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Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

[ Edited ]

Not one of them interested me...

The only item I purchased:


A452140 - Belle mixed media baby waffle top


Great top...I already have in other colors.

I ordered the new 'spiced apple'/small

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

Also passed on all 3. Purchased a clearance item from Barefoot Dreams (pant) -- that's it! Surprised the Gravel tweed shacket doesn't match the pattern on the seams under arms/side seams. Pet peeve of mine but glad I was able to see it and not have to endure return.  

Happy shopping!

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...


I'm almost finished with the closet switch.  I was able to stock up on Fall and Winter clothes at last year's end-of-season sales.


Unless it's something really "special" I don't expect I'll be buying much now.

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

I didn't purchase any of the TSVs either. I haven't bought anything from the Q since April. I just don't see that much I love anymore. 

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

I have a closet full of clothes for all seasons.  I pickled up a few new locally mostly.  I like to try on and see for sure which size or color looks best on me with out returns . I just don't buy as much on the Q any more.  I still pick things up but just not as much as I use to and not necessarily clothing either.  

I like to watch and some and get some ideas from what I already have.




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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

I, personally,  have not seen anything being offered as fall fashion on the Q that interests me at all.  Not one single thing.  The prices are ridiculous for what they are offering.   Saving money.  

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

[ Edited ]

I passed on all 3 TSV's too.  Knowing that this fashion weekend was approaching, I had concerns for my financial well-being (joking, kind of).  I did get a new Lug bag, but it has been a year since the last time I bought a new purse. 

Unlike most of the comments I've read about, I have zero interest in anything I've seen from Jennie Garth.  There are a few Stacy London pieces but since retirement I don't need to dress up and I already have enough in my closet should an occasion arise. And the prices on all new items are more than I want to spend unless the item is screaming my name I would treat myself.  I have 2 of those Belle waffle knit tops A452140. I agree, love them. One bought two years ago, the other bought last year.  Well, I'm certain something will eventually come along that I must have, but it's not this weekend.


Edited: Well.... I lied...not really...more like I changed my mind. I just now ordered the Susan Graver big deal fleece jacket in navy 😀


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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

Nice top @Susan Louise .  I didn't buy anything either.  Since I splurged on the last free shipping day, I'm laying low for awhile.


Waiting for the next free shipping day, unless something comes along that I can't live without.

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Re: Passing on all 3 fashion TSV's this weekend...

Nothing has interested me either. Nothing looks stylish or appealing to me, regardless of pricing.