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I did not have time to post yesterday. The retreat was wonderful and very spiritually uplifting. I am looking for ways to get more involved in thi church here.


i have been home from the Sunday morning singing. The Renaissance festival is a few miles east of church and there is only one main highway so traffic will be a little cray for the next few weeks.


Nothing on the agenda today. I need some new bath stuff bit will do that next week. Jjill had a nice sale, so the jacket I had been wanting was at a good price. It is on its way.


Linda, how nice for your dil to visit. It sounds like you are having a nice time.


Claudia, hope both you and r are on the mend. Feel better.


have a god day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

I'm glad you enjoyed the retreat, Barbara. Mother always enjoyed the ones she went to at Olmstead Manor. Glad you got the jacket at a good price.


We're still laying low here. The worst is the cough. It's cold and drizzly today. I plan to eat supper and go to bed.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

Glad to hear the retreat was so good, Barbara.  When I heard the ad for the Renaissance Festival, I thought of you.  It has been busy in the Tucson area due to the annual gem show, and in a week or two, it will be busy again for the rodeo.   And, it is prime "winter visitor" time as well.  So, the roads and parking lots are crowded.  Can't say that I blame people for not wanting to be here in the summer heat, and it is good to see them when they are here.  But, I could do with a little less crowding.


Good for you getting that jacket at a reduced cost.


Sorry you and R are still not feeling well, Claudia.  Hope that resting and taking it easy will help.


When DH's DD and I went to visit DH this morning, he wasn't in great shape -- the caregiver said he could not get out of bed.  So, they used the board he got from hospice, and he was in the wheelchair.  His DD fed him his cereal -- not too easy, but she wanted to do so.  He had already had eggs, etc.


I got her to the airport about an hour before her flight was to take off, and just as we drove up she found that there was a 30 minute delay.  Oh well.....  


We had a good visit, and she told me how much she appreciates how I care for her Dad.  That makes me feel good.


When I went back at lunchtime, DH was still in the wheelchair and could not walk.  But, he was able to stand up to be changed.  When I went back at dinnertime, he finally was able to stand and walk a little.  I'm really trying to have him walk because I'm afraid his muscles will deteriorate if he sits all the time.  His DD agrees.


I have not done my financial review or ironing yet, so I better get to it.


Hope both of you sleep well, and you feel better, Claudia,





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

It is pretty here. We had a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night. The thunder was so loud that it sounded as if something had blown up. 


I have been been busy cleaning. Bought a Bonanza mop for the tile and ot is much easier and gets the floor cleaner than the steamer. I had to run Ann errand and am going to go to kohls for a couple of pairs of pjs in a bit.


The recruiter called m this morning and she is going to be offered a of 2. They have to figure out salary etc. I hope this is true.....otherwise she is going to be devastated. She talked to a friend who works for the same company and she is sure m has a job.


Linda..glad dil had a good visit with you and dh.,I understand why you want to keep him moving. It is good that they have found a way to transfer him. 


Claudia, hope you are getting better. That sounds like a nasty biug.


have a great day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

Great news for M, Barbara. I've been thinking positive thoughts for her.


Linda, I'm glad DH's daughter's visit went well. I'm glad she expressed her appreciation of all that you do.


We are slowly recovering here. Last night I went to bed at 7. My voice is slowly coming back. We both still have the cough. Just like kids the dogs have not been cooperating while we're sick. Barking and wrestling instead of behaving.


I haven't felt well enough to gather my thoughts on Iceland yet. Eventually I'll get to it. Heard my college roommate had another setback- a Tia followed by seizures. She's still with her younger sister at the family home.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

I'm leaving for a bookclub meeting in a couple of minutes -- being picked up by one of my friends.


Anxious to hear about M's job, Barbara.  I don't know what type of mop that is -- guess I'll Goggle it.  


Sorry it is taking a while to recover, Claudia, and the dogs are misbehaving.


DH was not in great shape at lunchtime -- I tried having him walk, and I was very lucky he did not fall.  The caregiver said they had a lot of trouble getting him out of bed, etc.  At least he seemed happy enough.


Hope both of you have a nice evening.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

Happy Valentines Day.💜💜💜. I bought v some cream and pink roses. They are so pretty.


we played cards this morning and I am off to sing in a little bit.we are eating in tonight. 


M has an interview for a different job ay the same company. It looks as if she may have more than one offer . Fingers crossed that this all works out ...she is very stressed


Yesterday was not a good day but I feel much better today.


Linda, hope your book club was ok. I do not like the book ours is reading either.everyone has such different tastes in books. Hope dh is better today. It sounds as if the disease is taking a toll on his mobility.


Claudia..hope you are feeling better. What a bummer to come home from a trip and be sick.



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

LInda, sorry your DH mobility issues are continuing. It's a blessing his disposition has not changed.


I would not be happy with a book club. I prefer to pick my own books. That's just me though.


The snow has melted and I was able to clean up the yard. My ears still bother me and we're both coughing. R said he would have picked up a rose except for being sick. I told him I would rather he follow me early Thursday to an estate sale 2 blocks away. That way I could park the suv right there, sign up for my number to get in, then go home till it was time for numbers to be handed out. There is some oak furniture I'm interested in.


It sounds exciting but stressful for M. Fingers crossed.


We didn't walk up to Geysir as it was very windy and wet the day we went. R did go to the waterfall but I didn't. The wind in the parking lot was so strong I was almost knocked off my feet a number of times. We saw Thingvellir (sp). Beautiful spot despite the weather. Part of the Game of Thrones was filmed in the area. I've read the books but haven't seen the movie.


We drove around for quite a while chasing the northern lights. Finally managed to find some though they were muted. R got some photos. I stayed on the bus as outside it was sheer ice and saw them out the window. I would have preferred the vivid colors but it was the luck of the draw. At least we saw them.


We went to the Northern Lights Museum which was interesting. The Blue Lagoon was great and yes I got in the water. Initially I chickened out but was persuaded. I didn't go far as without a cane my balance is great since one leg is shorter now. I bought several of their products.


We had dinner twice at a place called Matwerks on the main street of Reykjavik. Excellent food. Sunday we had to search for a place that was open. We ended up getting chicken meat on a bun with mango chutney. That was very good.


Like many European hotels there were no wash cloths in the bathroom. Hotel rooms were small but more than adequate. Two twin beds together and a down comforter folded lengthwise on top of each. The last night R dropped his insulin bottle in the bathroom and cracked it. We taped it but of course he couldn't draw insulin out of it. At least it wasn't the first night.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

It is pretty wild about M and the possible jobs, Barbara.  Hope she finds one that is both fulfilling and well-paid.  Glad you were feeling better today.  I really love roses.  Much to my surprise, DH's DD sent a Valentine's Day bouquet to me -- she signed it for herself and her Dad, which was very nice.  


Sounds like a very interesting trip, Claudia.  The Blue Lagoon looks nice.  Twice when we went on our Turkish tours, they took us to a place where there were hot springs and spas, and we enjoyed them as well.  Didn't think we would do so, but it was very nice gong into the pool.  Sorry there were some icy places and the Northern Lights were not as vivid as you hoped.  Good thing that the insulin bottle broke at the end of the trip rather than the beginning, but of course, it would have been better if it did not drop at all.  Hope you find something good at the estate sale, assuming that you make it.


My day was very busy.  The party at the senior lunch program was good -- they brought in a musician who was great.  And, they had nice decorations and treats.  I didn't have much time before I needed to leave to go to the party at DH's place.  That party was very good as well.  They had a group of older tap-dancing ladies who did a great job.  Very nice costumes, etc.  I think they give away most of their earnings to various charities, including the Alzheimer's Association.  They served some treats, including lots of good fruit which DH and I split.  I'm a big fan of raspberries, and he really liked the watermelon, etc.  They said DH got up on his own after lunch, but he was back in the wheelchair when I visited.  He was in good spirits.  After the party and a short visit, I went to the gym, and came back to feed him dinner.  After that, I needed to pick up milk, etc. at the grocery store.  I was starting to make dinner when DH's old friend (widower) called, and we had a nice chat.  Of course, that pushed dinner later.  


The bookclub was pretty good yesterday, despite my not really liking the book.  Our book for next month is "A Man Called Ove" -- I saw the movie (DVD), and loved it.  So, I have high hopes for the book.  But, I certainly agree that finding a book everyone enjoys is very difficult.


Hope to have a much more relaxed day tomorrow, and I should be able to post much earlier.


Sleep well and Happy Valentine's Day.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

I have a busy afternoon..playing duets with my friend and then a voice lesson. I am meeting v for was pointless for us to drive back home separately since we are both close to where we want to eat.


m did not get the contracting job...if they had time to train, she would have gotten it.but she has an offer coming this week for another position. A recruiter that she had talked to last week, called her asking her to stall on the offer because he wants her for another position which pays more. She has to be interviewed first and he is going to push that through. So she is still up in the air.


Linda, your flowers were lovely.,I have 3 bouquets here from a and v.,I love flowers so that is fine. Glad you enjoyed the celebrations yesterday. Enjoy your day off today. I think you will enjoy the book for your book club.


Claudia. Your trip sounded lovely. I always bring washcloths when we go toes rope.  I love the blue really soothed my body and I also brought back goodies from there. Hope you get to your sale tomortow. V has dropped his insulin also while we are traveling.


i need to run..hope your day is going well.