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Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

Want him to ring the bell?  Don't want him to ring the bell?  Put up a sign until you get them "trained." Make it big enough to see.  My guy always knocks, and I know what time of day he will be here.  We have no risk of theft, but I know a lot of people do. 

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@depglass wrote:

Want him to ring the bell?  Don't want him to ring the bell?  Put up a sign until you get them "trained." Make it big enough to see.  My guy always knocks, and I know what time of day he will be here.  We have no risk of theft, but I know a lot of people do. 


Kind of rude to 'train' an adult. Simply make contact with the driver or the local hub and request where you would like your packages placed, or to ring, knock, or not. A nice note would work too, but I wouldn't see myself as 'training' the person. That is for dogs.

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

@depglass wrote:

Want him to ring the bell?  Don't want him to ring the bell?  Put up a sign until you get them "trained." Make it big enough to see.  My guy always knocks, and I know what time of day he will be here.  We have no risk of theft, but I know a lot of people do. 

No one from UPS has ever rung our bell unless they need a signature. We get different people who deliver anyway. They throw packages around and one time I found one the next day buried under snow.

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

I have no idea what time UPS delivers.  They do it sometime before I get home from work except at the holidays when we may get a delivery late into the evening.


I don't want a sign on my house about deliveries.  However UPS, Fedex, USPS chooses to deliver is fine by me.  I don't really care if they ring my doorbell or not.  I have a front porch and whoever delivers typically puts the package on our front porch somewhere.


I have noticed recently that UPS isn't coming up on the porch anymore and setting the package by the front door.  They are just setting the package wherever they can reach to put it.  In the past UPS rang the doorbell and walked away. 

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

i would not put up a sign for my mailman or from my ups man. while we DO have regular drivers, we sometimes get substitutes. that would mean i would have to leave it up all the time.

my mailman generally leaves packages inside the garage if it is open or at the front door if it is not......same with my ups man.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

My door bell is kind of finicky, so I have a small (but clear) sign on it instructing folks to please press firmly.  Almost never happens.  The UPS guy barely touches the doorbell.  I have an additional sign to "all deliverers" to please ring the doorbell.  Some do, some don't.  Hard to train them all when you never know which driver will come at any given time.  My UPS guy is the only constant.

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

[ Edited ]

Well if I did that it would say:  Please do not leave package in the street (we have a very long driveway and the mailbox is on the street).  If you cannot deliver it to the door, please leave me a note and I will pick it up.


This would apply to both UPS and USPS.  And yes I have had conversations with management at both - who advise that it is required to leave the package at the door if (USPS only) it will not fit in the mailbox.


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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

Everyone is at risk for theft, it's only a matter of degree.  I would not want UPS to ever do the drop and go thing.  That happened to me once years ago with Avon boxes when I sold Avon.  Christmas orders at that.  Someone came up on my porch and snatched both boxes.  And they were not even visable from the road, someone must have followed the UPS truck.  I'm home days, of course I want UPS and every other deliver person to ring my bell so I can buzz them in.  UPS has a nasty habit of not even trying to deliver, they drop packages at their Access Point and that can be a pain.  I'm so very happy that my QVC packages are being delivered by Usps and FEDEX-Usps now.  I love it! 

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Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

A sign is just RUDE.  Catch him or her and verbally talk to them about your wishes... much nicer.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Put up a tasteful sign for the UPS delivery person

[ Edited ]

There's no need for a sign.


Just go here and set up your delivery preferences for "My UPS"


You can do the same with FedEx here:


BTW,  "your" driver(s) may not always be there due to schedule changes, etc..