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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

I don't know what their pay rate is but I doubt it's six figures. 

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@Mominohio wrote:

@depglass wrote:

Want him to ring the bell?  Don't want him to ring the bell?  Put up a sign until you get them "trained." Make it big enough to see.  My guy always knocks, and I know what time of day he will be here.  We have no risk of theft, but I know a lot of people do. 


Kind of rude to 'train' an adult. Simply make contact with the driver or the local hub and request where you would like your packages placed, or to ring, knock, or not. A nice note would work too, but I wouldn't see myself as 'training' the person. That is for dogs.

So true! We have a dropoff & pickup daily at work. I asked them to skip the receptionist & see me for a signature. They do. I've also called the hub to say we have a special pickup or let them know we are closed for a snowstorm.


These guys are earning their pay for sure! They hustle and chat is little more than thanks & have a good weekend.


You couldn't pay me enough to drive that truck thru a foot of snow and howling winds to park on a street because a drive isn't plowed.



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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

I have a wonderful UPS man! We were out of town for just a short time and I had a package coming that I knew would arrive while we were gone. Since I had all my blinds shut on our house, he left my package on the back porch instead of the front as he usually does. What an observant and great delivery guy!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@occasionalrain wrote:

I don't know what their pay rate is but I doubt it's six figures. 

Well there you go.  I must be a real b.... to expect someone not making six figures to NOT leave my package in the street.  Even thinking he could  leaving me a note to come to their facility to pick it up must just be over the top demanding.


But then I guess since they are not making six figures, people like me (who are also not making six figures) just deserve what we get.  This class warfare stuff is destroyng the country.


Seriously, a job is just not worth doing according to requirements because it doesn't pay six figures?????

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

I doubt they'll bother to read the note.


Some ring the bell, some don't.

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@Mominohio wrote:

@depglass wrote:

Want him to ring the bell?  Don't want him to ring the bell?  Put up a sign until you get them "trained." Make it big enough to see.  My guy always knocks, and I know what time of day he will be here.  We have no risk of theft, but I know a lot of people do. 


Kind of rude to 'train' an adult. Simply make contact with the driver or the local hub and request where you would like your packages placed, or to ring, knock, or not. A nice note would work too, but I wouldn't see myself as 'training' the person. That is for dogs.

Just a kind note is needed, we don't know who will be on a route to our house at any given day. 

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

We have a driveway alarm and a German Shepherd. We know when the UPS driver comes.

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@feline groovy this is what I have done since shopping online. These links are the safest. Very helpful at times. You can ask for text/e-mail notification and change delivery or pick up if you wish. There is also a USPS site to do that, but personally I have not been satisfied locally with that one. I find it iffy.


We have a great regular UPS driver. He hides the packages behind a porch baluster  and knocks on the door. I have used the UPS web site to send a commendation for his good work. He was even careful before we had security cameras.


I can not say that for the local FedX driver . I was coming out of the door just as he was about to throw a package of some size over the porch railing. Then it was handed to me with a "here is your package, ma'am" Needless to say I try to watch carefully for deliveries when from Fedx .


I see no harm with OP's sign though .

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person



Good to hear you use the online services; it's much easier and more pleasant for both parties.


Also nice of you to give props to your UPS guy.  8)

I love doing that for any kind of service - important to give credit where credit is due.


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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@ncascade wrote:

We have a driveway alarm and a German Shepherd. We know when the UPS driver comes.

@Group 5 minus 1We have a pitt who loves the mommy that held him around her neck until he had to be put down because he grew!  Need I say more?  LOL!!!  We're well known among UPS drivers according to DS!!!!!