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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

Pamela has my vote. 

I wear very little makeup these days and as long as DH loves me, it doesn't bother me what others may think.



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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

Why didn't someone fix Demi's strap before the picture?  SMH.

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

I think they all look lovely in their own way.  Demi has few years on the other two I believe and I know she's had work but whatever, to each their own........I am not a makeup person myself so I think Pamela looks great, only thing she needs is to have her brows done (microbladed) as I think she has a beautiful face and that would be the perfect framing, IMO.

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

Geesh some of these comments
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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

I really don't know what Pamela is trying to prove? $ex goddess turned plain Jane. She looks ridiculous and horrible. Stop trying to make women feel guilty for wearing makeup. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

Why the tone used for criticizing a no makeup look?  Her choice.

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

People need to stop making women feel guilty for NOT wearing makeup. It's their choice and if they feel comfortable without, more power to them. 


As far as gowns, I like Demi's the best because I think black looks elegant. However, if one is critiquing the complete style, I would go with Pam. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

[ Edited ]

She is not trying to prove anything or make anyone feel guilty about wearing makeup. That sounds like a whole lot of projection to me.


She is living her own life and making her own choices, something that all women should have the right to do without the harsh judgement and comments from other women. Women are the worst critics of other women, it can be so damaging. Geesh


Live your own life and make your own choices and let other women do the same without the constant rude criticism.

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC


We should all look so good without makeup!  I sure can't criticize Pam for going makeup free.


Like I said, I should look so good. Cat Wink

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Re: Nicole, Pamela, & Demi at the Gotham Awards in NYC

Maybe Pam is doing that to promote her skin care line. I think she could benefit from a little makeup.  I do not like that look.