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Sunny and warm here today.  I think there is a chance of storms both this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, but the big storms are predicted for Saturday.  I think there is a hurricane or something in Mexico headed our way.  


Having R's medicine in his checked bag would be a very bad idea, Claudia.  Glad you put that idea out of his head.  I guess I should get our bags out of storage and start thinking about what to pack for our trip to Maryland in about three weeks.  When is your trip?  


I used to have a sunporch (very nice) in Maryland (when I was with my ex), and I remember how it would get some green (moldy) spots.  I used to spray most of it from the side, but my ex sometimes actually got on the roof.  Not too safe, I'm afraid. Glad you were able to hold on to R with no problems.


Hope you enjoyed knitting today, Barbara.  Also hope your shoulder is okay for your trip to Hawaii.  Glad you have a fund trip planned.


The leader of the strong bones workshop was sick today, so I lead the "class" which only included one other lady.  We did okay -- she is a nice lady, and I learned more about her.  Apparently, she is quite a dancer (folk dancing, etc.)  She had been away in San Diego, so this was her first time in our little class.  Fortunately, she is good at the exercises.


On the way out of class, I ran into a lady who had been in Curves, and we were commiserating about the closure.  I invited her to our little class, but I'm not sure she will come.


I ended up swimming yesterday afternoon, and it was nice (if a bit too sunny).  A few of my pool buddies were there, which was good.  I may try to go to the pool again this afternoon.


Regarding DD not working -- I worked most of the time when she was growing up -- at first I was in college/graduate school and was a part-time graduate assistant, then my "ex" and I tried to have our own company (disaster), and eventually (when she was almost eight, I got a full-time job with the government.)  I didn't feel like I had much of a choice since my ex had lost his job, and he was in such a competitive/difficult field (TV production) that I felt financially insecure.  He had times when he made a lot of money, then no money, etc.  That is why a government job, which included health insurance and other benefits, was so appealing to me.  Anyway, I think DD resented my working, and that is part of the reason  she refuses to work.  There is only so much that I can do to influence her, and I have pretty much given up. 


High school DGS was supposed to go on a college football camp/combine this weekend, but with all the money mess they had, they decided to cancel.  I had already given them quite a bit of money this month, so I didn't volunteer to pay.  I sort of feel bad about it, but on the other hand, I wasn't all that thrilled about this particular college, and I think that this is a "luxury" sort of thing they can do without.  At least that is what I'm telling myself.  LOL


Hope both of you have a nice afternoon and sleep well.






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Knitting was fun...I will finish the dog shortly. Ran to the grocery store to get food for the weekend...I am making homemade mac and cheese for dinner. Sydnie loves it.

Claudia...glad you told r not to pack meds in his checked bag. Everything of value is always with me.

Linda...wonder how the caregivers meeting went. I worked from the time m and v were 1 part time and the got a full time position when amie went to kindergarten. You do a lot for your dd.
I need to check with the dmv..we are one of 6 states that does not have the proper license to fly with after jan 1. As was also one but I believed they passed legislation so people could get the right license. If you do not have it, you have to use a passport.

I need to get syd downstairs to practice some dance steps.

Sleep well.
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Hopefully PA is not one of the 6 states, Barbara. I had better take the passports just in case. Ours are renewed every 4 years. R is due this year and I'm due in 2 years.


Mac and cheese sounds good.


Linda, I think Whit may have some of the same feelings your DD has. It is only this past year when subbing that she decided she wanted to go to college and teach. Prior to that she was reluctant to job hunt. Given the pay and benefits I really had no choice. Over the years though a number of benefits were cut.


How did the caregivers meeting go?


You do so much for DD and your gc. I think not offering to pay for the weekend camp was a good choice.


Terrible news from Chattanooga.


The deadbolt arrived for the back door and after much ado has been installed. My favorite raspberry custard mini pies will be here tomorrow morning. Later I will probably drive Adam to the VA for x-rays. That way he can take his muscle relaxer.


The San Diego trip is just over a month away.


My sister has a D&C Monday.

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The caregivers meeting was great.  Everyone but one of the ladies had a husband in the adult day care (services), and most of them had dementia.  The one lady had a Mom in there.   It is always so good to hear others going through what you are going through, and how they are coping.


Most of them only have their husbands go to the adult day services a few times a week (two or three on average), and I think most said that their husbands were not happy at first, but grew to enjoy it.  I have been thinking of sending DH there once a week or so -- not free, but less expensive than having someone come in to the house.  Once a month they have a lunch for caregivers and their husbands/wives, etc., and I may go next month or the month after next.  According to the ladies, their husbands enjoy going, seeing other residents, etc., etc.  They have music therapy, and other things to keep their interest.  Today, people came in with therapy dogs.  


Anyway, I was pretty impressed with the group.  They meet twice a month, but I can't make the first meeting in August since we will be in Maryland.


Arizona is another one of those States, Barbara.  And, I think there was resistance to even offering those new types of licenses.  I think they finally decided that they will offer them, but it may not be in time for the new restrictions.  Jean on the other thread talked about getting her special license at least a year ago.  


I would love homemade mac and cheese, but for some reason I'm not very good at making it.  That is strange since I'm good with other types of pasta.  I probably skimp on the milk or something.


Glad that Whit changed her mind about working, Claudia.  Also glad you are getting your pies tomorrow and the lock is in.  Good luck with Adam tomorrow.  Hope your sisters D&C goes well.  


It is terrible news about what happened in Chattanooga. 


Since it was getting dark, and I was afraid of a storm, DH and I went to the gym instead of going to the pool.  I'm busy patting myself on the back for doing my regular workout.  LOL


Now to make dinner.

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I finally figured out that I need to wait until the page is loaded to get the screen to quit jumping. We are heading to 90 with high humidity so I am taking syd to a pool this afternoon. I want to get there early enough to find some shade.

Linda, the Mac and cheese was good. I make a basic white sauce and add a lot of cheese to it and salt and pepper when the sauce is thick, I ass the cooked macaroni and bake it for 45 minutes, topped with shredded cheese and breadcrumbs. I probably use 2 and 1/2 to 3 cups of milk for a box of macaroni.

I am so glad that you enjoyed your caregivers meeting. Having dh go a couple of times a week could be good for both of you. Glad you got your workout in.
I knew az was one of the states with the license issue.

That was a terrible tragedy in Tennessee. My car driver is from Iran and he gets so upset when these things happen.

Claudia, the new license rules do not go in effect until January. 1.

Hope your day is going well.

I will check back later.
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[ Edited ]

Hope you and Syd enjoy the pool, Barbara. Maybe I'll try that mac and cheese recipe sometime.  Unfortunately, DH isn't a pasta fan, and I love it so much.  


It is very cloudy here, and we are supposed to be headed into a pretty stormy weekend.  I was so nervous that I decided to walk in place (in the house) rather than go for our walk this morning.  But, after 15 minutes or so, I decided we could chance it.  No problem at all.  I don't mind light rain too much, but it isn't good to be out in pouring rain, lightening, and thunder.  I am hoping to go to COSTCO this morning,  but I will keep my eye on the weather.  The roads can be treacherous in the "monsoons".  


I had thought the adult day care would be good, and the meeting yesterday really encouraged me.  But, I will wait at least until we get back from Maryland before I do much about it.  I did mention it to DH's DD, and she didn't say much.  But, I was a bit vague, and she was a bit distracted. She starts her vacation soon -- maybe tomorrow, and she was having difficultly in finding a reasonably priced hotel in Monterrey, etc.  She has decided that they can take shorter trips this summer, but things are not settled yet.  


Other than going to COSTCO and/or the grocery store, nothing planned for today.  


Hope you got your pies and Adam is doing okay, Claudia.  The husband of one of the ladies in the support group has a traumatic brain injury, and they are both veterans.  He is only in his late 50's, and sinking fast.  She is having such a difficult time dealing with the situation.  Others in the group have husbands who are veterans, but they are having trouble getting help from the VA since things are "frozen" -- not sure what that means, but one said that her husband, who had been in the Navy for 20 plus years, couldn't get help at this time.  Another said that her husband was supposed to have help with showering, etc. from the VA, but they were unreliable at best.  She ended up getting help for him through a hospice organization.   Sounds complicated.


Hope both of you have a nice day!






ETA -- I forgot to mention -- my lawyer sent a form to me yesterday, and I called for an update.  The other driver's insurance company needed the form from me (Medicare), but they cannot settle since they cannot find him -- they have tried at least two addresses and phone numbers, but they are still looking.  Since his passengers have filed insurance claims the insurance company needs to do "due diligence") to find them before giving any money to me.  He had very little insurance to start with, which doesn't help.  I really don't understand why he is hiding from the insurance company, but.... 

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I misread, Barbara and thought this January. I find mac and cheese a comfort food. We are due for rain this afternoon. Leaving soon for the VA. Is Sydnie's dog finished?


Linda, sometimes when something isn't service connected the VA has an income scale. That may be what's frozen. If it's service connected they should talk with the local VA rep, the DAV, or the American Legion. At first R was the longest pending claim in the state. That was quickly resolved when he got his congressman involved. Sometimes you get tired of fighting for the benefits you're entitled to.


I hope to check back later.

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Back home again. R napped a good portion of the time we were gone. Ate supper and has gone to bed.


Adam pretty much decided to skip the amusement park excursion sponsored by his employer. I think it's a good decision. All he would need is to get on the wrong ride.


Linda, what a shame you still have paperwork from the accident. I think the adult daycare is a good choice. DH might not like it at first but given time may enjoy it. It would give you some "me" time.



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I developed a really bad flare after the pool...have no idea what caused it , but I rarely do. Any way ended up in bed after dinner...feel better today. Syd has a friend here for the weekend. We had bad storms last night with lots of lightning and nig Thunder boomers. They yelled each time one sounded. It was pretty funny.

She just got a gerbil so guess who is putting the cage together???? V is very mechanical thank goodness?
Claudia, I do not remember your state being one of the ones with the license issue. looks as if the other driver is questionable., which is too bad but not surprising. Thank goodness you have a lawyer.

I really made a big mistake while knitting syds dog so will have to wait until class on Thursday. Yikes.

I will be back
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Oh Barbara, I'm sorry about the flare up. I'm glad you feel better today. Funny about the girls yelling when it thundered/lightning.

It's hot and muggy here. Possible rain later. R was up in the early hours but has gone back to bed. I'm going out to do a few errands then will maybe mow if the rain holds off.

I'm sure Syd will enjoy the gerbil. You- not so much.