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Good Morning/Afternoon!  I don't have any agenda today, and I have been taking it slow.  At least I got my walk in this morning.  


I forgot to ask why you decided to go to Iceland, Claudia?  When DH and his late wife visited there, it was sort of an accident.  They had flown Icelandic Air to Europe, and I guess they had overbooked or had weather problems which resulted in an offer for several days in Iceland at no cost on the way home.  DH is frugal from the get-go, and he was delighted with the offer.  I know that there are some beautiful places there, but I have not decided it is a place I want to visit for whatever reason.


Hope you are doing well today, and your furbabies and R are doing the same.  DH was still having trouble walking yesterday afternoon, but we did make a couple trips around the building and outside.  It was a nice day for sure, and today is supposed to be nice as well.  


Youngest DGS found that he needs boots for field trips for his class (Civil War history in the Shenandoah's).  Fortunately, he found an inexpensive pair on Amazon which DD ordered for him.  He still has not received one of the books for the class -- on backorder, and it may not arrive until the class is over.  Not good.


I was thinking of you when I was looking at the OLLI spring class schedule, Barbara.  One of the classes is "Singing Better As You Age".  I am sure you would not need it since your voice is obviously very good, but I have heard that voices can be negatively affected by age.  I think you would probably be very interested in a number of the classes being offered.  It is a shame you don't have a nearby OLLI or something similar.  The man I was sitting with at the booth on Monday is leading a couple of January classes on GMO's which are really interesting to me (due to my working days), but the classes conflict with the time the hospice nurse visits DH.  I may see if he could share some of the information with me.


Sorry to be so off the topic of shopping, etc.  Just shows I should get myself in gear to do something more practical.


Hope both of you have a nice day!





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I had a very nice massage this I am in the middle of steaming the floors and decided to take a break. I have a voice lesson this afternoon.


Linda, one of my voice teachers ...I was in my 40s at the time was also a voice therapist and she taught me many techniques for me to keep it in shape.. And because I sing regularly It is still decent. Interestingly enough, I am going to a seminar at our church on Saturday on the aging voice.,I have been asked to be one of the singers for demonstration..yikes.  There are Olli classes here, but they are in Scottsdale which is a bit of a drive from where I live. I know I would love them


Claudia..think I told you we really liked Iceland. It is quite beautiful . 


Poor m is having a lot of responsibility placed on her.,they have a huge backlog and some bigwigs from the main office are flying. Since she is the most knowledgable on her team, she will be meeting with them..I told her to ask for a new job title and a raise.


i did order a top from jjill that I had been eyeing..35 % off and free shipping.


Back to the floors...enjoy.  Hope dh can walk better today

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Linda, I got a travel offer from Icelandair and Gate 1. Winter is their slow season. They offered a bit over $600 per person for round trip air and 3 nights hotel. The more I thought of it the more I was tempted especially with a northern lights tour thrown in. We also opted for the Golden Circle tour and a trip to the Blue Lagoon. Then I read Reykjavik's main sidewalks are thermally heated. It's a bit out of my comfort zone but...


I had looked at Scandinavian tours but they were too pricey right now with saving for remodeling. At least I'm saving or trying.


Today's VA trip resulted in a referral for an mri unfortunately it's through the same group that took 4 months to schedule an emg last year and still hasn't scheduled pt for R's back that was requested over a month ago.


Barbara, I wish a different job would turn up for M. That's a lot of responsibility. 35% off and free shipping is good. I needed to order R New suspenders one pair of which work under a shirt and has no metal so it's good for going through security. The company, called Holdups now is available through Am axon so I got free shipping.


Linda, I hope DH had a good day today.

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Good afternoon..I just got back from a took a while to get it done because I did not have an appointment. Now I am home and plan on doing I had terrible cards at bridge this morning. But I did win the nickels for low score..😜


Claudia..v has those suspenders for travel. Good to know they are at Amazon. Sounds like a very good deal on your trip...your tours will be interesting. I liked the Blue Lagoon. With the heated sidewalks there should be no ice.


Linda hope dh is having a good is pretty here.


Our new dryer made horrible noises this morning.  I am annoyed since it is only a month old. Repair man is coming on Monday. ,I have the darks hanging all over.


enjoy the rest of your day.

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Oh my goodness. Hope the dryer is an easy fix. It might be the drum. I was told when I set the dial on ours to turn the dial counter clockwise.


No ice is what I'm hoping for, Barbara.


Today was a VA trip. Overnight we had torrential rain and on our way there were several areas where the water was coming across the road. Driving home we saw several roads closed and one area the police limited travel to one lane only. That happened to be at the diner we planned to stop at. It's at a halfway point. We quickly changed our minds when we saw the flooded parking lot. There were many areas where the water was almost up to the road. I spotted someone's rv totally surrounded by water.


Linda, I hope your weather is good and DH is well. Tomorrow our temperatures will be nearly 30 degrees colder. The ground out back is saturated.

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What a good deal you got on the trip, Claudia.  I never heard of heated sidewalks, but it sounds very good.  Neither DH or my ex ever wore suspenders, so I never thought about the metal issue.  Glad you were able to get some from Amazon.  Your weather doesn't sound good at all.  Hope you don't have any problems tomorrow or over the weekend.  DD was out shopping today just in case the ice storm comes.


Really hope there is no serious problem with your new dryer, Barbara.  Glad you were able to play cards and get your pedicure.  I imagine they are using you as a positive example of the "aging" voice.


DH was good yesterday and pretty good today.  He seemed to have some trouble walking when I visited him late in the day, but he did fine in the morning and when I went to the concert with him.  I think he enjoyed the concert -- supposed to be "rodeo" music, but more like country/western with a few hymns thrown in.  I thought I would have some free time after the concert before going back to feed DH dinner, but the hospice nurse came early.  She said his "vitals" are fine.  She talked with the caregiver quite a bit about placement of the chair alarm, etc.  DH has been getting up on his own and walking around a bit, which could be hazardous.


Didn't accomplish much other than taking my walk and going to the gym.  The gym was very crowded, but I eventually was able to use the treadmill.  No chance for the elliptical machine.


I have my class about Islam tomorrow morning, and I plan to go to the hairdresser if she has the purple dye for highlights.  It is crazy, but I have decided to get some purple or pink highlights in honor of a new decade (of course that was in December, but she did not have the dye then.)


DD said DGS' new girlfriend seemed nice.  Today is her birthday (22, I think), and he was taking her out to dinner.  


Hope both of you sleep well.





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Good morning...I am very achy today...I did make it to the grocery store for weekend meals. I have 4 rows to go on my shawl..about 2400 stitches...I would like to finish it this weekend. I plan on relaxing today.


Claudia..hope r gets his tests scheduled. We have some heated sidewalks in eliminates a lot of ice issues.


Pepper scored a piece if pizza last night.  Lol


Linda...I have toyed with a couple of purple highlights but my stylist just rolls her eyes. If you get it done post a pic on FB. Hope the chair alarm works for dh. He must be falling when he gets up on hop is own.  Hope you enjoy your class. 


Both th of my brothers and wives will be here for a week at the beginning of February. It will be fun.


enjoy your day

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Sorry you are achy today, Barbara.  Good idea to take it easy.  Did Pepper like the pizza?  I remember my little dog loving fried fish and bacon.  But, I don't think he ever had pizza.


DH did fall a couple of times when he popped up on his own.  However, the last two times he didn't fall.  He did pretty well today, and my class was good.


The hairdresser forgot to bring in the purple dye, so she is supposed to do it tomorrow.  She has purple highlights herself, so no problem there.


It was a bit chilly here this morning, so I'm going to take my walk now.


Hope your day is going okay, Claudia, and you have no ice problems.


Have a good evening!





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No ice problem today, Linda. The forecast was off by about 10 degrees. There were lots of flooded areas around the county and storm drains that needed unclogged. R said someone on FB posted they had finished building a house and now it was flooded.


Hope the purple dye is remembered tomorrow.


R finally has the problem scheduled for his back. Today his legs were bothering him.


Sorry your achy, Barbara. Is the weather changing. Sometimes that can cause machines or is it ra?


Pepper is quite a character.

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Good morning..I attended a good workshop on the aging voice this morning. It affirmed that I do the correct things when I practice. V and I made a trip to Home Depot for a new showehead for the guest bathroom. And went out to lunch.,I do not have to make anything for dinner.


there  is an open house here but I have not seen very many people. 


It it is rainy and I continue to be achy. Arghhhh


Linda, wonder if you got your purple hair.???


Claudia..because I am overdue for my infusion, my days are not going to be easy until I get home.


Hope you are both having a good day.