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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Good Afternoon!  You have some difficult choices on the flights, Claudia.  I do hope R doesn't change his mind and want to drive.  Cute story about Tippy.  DD said they are expecting snow on Friday, which does not please her at all.  I hope neither of you have the very cold weather being predicted.  It is warm but cloudy here.  


Amazingly enough, I feel so much better today that I was able to go to the gym -- no sneezing or runny nose the entire time I was there.  Yesterday was such a different story -- I was miserable to say the least.


Hope you are feeling a bit better, Barbara -- not so stiff and no more crashing.  


I did get a call back from the patient's caregiver, and I'll be visiting on Saturday -- I think that I'll be doing some shopping for them, but maybe spend some time with the patient as well.  I think she would be a great candidate for adult day services, and I may try to talk to her caregiver about it if I have time.


After much ado, I ordered the Linea scarf in blue.  I totally love the print, and I finally figured out the connection/resemblance to Hermes scarves that I have loved for years.  I am still pondering the top, and I love some of the new jewelry as well.  Louis certainly makes some tempting things. 


My SIL has his Cystoscopy procedure tomorrow, and he is freaking out a bit.  So, DD thinks she will have her hands full taking care of him.  I know men can be pretty difficult patients at times.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Good afternoon..No time to post until now..massage , schooltime with Syd and lunch with a friend. 


It is a lovely day today..perfect temp out...Pepper had fun at the dog park.


i am working on trying not to walk too am not going to do anymore grout cleaning until Friday..I think that did not help. 


Linda..Glad you are feeling better. I ordered the Linea scarf in pink. The print on the top was too much for me so that was a pass. I am sure your sil will be fine..v has to have one every 3 months..and yes men are babies about them...his utrologists assistant said it is true. 


Clauda..I saw that it will be very cold in much of the country next week. Hope you figure out your flights. 


Sleep well 😍😍

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Linda’hope your volunteer visit is positive,

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

I got sidetracked yesterday evening and never did post. I remembered after I was in bed and couldn't bring myself to get back up.


I managed to do plane reservations in spite of interruptions from Top and R's music blaring. I decided we'd fly out of Buffalo with American after finding a better price.


Linda, I'm sure your sil 's cystoscope will go well. R has had a lot of them over the years. I'm glad you're feeling lots better.


The blue and pink scarves are lovely. I went with mint green.


Barbara, that was a lovely photo of your dgd on FB.  The grout cleaning probably added to your stiffness. I have to limit my time on any hard surface of I'm stiff for a day or two.


R finally agreed that the metal nails and other small metal pieces on his work counter in the cellar should be gathered up and dropped off at a nearby place that accepts scrap metal. I'll need to find a box to scoop it all in to. As of now the counter is unusable because of all the pieces that he'll never use or sort.


Linda, I hope Saturday hospice visit goes well.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Good Morning!  Glad your plane reservations are made, Claudia.  Also happy that R has agreed to get rid of his scrap metal.  My Dad had quite a bit of scrap and very old tools on his workbench in the basement of my parents house.  I chalked that up to him living through the depression and being afraid to throw anything away.  But, DH had all sorts of bits and pieces here, so I guess it is just something people have trouble getting rid of.


Hope you like the scarf you ordered -- funny that we ordered three different colors.  I could have purchased other colors as well, but it seemed like overkill.  I will probably look at scarves on my Italy trip.  They are a great souvenir to bring back since they don't take up much space and can be lovely.  I purchased so many in previous Italy trips (still have some after 18 plus years since my last trip) and my trips to Turkey.  Wish it wasn't so hot here so that I could wear them year-round.  Somehow, wearing a scarf when it is 100 degrees or so is not appealing to me.


That was a very nice picture of your DGD, Barbara.  DH's younger DGD who is 12 (turns 13 in November)  is a serious violin student and has played along side professionals in some sort of program they have in their area. Your DGD must be extremely talented.


Hope you are not as stiff today, and probably a good idea to avoid the grout cleaning for another day.


I felt good all day yesterday, but last night I woke up several times coughing and having knee pain.  This morning, all is well again.  I think my nose was probably stuffed up which caused the coughing.  The knee pain is not uncommon.


Today I have a newcomers lunch, and I may go grocery shopping after we get back (the restaurant is up in Tucson).  I'm counting on a ride, so if none materializes, I will skip the lunch.  Just not willing to drive that far just for lunch.


I haven't called DD yet, but I'm sure my SIL's procedure will go fine.


Hope both of you have a good day!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

The day has of dearest friends from here, who mo Ed back to Canada a few years ago after her mom got ill is here visiting for a few dats. So we have much to catch up on..we will have lunch tomorrow and then they will come here for dinner on Sunday.


Claudia..Glad you made your plane reservations....I agree that standing on herd floors affects me negatively. 


Pepper got her head stuck in a Kleenex box was hilarious.


interesting that we all ordered different scarf colors.


Linda you are feeling better...I always have a lot of pain at night. I have been addin Alleve to my regimen and it seems yo help


choir practice tonight...sleep well 🎶🎶

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Hope choir practice went well, Barbara.  Glad you were able to visit with your friend.  It is nice and warm here, which pleases me.  But, the house is quite chilly.  Oh well.


Also hope things are going well for you and R today, Claudia.


My OLLI class about a "highway" in southern Arizona -- "El Camino del Diablo" was very interesting.  The presenter was a retired Park Service Ranger who had grown up in the Tucson area.  HIs last assignment was in Glacier Park, a place I really want to visit.  Perhaps next year.  Anyway, I enjoyed the class.


Next, I am headed to the gym, and I'm planning to go to the OLLI "Happy Hours" gathering later.  My cold or allergies are bothering me again, but not nearly as bad as on Tuesday.  I took cold medicine last night and slept better.


DD said it was snowing there, and it is supposed to be slippery later on.  Army DGS has Reserves this weekend, and I hope he does not have any trouble with the drive.  My SIL is doing pretty well -- they did not find any issues like kidney stones, but they are adding to the medicine he is taking.  


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Barbara, I can just picture Pepper. When Mama Boots 3 kittens were half grown, I went upstairs only to see Fit Z stuck with his head and front legs through a handle of a paper bag. He was quite pleased to be rescued.


How nice your friend is visiting. Enjoy your time together.


Your OLLI class sounds interesting, Linda. I'm glad your sil is doing well.


The roads were good when I took Tip to the vet for her shots.. This time she got in the extra large carrier. I bet when she goes back in 4 weeks that she'll be too big for it. I got her home and then went to WM for a few things. Back in the car I looked at my checkbooks and found the check to the vet still there. Yikes. I called them and quickly mailed it. Smh.


I picked up fish for dinner. R started complaining his vision was blurry. I was starting to think he might need to be seen at the clinic. Then I noticed he didn't have his glasses on. Problem solved.


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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

Another day where I have not been able to sit until now. V is running a temp and not feeling I banished him to the guest do not need to get sick. 


Sominhad a bunch or errands to do that he was going to help me with....I had a long lunch with my Canadian friend. I canceled our dinner for Sunday because I do not want anyone to get sick.


it was a beautiful day..high was almost 80.pepper enjoyed the dog park.


Linda, your olli classes sound good. Glad your sil survived...hope the weather is not too bad for dd.

Claudia..I could see the kittens caught in a bag.hope Tippyis behaving herself.

it is predicted  to be very cold in Mn next week. Glad we are here.


sleep well.🌻🌻

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of February 24

I hope V is feeling somewhat better, Barbara. Sorry you had to cancel Sunday's dinner.


It appears we'll be on the fringe of Sunday's storm. That suits me just fine. March is my month to "just get through it". '06 in the first week of March, mother had a heart attack and was rushed to Erie. R and I headed up there and were stuck in the blizzard. Meanwhile Adam was in Pgh with his recruiter and signed up for combat engineer - not my preferred choice.  Once back home R was diagnosed with bladder cancer and found the prostate cancer reocurred. Then to top it all off Adam dislocated his shoulder. I've always referred to it as "that was the week that was".


Tip has had her moments today. she managed to chew the edge of my Kindle cover and then an accident in the dining room. While I was trying to clean up R tried to be helpful and called her. She walked right through it. Then R is shouting "no, no, get down". I started laughing. It was that or cry. Griff came over to see what was going on. New rule, when cleaning up, the dogs go out or to their crates.


Linda, I hope your cold or allergies are better. Hope DD's weather will not be too bad.