm thinking maybe I should bring a sandwich for him rather than having him try to eat a salad.  He can usually handle a sandwich (I cut it up in four pieces) as well as some baby carrots.


After I dropped him off, I took a longish walk around the grounds -- the day services, community center, etc. are on the edge of a very large retirement/care facility.  Acres and acres, I think.  Anyway, you can go from independent living all the way up, and they offer meal plans, etc.  Beautiful facility, and I think they treat the residents very well.  But, very pricey.  It costs quite a bit to buy in (a lease on a house or apartment), and the monthly fees are not cheap.  When you pass away, your family gets 80 percent of the lease money back.  I don't think I would be willing to live there and spend that much money.  But, I can appreciate all their amenities.


Then, I stopped at their little coffee shop and picked up a latte, and headed to the 99 cent store, and briefly at Wal-Mart.  Came home and read my e-mail for a while, and then I went to the gym.  It was pretty crowded, which was interesting since it was lunchtime.  I think many of the people were our returning winter visitors.


I came home to make the pecan pies which just came out of the oven.  They smell good.  I had lunch, and it is about time to pick up DH.  I always feel I should be able to do more when he isn't here, but things just take longer than I expect.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.






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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

I hope it's a good move for Adam, Barbara. He certainly needs a break.

One year when Eileen was still married they brought the turkey. My ex bil is a chemist with the state police and very big on making sure food is not set out to thaw. My sister roasted the turkey for the alotted time only to find the inner portion was still raw. Never owned up to it but was madly slicing and throwing out portions.

I would have been upset too, Barbara, over what the woman said at choir. As grandpa would say though- consider the source.

What a shame about the salad, Linda. A sandwich would probably be a good idea. I find things take longer to accomplish than I think they will.

I vacuumed upstairs last night and of course all the cats scattered. Vocally the kittens are very quiet. After I stopped vacuuming I fed the cats and heard loud mews. Mama cat came running. One of the kittens had dashed behind the steamer trunk and after things quieted down found himself stuck. After I freed him he ran straight to mama.

R's surgeon said no falling, ladders, or getting on the roof. Waiting to hear when the test on his right arm will be done as they don't know the cause of his hand going numb. As of this evening he can't operate the tv remote right handed. How he thinks he can hunt is beyond me.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope you and your family are having a fun day, Barbara.  I'm sure it is very nice to have Syd around for the holiday.  Somehow, grandkids seems to make things more fun.


Sorry about R's hand, Claudia.  Hope they find the cause and can help him.  Can't imagine him hunting with his hand like that, but.....  I do hope this is a good move for Adam, and enjoy your meal out today.


DH and I seem to be having more issues with our colds today -- but, I'm fighting back.  I ended up making a pumpkin pie for us yesterday evening, so my pie making can come to a halt for a while.  DH's DD called last night, and we talked about the kittens they are fostering -- brother and sister.  She finally posted their picture on FB -- very cute.  They already have two adult cats, so they are not planning to adopt more, but they are certainly cute kittens.  Yours certainly keep you busy, Claudia.  


Cloudy and not too warm today, but I haven't been outside yet.  Hope to talk to DD and DH's DD this morning or perhaps right after lunch.  It is DH's younger DGD's birthday today (age 9).  


Again, Happy Thanksgiving!  I am very thankful for your friendship and care!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of November 22

Happy Thanksgiving!


I hope your colds soon go away, Linda. Sometimes you start feeling better and then it hits again.


R is busy getting his gear together to go to hunting camp tomorrow. Now that the hip is healing I told him when he gets back and unpacks all his gear should be put in one place so he doesn't have to madly search for it.


I am hoping to organize while R is at hunting camp. I just need the energy.


Back in February. Linda, we had 2 cats and no plans to take on more. Then I ended up with my sister's neighbor's declawed cat and thought no more. Now here I am with mama cat, 4 kittens soon to be 5, and big brother cat. Kittens are so cute though and I bet DH's daughters are no exception.


Happy Birthday to DH's gd.


Barbara, hopefully your turkey is thawed and dinner is getting organized. I'm sure Sydnie is having a great time.